Chapter 69: The Dark Horse's Fate

The next night, 8:30, Charlotte Bobcats Arena.

The arena, which used to be deserted, became full for the third consecutive game.

The game between Butler University and the University of North Carolina will start in half an hour, and fans have entered the field early.

After this game, the Bobcats will return home, and it is difficult to see such a grand scene here.

"Welcome to all viewers to watch the NCAA tournament eight-to-four game broadcast by CBS (CBS)!"

In the ears of the audience sitting in front of the TV, the impassioned voice of CBS commentator Jim Nantz sounded:

"Tonight, Butler University will have a decisive battle with the University of North Carolina in the Eastern Conference to determine the first place to enter the final four. As we all know, the University of North Carolina is a traditional giant, but Butler University has only emerged in the past two years. The university lineup is luxurious, but Butler University has Coach Z and Stephen Curry, two highly topical head coaches and stars, who will win? Let us wait and see!"

"Before this game, CBS had the honor to invite the famous Hornets Dell Curry as a guest commentator. He has been working as a commentary on a local TV station in Charlotte...Dell, your son is about to play, what do you think? Did you say that?"

Dale sat beside Jim Nantz, cleared his throat, and said with a smile:

"I'm so jealous."

"Oh? Jealousy?"

"I never made it to the Elite Eight in VT back then. That kid will definitely be very arrogant when he comes home."

"Haha, but you are the Hornets' all-time scoring leader... Closer to home, how do you think the strengths of the two teams compare?" Jim Nantz skillfully brought the topic back.

"North Carolina is stronger, they have the strongest starter after the University of Buddha." Dell said without hesitation.

Although there is his son on one side of the team, he still has to maintain a neutral stance.

Jim Nantz went on to ask:

"So you think Butler wants to win..."

While the two in the commentary were warming up for the game, the University of North Carolina, which Dell called "the most luxurious starter", was making the final pre-match deployment in the locker room.

The legendary head coach Roy Williams exhorted the players solemnly:

"Kids, don't take it lightly, our opponent is the elite eight! Stephen Curry just scored a triple-double in the last game. He is the core of the Bulldogs' offense. This game must limit him... Danny , Curry will hand it over to you, is there a problem?"

Danny Green nodded calmly:

"Sir, please rest assured, I will definitely stare at him to death!"

His main responsibility in the team is defense + three-pointers, which is a bit like Butler's positioning, and he has already shown 3D potential.

"Tyler, the Bulldogs' interior defense is a weak spot. You know what to do. Destroy their interior! If the defense shrinks, pass the ball to the perimeter...Ty, your first job is to get the ball to With Taylor, only attack from the perimeter when he's blocked, understand?"

Both Hansbrough and Ty Lawson nodded in unison. This is also the common offensive method of the University of North Carolina. The only difference is whether to attack from the outside or from the inside first, which depends on the opponent's defensive characteristics.

And Butler University's perimeter defense is stronger, which gives Hansbrough more room to play.

"Remember, we are the University of North Carolina, and we are the invincible Tar Heels, let's go to the victory!" Roy Williams waved his hands, his voice sonorous and forceful.

The players put their hands together, chanted a slogan, and filed out of the locker room.

They received enthusiastic cheers when they entered the arena, and the shouts in the arena seemed to tear down the ceiling.

If it is said that Curry the day before yesterday gave Virginia Tech a taste of an away game, then today it has become the absolute home of the University of North Carolina.

Never doubt the appeal of North Carolina and Duke on the land of North Carolina. Except when the two meet, they have king-like treatment against other opponents.

On the other side of the technical stage, the Butler University players all looked solemn. The blue ocean that filled the field did put a lot of pressure on them.

Many ecstatic North Carolina fans with painted faces even hurled abuse at the Bulldogs, which faded away only after the security guards dissuaded them.

Zhang Yu frowned, gathered the players together, and said loudly:

"We are all enemies in front of us, are you afraid?"

"Not afraid!" Butler replied loudly.

Zhang Yu praised:

"Very well, you should be more familiar with this kind of scene than Jimmy. Think about how we felt as the underdogs last year! Since the dark horse is our destiny, let's use the victory to win respect!"

"Bulldog, come on!" The players folded their hands together, shouted, and walked to the field.

The photographer turned the lens on Curry, who looked at the North Carolina players with calm but determined eyes.

"Wow, it looks like Curry is going to have a big fight!" Jim Nantz said.

"Although the opponent is very strong, his fighting spirit is very tenacious." Dale boasted calmly.

After a while, players from both sides came to the field.

Butler University is still a regular starting lineup - point guard Curry, shooting guard Graves, small forward Butler, power forward Campbell, center Drew.

For North Carolina, point guard Ty Lawson, shooting guard Marcus, small forward Danny Green, power forward Wayne Ellington, and center Hansbrough are also the consistent starting five.

Drew and Hansbrough came to the center line. After the referee blew his whistle, he threw the ball high and the game began!

"Drew won the opening jump ball! Hansbrough's bounce is really mediocre... Curry pushed forward with the ball. The Hodges double-teamed him firmly from the beginning of the last game. I don't know the Tar Heels What choice will the team make?"

"I think they're going to go one-on-one," Dell Curry interjected.

"Let's see, Curry and Drew picked and rolled, Ty Lawson and Hansbrough directly chose to switch defenses, and they really wanted to defend Curry alone! But you must know that Curry has shown many times adept small play big Skill, will Hansbrough become another trophy for him?"

"Curry took a step back to get rid of Hansbrough's defense and shot a three-pointer! Oh, it's a pity that the goal didn't go in. His movement is so beautiful." Jim Nantz shook his head with some regret.

On the court, Curry quickly retreated after missing a three-pointer.

He had already found a space to shoot by shaking just now, and Hansbrough's movement speed and pace were a little slower than his, and this was what allowed him to do whatever he wanted in front of Hansbrough.

The trajectory of the ball just now was very positive, but it didn't make any progress. I'll take a few more shots later to get back the touch.