Chapter III - Copperheads

Daedalus Sea

19 years ago

Roberto "Bobby" Dela Cruz (A.K.A. Bobbot) was the duty officer, on board the Container Vessel "M/V JUAN KEY". A liner route, frequently passing the "Siren's Strait", from the North Pacific to the Far East. Carrying containerized cargoes, in either dry or refrigerated (Reefer) containers, with varying sizes. In either T.E.U. (Twenty foot Equivalent Unit) or F.E.U. (Fourty foot Equivalent Unit) container boxes that were made out of Corten Steel.

The NAVTEXT equipment was receiving broadcast signals, of Navigational Warnings or "NAV WARNINGS" pertaining to its pre-selected transit area or "NAV AREAS". Intermittently beeping its alarm, as the teleprinter automatically prints out, its text messages on the thermal paper. (Crappy old version.)

"Missile Firing Tests", were frequently conducted by the Naval Coastal Defense. And "Mariners" are well advised, to keep well clear. Exercise vigilance, and navigate with extreme caution, particularly when transiting near its borders.

After plotting the coordinattes, of the danger positions on the paper charts. And determined, that the vessel's route, is marginally safe and clear from the danger zone. "Bobbot" resumed his navigational watch keeping duties, eyes forward, focused on the traffic. Together with "Albert Zapanta" his A.B./ Quartermaster.

When they've reached their discharging port, and off-loaded their cargoes. Two weeks later, they came back again, transiting the same reciprocal route, bound for their loading port.

The NAVTEXT equipment had just picked up a "Tsunami Alert", near its outlying coastal areas.

In the aftermath of the following day, shockingnews of its devastation, were being televised on National Television. Covered by, both the local and international Media News Networks.

The ravaging waters, inflicted heavy casualties. Destroyed villages and nearby coastal towns. Killing many lives, destroying properties, crops and livestocks. Helicopter video footages of the tsunami's devastation, were reported live, by TV reporters, and other media journalists.

There was a foreboding sense of gloom. As if, Mother Nature's wrath in inflicting, excessive death and destruction to humanity and its landscape. (Indiscriminately decimating, countless innocent lives in the process.) Making a statement, in teaching humanity a bitter lesson in humility.

The "Missile Firing Exercise" seemingly stopped, and was never heard of ever again. And it became apparent, that all conundrum of the past "Missile Firing Tests", had been wiped out, buried, erased, thoroughly-sanitized, and was never mentioned. Nor did the "NAVTEXT Equipment" recieved, any further notices, of its NAV WARNING Messages.

Seemingly, an anathema,( a silent denial) of its happenstance. The occurrence, was subconciously blotted out from the records and memories, within the annals of history.

Surgically crafted, with clear, clinnical precission. (Cheeky bastards.)

Except only, seered inside the memories of the unknown, and insignificant sailors. Who were apparently present, and innocently transiting the area. Who doesn't give a damn, or simply just ignored it, and wouldn't care less. Because their train of thoughts, were preoccupied by multi tasking jobs that require immediate attention. Therefore, they have a tendency to compartmentalize, prioritize, and eliminate unnecessary skepticisms that would distract their focus, and hamper their vigilance as an effective "Watch Keeper".

Hence, they don't dwell on trivial issues, higher above their paygrade.

The possible series of events that, which could've triggered the tsunami event. The underlying factor, that the intensity of the blasts, made by the copperhead missiles, and the depth charged implosions. (Underneath the water.) Generated "Shockwaves" that were commpounded, as the waves travelled farther. And the greater distances, magnified their intensity "Ten-fold". Thus, creating massive giant waves, as a going away present.

Or perhaps, there is something far more sinister. Beyond the human imagination, that anyone could've ever possibly imagine.