Chapter 1- Moving In

My name is Miles, and from a young age I have been able to persevere the dead, and to some extent help them.

Even to this day I do my hardest to help those cross over. But as the U-Haul flew passed the newest destination a pit begun to form in my stomach. Something was not right here, and I'll be damned if I don't find out what.

"Miles you better not be talking to those friends of yours."

"Naw Auntie, hadn't seen them since we flew through Nebraska." I joke making my Auntie Flow sneer. She never really believed all the ghost crap but it's hard to deny it when your nephew comes floating into the room at age three talking about their grandfather.

Since then we have moved at any mention of my ability. She calls it a curse, I call it a conversation starter.

"Don't be joking with me boy I ain't in the mood for your sarcasm." She retorts, gripping the steering wheel tightly that her Mitch-matched rings look like there about to pop off her ebony-callused fingers.

"I'm not Auntie... it's weird."

"It's a good sign." She cheers taking one hand off the wheel to wave it in the stale air between us. "Maybe this little curse of yours will finally leave ya the hell alone for once." She continues smiling hopefully.

Shrugging I lay my head on the cool glass window and watch the thick forest morph into an almost lovely beginning. People move around the place chattering, and as we pass, point and whisper.


"Yes me sweet boy?" She doesn't take her eyes off the road as we stop at the desolate half best stop sign that seemed to be the only thing beside the living people in the area.

"Did we really have to move?" I ask her, and immediately she doesn't answer ignoring the question out right as we king forward and towards a large row of houses.

Pulling into one of them an older man and what I could only assume to be his kid sit on our porch. The man hopping up and ushering the kid to stand as Auntie put the U-Haul in park, and got out, eyeing them as they stepped over.

"Welcome neighbor! I heard you all where coming to our little fork in the road and I thought me and my boy would come be the first to greet you." He holds his hand out and Auntie takes it cautiously. "My names Joseph and this here be my boy Henry." Releasing Auntie's hand he slaps his son on the back.

"Hi." He reluctantly said looking from my Auntie and to me his eyes widening. "Wow dude what's up with your skin?!"

"Huh?" Confused I look to my Auntie, and if looks could kill this kid would be dead.

"It's called Vitiligo son open a book." She snaps her hand tight on the driver side window. Giving me a curt nod, I hop out of the passenger seat and rush around the U-Haul to stand beside her.

"I'm sorry it's just—" Joseph tries to explain but with a quick wave Auntie closes the driver side door.

"Look we got on the wrong foot, and I believe it best you and your boy step back. I will not have my son ridiculed for something his body has done."

"No, no, I understand." Joseph lifts his hands in defense. "There is no hostility ma'am my boy was just... what's the word, curious."

"We'll curiosity killed the cat." Auntie retorts. "Now why don't we try this tomorrow huh?"

Joseph nods ushering Henry down the driveway and across the street.

"Good riddance." She grumbled out, pulling on a false smile and ushering me towards the back of the U-Haul. "Now let's get some stuff in before more fools come by."

Nodding we open the back of the U-Haul and start lugging in as much as we could carry.