Chapter 68: Aftermath

"By the way, why didn't you come to watch the game?" Zhang Yu asked.

In the previous two games, Mark Baum was watching the game live.

"The subprime mortgage market has finally started to fall. I have to go back to Indiana to watch. I will go to Wall Street in a few days. Those banks are going to hold a seminar on subprime mortgage securities to discuss how to rescue the market. I have to go and see what is going on. What happened," Mark Baum explained.

"Seminar? Will anyone from the government attend?" Zhang Yu looked solemn.

Although he is sure that the financial crisis will definitely happen, if it is delayed for one month, he will have to pay an extra month of insurance premiums, and his cash flow is about to dry up, and he can't last long.

"Don't worry, it's just a trick used to boost confidence in the industry. As far as I know, those investment banks have their own thoughts in private. Goldman Sachs contacted me actively, wanting to increase the price to buy the CDS in my hand, but I turned it down," Markbaum said.

Hearing this, Zhang Yu breathed a sigh of relief:

"It seems that people on Wall Street have already started to panic...Mark, don't be fooled by those petty profits. This is just the beginning, and the real feast will be in two months."

"Of course, I invested all my wealth and endured so much pressure, not just for a few hundred million dollars in profit." Mark Baum's voice sounded ruthless.

The two chatted for a while. Zhang Yu tried his best to recall the details of the financial crisis in his previous life, gave Mark Baum a lot of advice, and asked Mark Baum to notify him of any situation in time before hanging up the phone.

Stevens wrapped around a towel, wiped the water from his head, and walked out of the bathroom:

"Are you talking about your 'big business' again?"

He knew about Zhang Yu's short selling of subprime mortgage securities, and he stopped buying houses under Zhang Yu's persuasion.

At the beginning, he also felt that what Zhang Yu said was a fantasy, but when he learned that big shots like Mark Baum were not optimistic about the real estate market, he decisively chose to believe Zhang Yu.

For this matter, he also had an awkward fight with Tracy, who wanted to change houses, and lived in Zhang Yu's apartment for two days.

"There are a few twists and turns, but it's okay." Zhang Yu said.

Stevens didn't ask any more questions, but looked at the laptop screen.

The game between North Carolina and Washington State University has reached the last moment, and the University of North Carolina leads Washington State University by 10 points, and the victory is sure.

"It seems that our next opponent is North Carolina." Stevens looked serious.

Zhang Yu said in a deep voice:

"This is an opponent no weaker than last year's Buddha..."

Ty Lawson, Hansbrough, Danny Green, and Wayne Ellington formed the most luxurious offensive combination in the NCAA -- Ty Lawson and Hansbrough formed a dual-core inside and outside, Danny Green and Wayne Ellington stretches the floor on the perimeter and doesn't have any weaknesses on the offensive end.

It's just that compared with the University of Florida, North Carolina's lineup is more offensive, weak in defense, and unbalanced in offense and defense.

Especially Hansbrough, as a white insider, his movement speed and confrontation ability are weak, and he has always been the weak link of UNC's defense.

But this defect is not worth mentioning in front of his powerful offensive firepower.

Although Hansbrough's draft prospects are not clear, people have always had doubts about his talent, but with his skilled inside skills and low-post footsteps, he is already the NCAA insider overlord.

"Hansbrough's offensive methods are too comprehensive, have you thought of a way to limit him?" Stevens asked with a frown as he watched the replay of Hansbrough's goal.

Zhang Yu shook his head:

"In the NCAA, it's impossible for Hansbrough to be guarded. We have to focus on offense."

Stevens showed hesitation:

"Fight against North Carolina? Is it too difficult?"

Zhang Yu smiled slightly:

"Brad, there is only one basketball. Have you forgotten how we fought against Buddha University to the end?"


The next day, in the morning, Zhang Yu got up early, went to the gym to exercise for half an hour, and went to the newsstand on the street to buy a newspaper.

This is his long-standing habit. First, he exercises his body, and then he reads the reporters' flattery and flattery.

Of course, if the Bulldogs lost the game, he would read the paper a day later, so as not to ruin the good mood of the day.

Zhang Yu finished breakfast in the restaurant of the hotel along the way, took the newspaper back to the room and read it.


"Coach Z wins tactically. Butler University completely suppresses Virginia Tech on both offensive and defensive ends. It is the first time to advance to the elite eight. The youngest head coach in the NCAA made history, but failed to win the annual coach selection. It shows that the conservative tradition of the NCAA is too strong. ..."

Seeing that he is still reliable, Zhang Yu decided in his heart that he must get closer to "USA Today" in the future.

"ESPN Sports":

"Curry scored the first triple-double of his NCAA career, 16 points, 15 assists and 14 rebounds to pay tribute to the magician. He showed people his ability to control the court beyond shooting. I believe that after this game, no one will doubt it. Curry's prowess as a point guard!"

Ahem, it's been a while. After all, Curry's triple-double was made, and there is still a little distance from the magician.

Sports Illustrated:

"Virginia Tech University regrets losing the battle for the elite eight. Head coach Selinborg said in an interview after the game that the gold content of Curry's data is open to question, but he admitted that the team's overall strength is not as good as the opponent's, which is the main reason for the loss. , the reporter asked him his opinion on the next game, and Coach Salinburg believed that the University of North Carolina would definitely win the game..."

Are you still arguing here?You lose faster without a triple-double!

Zhang Yu looked at the signed reporter, Musk.

Isn't this the reporter who wanted to set Stephen up? Now that the Bulldogs had just won a big victory, they even spared no effort to blackmail Butler University.

Zhang Yu had already blacklisted Sports Illustrated in her heart.

But other than that, other media are full of praise.

Zhang Yu was in a good mood after watching it, and led the team to Charlotte Christian High School for restorative training

The sixteen-to-eight and eight-to-four schedules are very tight. Tomorrow night is the game against the University of North Carolina. Today is the last chance for the two teams to rest.

Before training, Zhang Yu gathered the players together and said:

"Tomorrow we will play against North Carolina. Let me talk about tactics."

When everyone heard the words, they all concentrated their attention, pricked up their ears and listened carefully.

"Everyone knows that the University of North Carolina is strong. They have star players like Hansbrough and Ty Lawson, as well as excellent role players like Danny Green and Wayne Ellington... But we are not without Opportunity to win the game and I believe the Bulldogs don't lose to anyone on offense!"

He paused and looked at Curry:

"Stephen, tomorrow's match is up to you!"