Chapter X - Conundrums

"Praise the Lord! thank God for shopping malls!" exclaimed Bobbot

As he wanders aimlessly, strolling the vast expanse of the merchantile establishment. Not that he'd be indulging, on a blind shopping spree. But somewhere in his outlandish perception, he finds it therapeutical in distancing himself, from the cares and worries of this world.

Either by walking it off, with his android "Coin" app (measuring the number of steps, to gain coins). Sometimes, camping on fast food chains, or at the food-court. While reading a paperback novel, bought from "Book Sale". Or playing Zombie shooting apps with his mobile phone.

Or simply just immersing himself, in an environment surrounded by lots of people. Inconspicuously, stealing glannces of random people amongst the crowd. Thinking that, in every face, lies a story (somewhat, less fortunate than his own).