Chapter 20: Light

We all know that in different social classes in cities, there are different patterns of communication, and this pattern is often determined according to the general income of people in this class..."

In a spacious classroom, the gray-haired old professor is speaking in rhythmic rhythms on the podium, and the students in the audience all look up and listen carefully, but in the last row, there is a student lying on the table and sleeping soundly .

The professor looked around the classroom for a week, saw the sleeping students, and said loudly:

"Stephen, get up and answer this question. What are the criteria for classifying social classes? Stephen?"

A person next to the sleeper gently poked his waist, and he suddenly woke up, wiped the saliva from the corner of his mouth, and looked sleepy:

"Huh? What's wrong?"

"Ha ha ha ha..."

There was a burst of laughter in the classroom, and the professor was a little dumbfounded:

"Stephen, according to what criteria are social classes divided?"

"Well, well, I think it's like this..." The person who was woken up was Curry. He hesitated for a long time, but couldn't answer anything.

"It seems that our big star is too tired from training." The professor joked with a smile.

Everyone laughed again, and the classroom was filled with joyful air.

Curry scratched his head in embarrassment and smiled embarrassingly.

After the team training yesterday, he continued to practice until [-] pm. He didn't leave the arena until he was exhausted. He didn't recover today, so he fell asleep in class and was caught by the teacher.

The professor did not continue to reprimand Curry, but put down the book, took out two tickets from the briefcase, raised it, and said with a smile:

"The day after tomorrow is the first regular season game. I've already bought tickets. If you don't perform well, I'll give you a D grade!"

His words made the students laugh again, and Curry said quickly:

"I will definitely do my best!"

"Stephen, you must defeat those guys from Indian State University!" a boy shouted loudly.

"If you can score 20 points, I can date you~" A blonde beauty gave Curry a charming look.

"We must win..."

The students cheered Curry up in a hurry.

"Okay, be quiet, there is still class, Stephen, you must win!" The professor stopped everyone with a smile, and gave Curry a thumbs up.

Curry's lips moved a few times, but he didn't say anything, he just nodded heavily, his eyes became extremely determined.

"Okay, turn to page 97, changes in social class..." The professor's cadenced voice sounded again.

After class, Curry packed up his things, left the teaching building with his roommate Louis Young, and walked east.

"Stephen, aren't you going to eat?" Louis asked.

He and Curry live in a dormitory, and the two have a good relationship. Curry often has no time to complete his homework due to training, and he relies on the help of Louis to do business.

"It's still early, I'll go to practice again, you go eat first." Curry didn't look back, just waved his hand twice, and replied loudly.

Louis shrugged and could only leave on his own.

He is used to it, and Curry has to go to the arena to practice for an extra hour or two almost every day, very hard, otherwise he would not be so tired that he would fall asleep in class.

You know, although Curry is a basketball student, thanks to Sonya's strict tutoring, he usually studies very seriously.

After bidding farewell to Louis, Curry came to Hinkle Arena, found the key from his schoolbag, and opened the door of the arena.

He borrowed this key from the security guard at Hinkle Arena. In the first few days of school, every time he came to practice, he had to ask the security guard to come to open the door. Later, the security guard saw that he came almost every day, so he simply gave it to him. He has a spare key.

Entering the arena, Curry turned on a headlight and changed his clothes on the sidelines.

Since the day after tomorrow is the first game of the Bulldogs, Zhang Yu specially gave the team two days off. Curry did not practice during the day, and planned to practice until 9 o'clock before going back to the dormitory.


He picked up a basketball from the equipment rack in the corner of the arena, dribbled it twice, and pushed the ball out from his chest. The basketball traveled an exceptionally long distance and hit the net hollow.


Curry growled excitedly, ran over to pick up the ball, and started the boring training.

The headlights hanging high on the dome of the stadium cast bright lights, which not only reflected Curry's lonely figure on the ground, but also projected it on the road outside through the windows of the arena.

"This hamburger is not bad, I can order it tomorrow..." Zhang Yu was commenting on the hamburger in his hand while walking, walking to the office, and suddenly saw the Hinkle Arena faintly shining in the distance.

With a thought in his heart, he walked towards the arena and swallowed the hamburger in his hand in two or three bites.

Zhang Yu walked into the arena, turned two aisle corners, and heard the sound of slapping a basketball in his ears, and then Curry shot into his eyes.

He stopped in the tunnel, his body in the dark, watching a sweaty Curry shoot, pick up, shoot, pick up again and again.

