Chapter 132: Let's Make a Bet

Huaxia, Beijing.

Liu Zhiyuan didn't know how many times he had skillfully climbed over the wall and came to the external network.

The new NBA season is about to start, but after seeing the news of the Warriors, he didn't click on it as usual, but hesitated and then slid down.

This summer, his mood seemed to be on a roller coaster, with ups and downs all the time.

There is no other reason, it is Zhang Yu who can toss too much.

He sent away all the top three players of the Warriors last season, in exchange for a garbage contract and a bunch of draft picks. Looking at the lineup, it was either a rookie or an undrafted pick. Who can bear it.

Huaxia fans also have mixed opinions on Zhang Yu's operation, but because he is the first Chinese head coach in the NBA, he still has many supporters. Even if some people disagree with his decision, they will not speak out.

This is the case with Liu Zhiyuan.

He thought the Warriors' deal was very bad, so he wrote a long article eloquently and sent it to Hupu, but he only got a sentence, "You even sprayed Coach Z, are you from Huaxia?"

He silently deleted his article.

But on the Internet, after seeing foreigners spraying Zhang Yu, he couldn't help but analyze the rationality of the deal and defend Zhang Yu.

Over time, he didn't know what his position was, and he simply stopped paying attention to news related to the Warriors, out of sight and out of mind.

Liu Zhiyuan opened many webpages aimlessly and did not read the news of the Warriors, as if something was missing.

Suddenly, he saw a video, which was a joint program between TNT and ESPN.

The cover of the video is Barkley's bald head, his eyes lit up, and he clicked in.

This fat man is so talented, and he speaks nicely. Liu Zhiyuan likes to watch his shows very much.

This video is a segment of a show, and after it loads, Kenny Smith asks:

"... Let's talk about the Warriors. They have 2 wins and 5 losses in the preseason. It seems that the situation is not good. What do you think?"

Liu Zhiyuan's eyes darkened, he was unlucky, why is it news about the Warriors again.

He moved the mouse to the cross in the upper right corner, and just about to click, hesitated for a moment, then let go.

Forget it, let's take a look, isn't it just a loss... Anyway, it's a loss, let's see who isn't watching.

He thought of the injured Yao Ming and the Rockets who had also lost in the preseason, and felt a pang in his heart.

Could it be that the team can't win once they get involved with the Huaxia people?

When Liu Zhiyuan was feeling emotional, Barkley fired:

"This is completely within my expectations. With a lineup composed of a bunch of undrafted and second-round picks, the Warriors can't even hope to win! When the Warriors sent Monta Ellis and Stephen Jackson to the Cavaliers, they were doomed The failure of the season."

"Look at the Cavaliers, they won every preseason game, Monta Ellis and Stephen Jackson are in great form, they have a lot of guys who can play, they are a strong contender for the championship, all thanks to Z Coach, it is his stupid operation that made the Cavaliers so powerful..."

"Charles, I have to remind you that in the preseason, none of the Warriors' starters played more than 15 minutes. The longest playing time was Danny Green, who averaged 34 minutes per game-the Warriors' marginal substitute." Bill Simon S interrupted.

"So? The Cavaliers' starting playing time is also very short. This is not the reason why the Warriors lost!"

"The Cavaliers' benches are all experienced veterans, while the Warriors' bench is a group of young people. They are actually not bad at playing, but they are a little inexperienced, or a little nervous." Bill Simmons said.

Reggie Miller shrugged:

"Charles, I'm standing with Bill this time - Curry doesn't take a lot of shots, he gets almost 10 points per game, he looks too easy to be a rookie at all, and his confrontation doesn't seem to be that bad. I am very optimistic about Curry's performance in the new season."

Barkley sneered:

"I just saw the Warriors panic on the court, they made so many turnovers offensively, and so often missed defensively, it didn't look like an NBA team, and the NCAA welcomed them -- oh, and they were the right age. "

"That's just the painful period that young teams will inevitably go through in the process of growing up. There is nothing to worry about. When the running-in is in place, the Warriors will win. You are full of prejudice against the Warriors!" Bill Simmons said.

"No, they did lose and have a stupid manager, I'm just telling the truth."

"Oh, I knew it, you are targeting Coach Z!"

"I do not have."

"No, you have"

"...Bill, I'm not as naive as you. Basketball doesn't lie. There are two more days until the regular season. I bet the Warriors will have a very bad record this season, not even as good as last season! You will know by then , How bad is the real level of Coach Z!" Barkley said convincingly.

When Liu Zhiyuan saw that Buckley said that about Zhang Yu, he turned off the video angrily.

But then he let out a long sigh.

Although he doesn't want to admit it, he shares the same opinion as Barkley-the Warriors will have a terrible record this season.

There are many rookies in the Warriors, including many second-round picks and undrafted picks. No matter how you look at it, it looks like a bad team. This is how the Thunder came here in the past two years.

And Zhang Yu also traded Monta Ellis and Stephen Jackson away. Although the Warriors also lost when they were there, at least they still have experience.

It's good now, the experienced veterans are gone, and the team has a bunch of rookies from the head coach to the water dispenser administrator.

Liu Zhiyuan didn't think that under such circumstances, Zhang Yu could create a miracle.

He can only comfort himself, if he loses, he loses, at least he can train the rookies, and when he picks two more high-ranking rookies, he will rebuild directly!

Isn't the Thunder next door just like this? The preseason was so fierce this time, and they didn't lose a single game. Liu Zhiyuan felt that the Warriors could learn from the Thunder, which is still very promising.

Liu Zhiyuan opened Twitter while complaining, and suddenly saw Zhang Yu sent a message:

"Charles Barkley, I heard you want to make a bet? Let's make a bet, and I won't bully you-it's too easy to surpass last season's record. Well, if the Warriors enter the playoffs next season, Ku If the Warriors don't make the playoffs, no matter whether Curry won the best rookie or not, I will wear yours for the next year. How about jersey coaching the game for a year?"

As soon as this tweet came out, many comments quickly appeared below:

"Coach Z, I support you, men must not back down, I have hated Barkley for a long time!"

This is Barkley's sunspot.

"Playoffs? Are you crazy? We only had 26 wins last season, God, the Warriors changed their owner from Grandet to a lunatic!"

This is clearly a Warriors fan.

"You wait to lose, the Warriors will never make the playoffs, Barkley is always right!"

Well, this is a Barkley fan.

Liu Zhiyuan also posted:

"Coach Z, although I think it is impossible for the Warriors to enter the playoffs, I will always support you!"

There was a split between his reason and emotion.

Facts have proved that on the Internet, the speed of information dissemination is amazing.

In less than half an hour, Barkley tweeted a reply:

"No problem, I will definitely send you all my styles of jerseys, so that you can change them every day."

Zhang Yu obviously pays attention to Barkley's Twitter all the time, and he quickly tweeted:

"Sorry, Stephen only has one kind of jersey, but I will send you a replica version, remember to match a few more floral pants, and don't let people notice your upper body-you are too ugly to fit the Warriors jersey!"