Chapter 11: I want to be the boss!

"Yes, Chris Cohan has been the owner of the Warriors since he bought the Warriors 11 years ago." Stevens replied.

Zhang Yu breathed a sigh of relief, looked up at the distant horizon, and murmured:

"Brad, the sunset is so beautiful today."

Stevens glanced at him and said strangely:

"Why are you so literary all of a sudden?"

"It's nothing, I just thought of something, something worth thinking about."

"Ronan, you have been acting weird since you became the head coach. Did that accident cause some hidden structural damage to your brain? I suggest you go to the hospital for a check..."

Amidst Stevens' chatter, the two left Hinkle Arena.

On the way, Zhang Yu and Stevens separated and came to the restaurant for dinner.

He randomly ordered a few hamburgers and fried chicken, found an empty seat, sat down, chewed the food mechanically, and kept echoing the words of Stevens in his mind-"Unless the owner of the Warriors is out of his mind, absolutely A young man in his 20s is not going to be the head coach of the team."

It is indeed impossible for Chris Cohan to choose him as the head coach of the Warriors. Joe Lacob, who later bought the Warriors, spent money unambiguously, but he does not look like a boss who dares to break the rules.

Zhang Yu's idea of ​​quickly becoming the head coach of the Warriors seems to have been shattered. He has to wait until ten or even 20 years later before he has the opportunity to enter the NBA.

But an idea, a very bold idea, unstoppably popped up in his mind.

What if... I just bought the Warriors and became my own boss?

The boss has become, is the head coach still far away?

After this seemingly unreal idea came out, it took root in Zhang Yu's heart and continued to grow wildly. The more he thought about it, the more excited he became, and he kept thinking about its feasibility.

For others, the sudden idea that I want to be the owner of an NBA team is obviously crazy, but Zhang Yu is not without opportunities.

Although he is neither the rich second generation nor the rich generation, the most he had was less than 30 US dollars, and the [-] head coach contract he signed has not yet received his first salary.

But he is a time traveler. He used to be an investment analyst, a financial practitioner who was exposed to securities investment every day and knew the financial market well.

We all know that in financial markets, information is everything.

There used to be a high-frequency trading company in the United States that spent 3 million US dollars to penetrate the Appalachian Mountains and lay a special trading optical cable, in order to shorten the information gap between Chicago and New York by one millisecond, and get ahead of everyone else. Take advantage of the price difference between the two places to trade, and you can earn millions of dollars more than others every day.

There is no doubt that Zhang Yu is the person with the greatest information advantage in the entire world.

Between now and 2021, he can be said to know everything about the major events in the financial market.

Zhang Yu quickly broke away from the identity of the basketball head coach, thinking from the perspective of an investment analyst, how to earn a huge amount of wealth that would allow him to buy the Warriors and support the team's operations in the shortest possible time.

"It seems that only the financial crisis is the best opportunity." After careful consideration, Zhang Yu came up with the answer.

When he was in college and graduate school, the subprime mortgage crisis in 2008 was the key topic of his tutor, and he did not know how many times he studied it over and over again.

As long as he is given a principal of 5000 million, no, 2000 million US dollars, he is sure to turn upside down in the 2008 subprime mortgage crisis and rake in hundreds of millions or even billions of dollars!

Zhang Yu raised his sword eyebrows, ruthlessly tore off the meat from the drumstick in his hand, chewed a few bites, and a frightening look flashed in his eyes.

He has begun to recall the detailed process of the subprime mortgage crisis, and figured out how to make a fortune from it.

"It's already June, and we must quickly put the principal into the market, so that we can..."

Zhang Yu kept thinking, but his movements suddenly froze, and only half of the chicken leg left in his hand "slapped" and fell on the table.

He thought of a very important question.

"Where did I get the principal of 2000 million!"

Zhang Yu thought of the most critical issue, he has no money!

Not to mention that the $30 in the head coach's contract is a pre-tax salary, and it has to be paid in installments within a year. Even if he is given $30 immediately, this amount of money is not even eligible to participate in the subprime mortgage crisis.

Even if he uses the advanced information to make short-term transactions, by 2010 it will be several million dollars at most. The rate of return is absolutely astonishing, but even a fraction of the funds to buy the Warriors are not enough.

After filling his stomach hastily, Zhang Yu went back to the apartment, thinking about where he could get the principal, but to no avail. His social connections made it impossible for him to raise tens of millions of dollars in a short period of time.

The idea of making money from the 2008 subprime crisis seemed like a beautiful but illusory dream.

Zhang Yu let out a long sigh, and lay straight on the sofa, staring at the ceiling hopelessly, not wanting to move at all.