He watched silently for a while, with a smile on the corner of his mouth, without any intention of coming forward to say hello, turned around and strode away.

And Curry didn't notice this, he took the trouble to shoot three-pointers again and again, no matter whether the basketball was hollowed into the net or bounced out of the frame, his eyes didn't change at all, and his movements were as standard as a machine.

Zhang Yu walked out of the Hinkle Arena, opened the Coke in his hand, gulped it down, exhaled a long breath, squeezed the Coke bottle, threw it into a trash can with a shooting posture, and returned to the office .

He turned on the computer with the locked screen, and there was a frozen video of the Indian State Game on the screen. He pressed the space bar and watched it seriously.

Next door to him, Stevens was analyzing the skill characteristics of Indiana State players frame by frame, writing and drawing on paper.

At this time, the sky is only dark blue, and the street lights have not yet been turned on. In this building, only the offices of Zhang Yu and Stevens are lit. Together with the faint light from the Hinkle Arena, they form the east side of the Butler University campus. The only light in this corner.


Two days later, on Friday, November 11th.

Today, the Bulldogs of Butler University played at home against Sycamo of Indiana State University. The whole campus was shrouded in a frenzied atmosphere. Even the mild sunshine in autumn seemed to become hot. Almost every student who met Afterwards, they all shouted "go, bulldog (bulldog team, come on)!" before they started talking excitedly.

It is not surprising that this kind of scene appears in Indiana. Although rugby is the well-deserved number one sport in the United States, basketball is everyone's favorite in the cornfield of Indiana.

This is the location of the NCAA headquarters and the hometown of the legendary superstar "Big Bird" Larry Bird. Although the Pacers have never won a championship, Indiana is the land with the most fanatical basketball atmosphere in the United States.

In the morning, Zhang Yu got up early as usual and went to the office.

On the road, everyone he encountered greeted him and cheered for the team.

No matter how many doubts they had about this young head coach before, at this moment, they are the purest fans, standing firmly with the team.

Zhang Yu responded all the way, smiling all the time, and the muscles on his face were a little stiff when he arrived at the office.

Stevens came from the next door, knocked on the half-closed door, and walked in:

"How is it, Ronan, have you felt the enthusiasm of the teachers and students?"

"Now I finally understand the feeling of coach Lickritt," Zhang Yu smiled bitterly. "Everyone pins their hopes on you. This feeling will make your blood boil and also make you feel stressed."

"Are you nervous?" Stevens asked.

"Of course not!" Zhang Yu shook her head with a firm tone.

But under Stevens' playful gaze, he still retreated and sighed:

"How can it be possible not to be nervous, I really can't imagine, if I screw up tonight, what will they do to me... They were not happy with me taking over as head coach."

In the past few months, the news of Zhang Yu taking over as the head coach of the Bulldogs has spread and appeared on the sports pages of almost all Indiana local newspapers. He is now a celebrity in Indiana.

After the teachers and students of Butler University learned that the team's new head coach turned out to be a 23-year-old young man, they lodged a strong protest to the school's basketball operations department.

They don't know how good Zhang Yu is as an assistant coach. They only know one thing, that is, a young man cannot be a good coach, let alone a Chinese!

But Mike Shrewsbury fulfilled his promise, suppressed all opposing voices, and created a good coaching environment for Zhang Yu.

Seeing that Zhang Yu's position is as stable as Mount Tai, those opponents had no choice but to accept the reality, but Zhang Yu knew clearly that if the team lost, he would be the first to be pulled out of the blame.

"We have prepared well, and there will be no problem. Besides, Stephen is here. He didn't show his real strength at all in the preseason. He will definitely surprise Indian State University." Stevens comforted.

Zhang Yu nodded slowly, he had no choice but to face the first challenge in his coaching career.

The day passed quickly, the sun gradually slanted to the west, and the sky changed from light blue to azure, and then to dark blue, gradually dimming.

But the campus of Butler University is brightly lit. Countless teachers and students put on light blue Bulldogs jerseys after class, and some even put oil paint on their faces. The well-mannered university elites have transformed into fanatical fans. .

They all flocked to the Hinkle Arena, shouting cheering slogans for the team, and the quiet campus became extremely noisy.

But in this crazy atmosphere, there were also some discordant voices. Several boys who looked like juniors got together and lined up in front of the Hinkle Arena to discuss the Bulldogs.

A tall and strong white boy said worriedly:

"You said, can our young head coach really lead the team to victory?"