Chapter 67: The Battle Is Coming

Besides Curry, other players of the Bulldogs also scored a lot. Butler had 16 points, Graves had 14 points, Campbell had 12 points, and Julian Beko had 11 points. A total of 5 players from the team scored in double figures.

This is also the game with the highest offensive efficiency of the Bulldogs since entering the top 64. The overall shooting rate is as high as 57%, which completely blows up the defense of the Hodges.

On the other hand, for the Hodges, only Jeff Allen scored in double figures in the starting lineup and scored 13 points, but he only shot 34% of his shots. This is also a microcosm of the entire team's offense.

Facing the defense of the Bulldogs, the Hodges players spent most of the game dribbling steadily and condescendingly. Everyone turned into a British gentleman and wanted to give up every offensive opportunity to his teammates.

This has led to the most common scene on the offensive end of the Hodges team to dribble and conduct, and a certain receiver hastily makes a shot, and then hits +1.

Comprehensive offensive and defensive ends, the Bulldogs won a complete victory!

Zhang Yu came to the technical stage with a leisurely demeanor, while Salinberg lingered on the bench for a while before coming over.

For a coach, this is the most embarrassing moment.

Zhang Yu smiled slightly:

"Coach Salinburg, you almost blocked Stephen."

Salinberg's expression froze, and he forced a smile:

"Let Curry only score 16 points, I am quite satisfied with the performance of the players."

"I would also like to thank you for the tactics you arranged, which allowed him to get his first triple-double. This game means a lot to him." Zhang Yu smiled, "You know, many people think that Stephen is not a real player. point guard, I think this game is a very strong rebuttal."

"Hehe, is it..." Salinberg's face became even uglier.

I worked so hard to co-author, but also helped Curry to rectify his name?

Seeing the change in Salinberg's expression, Zhang Yu felt refreshed, and didn't plan to stab him a few more times, so she turned and walked back.

However, as soon as he turned around, Salinberg asked loudly behind him:

"Coach Z, how did you discover Curry's potential in the first place?"

This is a question that has been circling in his mind.

So many coaches are not optimistic about Curry, and Coach K even bluntly said that he is not suitable for playing in the NCAA.

Why are you so optimistic about Curry as a young man when everyone has sentenced him to death?

Zhang Yu paused, but did not stop, nor did he answer the question, and walked straight back to the bench.

Salinberg looked at Zhang Yu's back, his expression changed, and finally heaved a long sigh, and walked silently to the player's tunnel.

What he should know, winners don't explain to losers.

Zhang Yu returned to the bench and walked to the locker room with the players.

After entering the player channel, Curry leaned over and said with a smile:

"Boss, thank you, I really never thought that I could get a triple-double."

If he plays the normal way, his rebounding will never be in double figures.

As a point guard, he must follow the opponent on the outside on the defensive end, and it is almost impossible to grab rebounds.

But Zhang Yu asked Drew and Campbell to be his tools throughout the second half. The two were only responsible for blocking positions.

On the offensive end, the ball must pass his hands in every round. When he passes the ball, his teammates try to shoot directly after receiving it to get him assists.

When the assists are in double figures, Curry turns off the ball again, and everyone screens for him, allowing him to get easy shots and score very quickly.

This shocked Curry a lot.

For the first time, he knew that basketball could still be played like this.

If he does this in the regular season, he will definitely average a triple-double in one season!

Of course, as a price, teammates can only be tool people, and the game experience must be extremely poor.

Zhang Yu glanced at him with a half-smile:

"Why, addicted to this feeling?"

"It's true that there's a feels a little different to get a triple-double." Curry grinned.

Zhang Yu thumped his chest:

"Just this time, there will be no more in the future. The Hodge team is not strong enough to make you happy. The opponents behind are all strong teams. You must go all out, understand?"

Curry gave a funny cry and said:

"Wow, boss, do you think I'm a brush? I still prefer the feeling of throwing the ball into the basket than a triple-double."

"That's best, let's go, we still have to be interviewed."

"Oh, well... Boss, I'm curious, how did you develop this tactic?"

"That's what I learned from a new-age point guard."

"New-age point guard? What is a new-age point guard?"

"The shocking point guard is the new era point guard!"


After the interview, Zhang Yu dragged his tired body back to the hotel.

Curry, who scored his first triple-double so far in March Madness this year, became the focus of interviews. The reporters made a big fuss about his grievances with Virginia Tech, trying to dig out some more serious information.

However, under Zhang Yu's reminder, Curry was well prepared, and his answers were watertight.

Zhang Yu didn't blame Salinberg again, since he couldn't settle down after returning to school anyway.

He rejected the famous son in the history of the Hodges team, and he didn't give the celebrity any face. However, the famous son made a big name, Dell would never let it go, and he would have troubles.

Zhang Yu chatted with Stevens for a while, and Stevens went to take a shower. He sat on the bed and watched the live broadcast of the game with his laptop.

There are only two rounds in the Eastern Division's [-]-to-[-] competition. The game between Butler University and Virginia Tech University is held in the afternoon, and the game between the University of North Carolina and Washington State University is held in the evening.

The timing of Zhang Yu's entering the game interface was very coincidental. He happened to see Clay running without the ball, catching the ball and scoring a three-pointer.

After he entered Washington State University this year, he became the team's starting point guard, averaging 12.5 points per game, and was selected to the best rookie team in the Big Ten. He performed very well.

But Washington State University is at a disadvantage in the situation. Facing North Carolina's multi-point blooming, Washington State University's defense is difficult to parry, and it is 10 points behind the University of North Carolina.

Zhang Yu looked at the University of North Carolina players with serious eyes - Tyler Hansbrough, Ty Lawson, Danny Green, Wayne Ellington...

With the exception of Hansbrough, the other three have made a name for themselves in the NBA.

Although Hansbrough did not mix well in the NBA, he is an undoubted superstar in the NCAA, dominating the inside of the NCAA.

They are likely to be Butler University's next opponents.

This is bound to be a big battle.

Just when Zhang Yu was concentrating on thinking, the phone rang suddenly.

He picked it up and saw it was Mark Baum calling:

"Mark, what's the matter?"

"Congratulations, you have led the team to the quarterfinals." Mark Baum's voice sounded tired.