Chapter 21: First Match

"To be honest, I doubt his ability. He is only a few years older than us. He is still a Chinese. China is a basketball desert. Apart from Yao, I don't believe there is another person who knows basketball." Another Said the black student with dreadlocks.

"Man, I don't think so. Since the school chose him as the head coach, there must be a reason. It is said that he took over the position of head coach after being highly recommended by Coach Lickett, who only led the team four years ago. The team broke into March Madness." A slightly skinny white boy expressed a different opinion.

"Hmph, anyway, if the team loses to those guys from Indian State University today, I will definitely beat that Chinese!" The black boy shook his fist and shouted loudly.

"Okay, it's our turn, let's go in first..." the white boy reminded.

This kind of voice is not uncommon, but it is drowned out by the fanatic chanting of fans. In the NCAA, no one will openly question the head coach before the game, but if the Bulldogs lose the game, it will be another situation.

Zhang Yu naturally didn't know the fans questioned him. At this time, he was giving a speech in the locker room, making the final mobilization for the team:

"...Guys, the previous preseason games don't count, this is our first game of the season, play according to the set tactics, show your best form, we will definitely win! Those Indian State University The guy is just a paper tiger! I repeat, Steph handles the ball, everyone else does their job, Drew and Pete set the screen, Mike and AJ are always looking for offense by running off the ball, Julian, get ready , you will be our surprise soldier, okay, come, one, two, three, Bulldogs, go!" Zhang Yu shouted, speaking very fast.

After he finished speaking, his neck felt a little tight, he loosened his tie, and the sweat on his forehead was faintly visible.

As the players sat on the benches and looked at each other, McGreen whispered to Julian Beko beside him:

"Is the coach a little nervous?"

His voice was not loud, but it was very obvious in the silent locker room, and Zhang Yu listened to him.

"Well, it seems that you all can see that I am indeed a little nervous." Zhang Yu let out a long breath.

He paused and continued:

"Since I took over as the head coach, I have been questioned a lot. I believe you have heard it more or less. Ronan is too young, Ronan doesn't understand anything, Ronan is a Chinese...I just want to say, fuck it of!"

Zhang Yu suddenly waved his hand fiercely, and the expression on his face became very ferocious:

"Those guys don't know how much I have paid to be the head coach! I have read countless tactical books and watched hundreds of videos of games! The notes I made alone can pile up into mountains! But those people will just take a look at my skin color and age, and then say contemptuously that I don't know how to play! I'm done, I want to prove to them that I deserve this position!"

It was the first time that everyone saw Zhang Yu lose his composure, and they all froze, looking at their head coach in surprise.

"Not only me, Stephen, do you remember what happened before this summer vacation? How many schools rejected you?" Zhang Yu suddenly looked at Curry.

Curry said word for word:

"Duke, North Carolina, VT... They all think I can't play the NCAA!"

"What about you guys, do you still remember how those guys at Indian State University taunted you after they won last year?" Zhang Yu looked at the other players.

"I'll never forget the contemptuous look that bastard Tangnell looked at me!" Drew said through gritted teeth.

Townnell is Indian State's starting center and Drew's matchup.

"They almost pointed at my nose and called me a waste!" AJ Graves, who had always been calm, became aggrieved.

"Did you see? We are all losers!" Zhang Yu clenched his right hand into a fist and swung it heavily. "There are countless people who want to see our jokes. They just wait for us to fail, and then they come over and step on us hard. Feet! Only by winning can we avoid all this, and only by winning can we stand upright and not disappoint the fans who support us!"

He stopped suddenly, glanced at everyone's eyes, and asked word by word:

"Are you willing to be a loser all the time?"

"No!" Everyone roared in unison, and the voice even came out of the locker room and faintly echoed in the player tunnel.

"Since you are not willing to lose, then go to win. From this game on, keep winning. As long as you win, you can get everything! Glory, spotlights, flowers, applause... Let us win the game and win everything!" Zhang Yu He took off his suit jacket, threw it heavily on the ground, and roared loudly.

His face was ruthless, his eyes were red, like an angry bull.

After traveling so far, his suppressed emotions finally burst out.

He didn't know which god sent him back to 2006, but he never wanted to see those reports in the newspapers that questioned him.

He no longer wants to be pointed at by others when he is walking on the road.

He didn't want to see the strange eyes that others looked at him after they learned that he was the head coach of the Bulldogs.

He wants to win, he wants to prove that he is an excellent head coach!

The players were reminded of being despised by Zhang Yu's words, and a surge of anger surged in their hearts. After hearing the words, they responded loudly:

"We're going to win!"

