Chapter 133: The Contest between the Huaxia Fans and the Home Team

If you ask China fans what it was like in the summer of 2009, their answer will most likely be-painful and happy.

Yao Ming, who was injured in the playoffs, announced that he would undergo surgery and be reimbursed for the season. Many people had a vague premonition that it would be difficult for him to come back.

No one has the heart to watch the scarred Yao Ming fight on the court again. He has contributed too much to China's basketball.

And then came out.The news of Yao Ming's acquisition of the Shanghai Sharks seems to indicate the choice of the No.1 Chinese basketball player.

Heroes come to an end, ambitions are hard to pay off.

But just when the hero was sad, the news that the Golden State Warriors were acquired by the Huaxia people spread throughout the land of China overnight.

Everyone knows that a 26-year-old young man has become the new master of warriors.

The popularity of the Warriors in China has risen rapidly, becoming the second home team for Huaxia fans.

The Warriors and Rockets have become the spiritual sustenance of Chinese fans in the NBA.

On October 10th, at 28:10 p.m. US time, the Warriors played against the Rockets at home.

This is a contest between two home teams of Chinese fans.

And for such a team lacking two core players, the contest with a poor team turned out to be broadcast live across the United States. Many people speculated that it was purely because Coach Z paid too much attention.

For the Warriors, the starting lineup is point guard Curry, shooting guard Azubuike, small forward Butler, power forward Varejao, and center Biedrins.

Some Warriors fans with lagging information are confused. The team changed four starters compared to last season.

Rockets here, the starting lineup is also very civilians, point guard Aaron Brooks, shooting guard Battier, small forward Trevor Ariza, power forward Luis Scola, center Hayes.

American fans must be very unfamiliar with these five people, but Chinese fans know them well. .

Black Bean, Tie Zha, Diamond, Hai Ye... Although Yao Ming did not appear on the stage, in the hearts of Huaxia fans, the position of the Rockets as the number one home team is unshakable, and even continued in Zhang Yu's previous life, allowing the Rockets to enjoy bonuses for many years. It wasn't until someone's SB remarks that people's attention to this team gradually decreased.

Before the game, although many Oakland fans were dissatisfied with Zhang Yu's operation, the tickets for the Oracle Center were still sold out, and the audience was full.

Zhang Yu stood on the sidelines, with warm cheers in his ears. He sighed to Silas beside him:

"We must not let down the purest and best fans in the league!"

Later, he came to the technical stage and shook hands with Rockets coach Rick Adelman.

Zhang Yu smiled and said:

"Coach Adelman, welcome back to Oracle Center."

The old coach has coached the Warriors for two seasons, but did not leave any results.

His highlight moments were leading the Trail Blazers to the Finals in the early 90s, and in the early 21st century, the Kings used the Princeton system to run amok in the league, leading the team to the Western Conference Finals and fighting the Lakers in seven games, almost blocking the Zijin dynasty.

Adelman said indifferently:

"Hopefully we can join forces and dedicate a wonderful game to the fans."

After finishing speaking, he nodded politely, turned and returned to the Rockets bench.

He didn't pay attention to the Warriors at all.

Such a lineup is filled with a large number of rookies, and a team coached by a rookie coach is vulnerable in Adelman's eyes.

His mind is all on the injuries of Yao Ming and Tracy McGrady. The core of the two teams seems to be unable to return to the top. The situation of the Rockets is very bad.

Zhang Yu smiled, didn't say anything, but gestured to Curry, and Curry nodded to show that he understood.

He sat back in his seat satisfied.

They all look down on me, right? Okay, we'll see.


Soon, the referee bald Crawford blew his whistle and the game began!

Hayes and Biedrins jumped the ball. He was only 1.98 meters tall and didn't jump at all. Biedrins easily took off the basketball and allocated it to Curry.

The Warriors got the first wave of offensive possession, Curry dribbled the ball to the frontcourt, and Battier was facing him.

Adelman no longer cared about the Warriors, and knew that Curry, the No. [-] pick, was the core of the Warriors, so he arranged for the most capable defensive players to guard against him.

In his view, Battier must be able to limit Curry very easily.

But Curry had no idea of entanglement with Battier, he directly called Biedrins to come up as a cover.

Although Biedrins is not so generous, he still delayed Battier. Hayes did not completely defend, but stayed at the free throw line.

Taking advantage of this gap, Curry pulled up and shot before Battier bypassed the screen. The three-pointer rubbed Battier's fingertips, drew a high arc, and fell hollow into the net!

0: 3.


After the crisp netting sound, the Warriors fans cheered enthusiastically. This was the first point of Curry's NBA career, and it was also the beginning of the new season for the Warriors!

Although many fans are still very dissatisfied with the team's transaction, they still dropped everything at this moment and cheered for the team's score.

This is the team they love, they love it deeply, and they want to see the Warriors rise more than anyone else.

Looking back, the Rockets attacked, and Aaron Brooks was extremely fast. He passed Azubuike in one step, broke through to the inside, and Biedrins came up to defend. To Scola.

After Scola received the ball, he shook Varejao away with very simple but effective footsteps, and hit a small hook near the frame.

2: 3.

After the ball was scored, Biedrins quickly served to Curry, and the Warriors launched a fast break.

Since the game had just started, the Rockets hadn't entered the state yet, and the matchup was completely chaotic during the retreat process, and Curry's defense became Aaron Brooks.

Curry dribbled the ball to the top of the arc, ignored the little black bean in front of him, and raised his hand to shoot a three-pointer. Aaron Brooks tried his best to reach out, but he was too short to interfere with Curry's shooting.


It was hollow again, and Curry scored two three-pointers in a row, and the sound of the Oracle Center increased a few decibels.

This is the Warriors fans, no matter how bad the team's record is, no matter how pessimistic they are about the prospects, as long as there are wonderful goals, they will shout for them without reservation.

This is also the reason why Chris Cohan has held on to the Warriors for more than ten years and has not shot. Although the record is poor, this group of pure fans has made the Warriors very profitable.

Round conversion, the Rockets still rely on Scola, the Argentine diamond used experience to rub Varejao on the ground and scored another goal.

4: 6.

The Warriors attacked, Zhang Yu made a gesture, Curry did not do it himself this time, but distributed the ball.

This is the regular season, not the playoffs. Zhang Yu can't let his teammates watch Curry perform all the time.

Azubuike broke through with the ball, and Ariza, who was defending him, was firmly stuck in his position. Azubuike tried several times, but he couldn't rush over, so he could only pass the ball back.