The next day, at 8:30 in the morning, Zhang Yu woke up with two dark circles under her eyes, ate some bread and bacon, and headed to Hinkle Arena.

Last night, he tossed and turned, thinking hard, and couldn't figure out a way to raise the principal, but he dragged it off until 2 o'clock in the morning before falling asleep in a daze.

After Zhang Yu arrived at the arena, it was already 8:55, and the training time for the Bulldogs was 9:[-], and the players and coaching staff had already arrived.

He goes into the locker room, puts his stuff down, and Julian Beko and Mike Green are changing jerseys.

"Coach, ha... good morning." Julian Beko yawned a lot and said weakly.

"Coach, look at Julian's state, I bet he will be scolded bloody by Coach Stevens later." McGreen gave him a contemptuous look.

Zhang Yu was also sleepy at this time, and after being infected by Julian Beko, he couldn't help but yawned a lot.

Julian Beko laughed and said:

"See, the coach didn't sleep well yesterday."

"You're right, Julian, but I don't need training, don't you?" Zhang Yu said.

Julian Beko's face collapsed, he got up unsteadily, straightened his jersey, and walked outside the locker room.

When he passed by Zhang Yu, he whispered in Zhang Yu's ear:

"Coach, you also watched the World Cup yesterday, right? The United States drew 1:1 with Italy, thanks to Zacardo, his own goal made me $100!."

"100 USD?"

"Yes, I bet 10 dollars on a 1:1 draw. I didn't expect it to be a draw. There must be something wrong with the referee. Beasley scored a goal in the second half and was disallowed, but I like such a referee..."

Julian Beko was talking very excitedly, but Zhang Yu's attention was no longer on him at all. His mind was full of the sentence "I bet 10:1 with 1 dollars, and I made 100 dollars".

Are there any benefits for those who travel through?

Or is there some supreme god watching him, bringing him a pillow when he wants to sleep?

Gambling is the best way for him to accumulate capital!

Zhang Yu doesn't watch football, and the United States happens to be a football desert. He has been busy with the Bulldogs for more than half a month, and even forgot that the World Cup in Germany will be held this year.

But he doesn't watch football any more. He also remembers the Italian team beating the French team on penalties in the 2006 World Cup final, and Zidane's shocking attack on Materazzi.

This is a famous scene in the history of the World Cup, and he saw it on "World Football".

Julian Beko just bet on the US team to draw 1:1 with Italy, which doubled the stake 10 times. What if he bet on Zidane and was sent off in the final?

"Coach? What's wrong with you?" Julian Beko looked at Zhang Yu puzzled.

The coach froze there after hearing him mention the World Cup, and showed an indescribable smile, which was weird no matter how you looked at it, like a man who had been abstinent for a long time saw the latest issue of Playboy.

Zhang Yu came back to his senses, and patted Julian Beko's shoulder heavily:

"Julian, you are fine, I will ask Brad to increase the amount of training for you!"

"No, coach, I won't stay up late anymore, I must have a good rest and participate in training in the best condition!" Julian Beko wailed and begged for mercy.

"You don't want to be the starter?"

"Of course I still think about it..."

"Then train well. If you satisfy me, you will be the starter in the new season."

"Then what about Mike, although he is very annoying, but I just snatched his position, isn't it good?"

"Why are you talking so much? He's still starting. I have other arrangements for you. Go to training!"

"Okay, coach!"

After sending away Julian Beko, Zhang Yu slowly walked out of the locker room. His already quiet mood revived again, and he began to think about how to raise millions of dollars as the principal for gambling.

After thinking for a long time, he still had no idea, tens of millions of dollars is a huge amount of money, and a million dollars is also a huge amount of money!

If it was in his previous life, he would have known a lot of rich men in the financial world, so he would have a chance to borrow 100 million US dollars by putting together things together without shame.

But the original body is focused on basketball and doesn't know any rich people at all. Who can he borrow money from?

Zhang Yu came to the sidelines, looked at the players who started training, and felt very troubled. Is there no way after all?

His brain was running at high speed, constantly thinking about countermeasures. Although staying up all night gave him some headaches, Zhang Yu was in a strangely excited mood at this time, and he didn't feel tired at all. He was only thinking about how to get 100 million US dollars.


The mobile phone beeped, Zhang Yu took out the mobile phone, and it was a text message from Curry:

"Coach, it's painful to change your shooting position. I've been playing iron for half a month. I once wanted to give up, but I persisted. The single-action shooting is so wonderful. I never thought that my release speed could So fast! Thank you for your suggestion, I will train hard."

Looking at the straight Nokia screen in his hand, Zhang Yu gradually revealed a smile, and whispered to himself:

"Thank you, Stephen, I figured it out!"

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