Although the voice was not neat, the momentum was astonishing.

Zhang Yu walked to the door of the locker room, kicked the door open with a bang, and waved his hand:

"Go, kill them!"

The players responded loudly and walked out the door aggressively.

Zhang Yu stood at the door, and he would hug every player as he passed by.

The last one to go out was Curry. Zhang Yu hugged him and whispered in his ear:

"Stephen, go, this is the beginning of our legendary road!"

Curry nodded heavily, and said firmly in his voice:

"Coach, we will definitely win!"

After he went out, only the coaching staff members were left in the locker room. Zhang Yu breathed a sigh of relief, walked to the side of the seat, picked up the suit jacket on the ground, and carefully dusted the dust on it.

After pretending to be forced, I still have to wear a suit.

Fortunately, the players didn't see their head coach blowing air and shaking clothes, otherwise most of the aura that was just brought up would have been removed immediately.

Stevens walked up to Zhang Yu and looked him up and down several times, as if he had just met him.

Zhang Yu put on the cleaned suit, and gave Stevens a strange look:

"What's wrong, Brad, did I clean something?"

"No, I'm just a little surprised," Stevens said, shaking his head. "I've never seen you so excited. I thought you never took these things to heart."

"Ha, how is it possible, I was just enduring before." Zhang Yu shook his head and laughed, "Because I know that no matter what I say, I can't dispel other people's doubts about me. Only victory is the most powerful counterattack."

"What if we lose today?" Stevens asked.

"Then I'll treat it as if I'm dying." Zhang Yu adjusted her clothes at last, and strode out the door. "And I have a season to prove myself. Even if I lose this game, I'll make a big deal out of it." After being scolded for a few days, I can't believe that my team can lose a season!"

Stevens looked at Zhang Yu who was leaving, and suddenly felt that his back looked so wanton and unruly.

He suddenly smiled and stepped forward to follow.

Stevens is now sure that Coach Lickett's decision is correct, and Zhang Yu is an extremely good head coach.

He can fully mobilize the emotions of the players with just a few words, which makes Stevens admire.

At this time, the Hinkle Arena was full of voices, and the fans waved their hands rhythmically under the mobilization of the on-site DJ, cheering for the team.

The Bulldogs players emerged from the tunnel one by one, to cheers.

Zhang Yu then walked out, but the cheers in the stadium suddenly became much smaller.

He didn't care, smiled and waved to both sides, and walked to the technical stage.

Indian State head coach Kevin McKenna also came over and shook hands with Zhang Yu.

McKenna looked at Zhang Yu curiously, and said with emotion:

"I was very surprised to hear that Coach Lickriter was injured. Is he better now?"

"He has been discharged from the hospital." Zhang Yu said.

"Don't be under pressure, just take it as an opportunity to accumulate experience. I hope that both of us can dedicate a wonderful game to the fans." McKenna said in an old-fashioned tone, as if he was pointing Zhang Yu as a senior.

"I'm only worried that you are losing too quickly. You'd better go all out." Zhang Yu was not to be outdone.

McKenna chuckled and returned to his coaching bench.

He picked up the tactical board and said to his disciples:

"Did you see that? The head coach on the opposite side is as old as you guys, and he's a young boy. I even wonder if he can tell the difference between zone defense and man-marking."

The Indian State University players burst into laughter, and frequently looked at the coaching bench of the Bulldogs opposite.

The Chinese head coach is the only one in the NCAA, not to mention they are still so young, they are like monkeys watching a zoo, looking at Zhang Yu with novelty on their faces.

"Butler changed the starting point guard. I don't know what the Chinese thinks. He replaced the experienced Ben Slayton and let a fresh high school graduate serve as the starting point guard. And that Stephen Curry I used to play shooting guard!" McKenna shook his head and looked at Moore, the team's top scorer, "Gabriel, Curry is very thin, so I will leave him to you. Look for more opportunities to single him out, understand? ?"

As a sworn enemy, McKenna also has a deep study of the Bulldogs.

"Understood, coach!" Moore responded bluntly, full of confidence.

He can't wait to tear up that baby face!

Finally, the two sides finished their preparations and stood on the court. Drew and Tangnell stood on the center line and looked at each other fiercely.

The Bulldogs' starting lineup is point guard Stephen Curry, shooting guard AJ Graves, small forward Mike Green, power forward Pete Campbell, and center Drew Streicher.

Indian State's starting lineup is point guard Gabriel Moore, shooting guard Cole Holmstrom, small forward Adam Arnold, power forward Trent Watts, and center Jay Tangnell.


The referee blows his whistle and the game officially begins!

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