Jack's situation (pt 1) chapter 2

when jack was 6 Year's old someone broke into his home while everyone was asleep jack woke up to the sound of glass breaking he was scared so he ran into his parents room and woke his mum and dad up. dad I heard the window break I think someone is trying to get in said jack ok I'll go have a look his dad gets out of bed and head's downstairs. mum I'm scared said jack it's ok dear come snuggle said his mum a few minutes later they hear bashing around in the kitchen and suddenly a large bang what was that noise jack asked his mum nothing dear were going to play a game I want you to hide in the wardrobe she gets off the bed a picks jack up and places him into the wardrobe now no matter what happens I want you to stay very quiet and don't come out until either your dad or I come and get you said his mum ok mum I'm a bit scared though it will be ok she said as she closed the doors jack could see his mum through the gaps of the wood making up the door (kinda of vintage vaneer wardrobe) she made her way to the bedroom door jack watched as a man pushed his mum back into the room she falls on the ground and was about to scream when another man placed a gun Infront of her face make a noise and I'll shoot nodd if you understand Jack's mum nods confirming she understood the other man picks her off the ground they both carry her to the bed and tie her up she was struggling all the time they were doing this till guy b said if you keep resisting well shoot your husband next cooperate or else when she heard that she stopped resisting and let them tie her arms and legs to the bed and they stuck something in her mouth and tapped her mother shut (tied in a starfish position) the men stood up robber a said right now that's both of them taken care of we'll grab all the valuables first then we'll have some fun robber b replied glad we killed the other guy first as they left the room. Jack's mum heard what they said and she started to cry. the robbers cleaned out all the valuables and Left the house jack stayed in the wardrobe all night he fell asleep at some point his mum tried to free herself but couldn't free herself she passed out at some point the next morning jack got woken up by a bashing on the front door bang bang bang Mrs White, Mr White it's the police we're doing a welfare check. one of their neighbors spotted the broken window whilst out for their morning jog and reported it to the police. the police got no response from inside the house we're coming in the officers called out then kicked in the front door they check each room and find Mr Whites body in the kitchen with a bullet hole in his head they draw there weapons 1 officer calls for backup Mrs White are you hear the call woke up Mrs White from her sleep and starts struggling again the officer hears a noise coming from upstairs and slowly head's the direction of the noise he starts hearing muffled cry's coming from 1 of the rooms he enters the room and sees Mrs White tied to the bed and radios for a ambulance Mrs White sees a man enters the room and starts freeking out thinking the robbers have returned she starts crying and struggling with all her might Mrs White my name is officer duke I'm a police officer I'm here to help I'm going to remove these restraints from you as he slowly approches her Mrs White calmed down with a relieved look on her face while duke undid her restraints and removed her gag as he removed the gag Mrs White passed out from been exhausted the paramedics arrived and take her to hospital while the corner took Mr Whites body and they turned the whole house into a crime scene. jack watched all of this happen still hiding in the closet he was following what his mum had said he was using an old bottle to go to the toilet and kept quiet a few times he thought they would find him but luckily the police ignored the wardrobe they had no idea jack existed. the next day Mrs White woke up in hospital what happened why am I here she asked a nurse the nurse quickly left the room and a police officer comes in who are you Mrs White asked the officer he was a bit taken back and asks her do you remember me Mrs White she replied no should I the officer leaves the room and returned with a Dr the Dr checks Mrs White and says to the officer she's physically fine but mentally she's got amnesia about what happened she'll need to see a phycologist to slowly remember the trama the officer replies oh ok I'll report this to my captain and the Dr replies I'll organize 1 for her she'll be here for the next few days they both left the room. at the house Jack's tummy starts to grumble all the police had left the house so jack decides to sneak out and get some food he slowly head's downstairs and into the kitchen he sees what he thinks is cranberry sauce on the floor those guys really make a mess thought Jack as he made him a sandwich he quickly ate it then went back upstairs and hid back into the wardrobe. back at the hospital the psychologist saw Mrs White and decided to commit her to a mental institution since she had forgotten almost everything about her life the police went into the house for the last time to clean up the blood and that it was decided to sell the house by the bank jack was still hiding in the closet at this time he was determined to follow his mother's instructions. the robbery occurred on a Friday night so it was Sunday the officers finished cleaning everything up the bank contacted a real estate agent who placed a for sale sign out front Monday morning while jack was still hiding only coming out to eat and use the toilet a few days pass and the police get a strange report from a primary school.