"Silver Neptune" is an advanced-ancient civilization, secretly hidden somewhere in the abyssal plains.

The "DAGONITES" were living peacefully, isolated from the surface. As they discretely watch humanity, from their "ORACLE CRYSTAL SPHERES", situated in their highly secured, "Majestic Royal Chambers".

Under the protection of "Castle Triton's" heavily fortified defense perimeter. Strategical emplacements of its massive firepower. Such as the "MASER" (Massive, Amplification, Sonic, Emission, Rays.), "Acoustic Missiles", and "Torpedo Batteries". Proximity sensors, were scattered and deployed to detect any unwarranted visitors and intruders entering their Threat Sectors.

They've been here, since the dawn of time. For they believe, that they carry the sacred blood-line of their deity; "JOHN-KEY".

"JOHN-KEY" is a wise serpent god, with shape shifting abilities.

In ancient times, "JOHN-KEY" and his subjects, would morphed into semi-human snake form. The upper body is that of a man, fitted with both human arms. The lower part, is that of a grand snake. As they interact with the early ancestors of man. They vary from the other, vast diversities of celestial beings. Though they could all easily change into different forms, anytime whenever they so choose.

They were the early teachers of man, whose been gradually teaching mankind, in small portions of learning (For Control). Homosapiens were

able to assist in building constructions, and were able to make their own tools. They were guided, under the supervision of the "Master Builders". With the help of technological advancements, utilizing a multitude of drone "Scarabs".

Their own version of Ancient Nanobot Technology. Operated by the "Majestic Engineers", via direct "Neural Mind Link". Amplified though commands, that were transmitted. By wearing, an elegant crown, adorned with exotic gemstones. To amplify and enhance their though signals. As the "SCARA-NITES" (Scarab-Nanites) chipped and sculptured the stone-slabs, according to their architects designs.

The tall "JEB's (JEBONITES)" carry out the heavy grunt work, by positioning the heavy stone slabs that were transported by means of anti-gravity, aural frequency generators. They were all thriving and living peacefully together, on the newly terraformed planet called "Earth".

But that was eons ago, long before the great cataclysm. The great impact, that wiped out the pre-historic "Saurons". Which caused the tilting of the earth at an angle of 23 Degrees 27 minutes. (As it was taught, in Navigational Astronomy. While "Bobbot" was at the academy).

Dis-locating the geographical position of the earth's original North and South Poles. Therefore, the earths initial poles, were located somewhere off. In a different position, during ancient times, rather than its present North and South Pole location, as it is today.

The great oceans were displaced, by the sudden jolt of the massive impact. Whereby causing great floods, inundating the great ancient continents. Submerging ancient civilizations and burying ancient cities under the rubble. Due to mountain avalanches, and rapid soil erosions, Caused by earthquake tremors, and multiple aftershocks. Some remaining structures, were recently detected under the thick glaciers of ice. While others were covered under the thick foliage of vegetations in the forest. By means of using "Light Detection and Ranging" Technology.

"JOHN-KEY" was said, to have bio-engineered, the inception of the latest species of meta- humans. To supersede the peevish, and obstinate "JEB's"

The progenitor of Mega-man was "KRAMADU". The unheard story, the untold part in the dichotomy, of the creation of man. He was "Amador's" counterpart. A secret underhand project of "JOHN-KEY", (highly classified) known only to his handpicked loyal, and ever-trusted subjects. To create an enhanced version of "Amador" and depose his half brother "HYPERION".

"KRAMADU" and his wife "Celestina", were administered the newly created, formula. Which was highly unstable (untested). Derived from the uncontrolled and illicit herbals, and organic compounds. From the vast collection of exotic species stashed inside the "Arbolarium".

The highly potent elixir, was called "Typhon's Coalescence"

It made them, shed away their lower snake parts. Molting them into bi-pedaled human legs. They were able to utilize, more than 10% of their brains,(Far better) than "Amador".

But apparently, one of "JOHN-KEY's" disgruntled Nephro Scientist became callous. News of Mega-man began to leak. Their secret-cell was highly compromised. Nevertheless, contingencies were already prepared before-hand, since the conception of this undertaking. (Damage Control Procedures)

"JOHN-KEY" upon determining the extent of the leaked information. Plugged out, and severed all connections leading to his involvement of the attempted coup.

Then, he decided to burn the snitch. By implanting highly incriminating evidence against "JONATHAN (Viper)" to take the fall. And he had no choice, but to implicate "Amador" and his wife "Sheila", as colateral.

(Knowing all too well, that their sentence, wouldn't be so dire, and fatal.) The couples were dragged into the mire, as complimentary accomplices. To compound, the versimilitude of the damning evidence against "Jonathan" (In order to severly punish the snitch).

"HYPERION" was seething with rage, and evicted the couple from the sanctuary of the "Terra-Dome".

Banished, and never to return, ever again.

Unbeknownst to them, they were deemed as a threat by the "HELIONITES". With their newly upgraded level of conciousness, they wouldn't be the same. They'd become disobedient and non-compliant, far more contradictory, with their rebellious attitudes and reasonings, in due time.

Although they were made to live outside, exposed to the harsh envionments. They were able to utilize the full extent of their potenials for survival. Relying only on their wits, intelligence, and sheer-utter common sense.

While the remains of the "Kramadu" project, (and its vital information) was safely hidden tucked away under the noses of the investigative team. Dispatched, under the authority of"Hyperion" and the "HELIONITES".

Nevertheless, "JOHN-KEY" still cared for, and watch over "Amador", whilst monitoring the progress of his development.

While "JONATHAN" was stripped of his ranks, incarcerated to dwell, in the frigid confines of "TARTARUS". Located somewhere, in the inner dimensions of the planet URANUS.