Chapter XI - Lemon Garlic Chili Sauce

"Listen up! that creature, will not easily slaughter those two, unlike what it did to the first victim. It would taunt them, for a certain time, in order to heightened their fear. "Vasoconstricting" the blood vessels (reducing the diameter), that would enable the release of neurochemicals. And secretion of certain hormones, from the endocrine glands. Giving their blood, a more delectable taste.

Like all predators; be it tiger, shark, wolf, dogs, and even humans. They could all smell the fear.

Besides, those gunshots, would've eventually, alerted the outpost, and the patrolling trackers. Dispatching Recon Teams to investigate, Hunter-Trackers are already honing in on their position." said Arnulfo.

"By the time, they got there, it might have been too late. Mommy and Girlie, would've already been eviscerated.

I wouldn't allow it, in my concience, for them to die! Without doing anything. Their grisly death, would haunt me for the rest of my life." said Bobbot.