Jack's situation (pt 2) chapter 3

hello this is officer duke speaking hello this is principle harry from Eden meadows primary school oh hello harry what can I help with today replied duke the thing is a student that attends out school hasn't been to school all week so far and hope you can do a welfare check since we can't seem to get hold of his parents said harry oh sure can I have the address and name of the child said drake Jake white is the students name and he gives drake the address drake asks are you sure this address is correct very replied harry okay leave it with me said drake and hung up the phone drake goes to his captain he walks into his office captain we have a problem the captain looks up from his paperwork what seems to be the problem she asks drake replies do you remember the whites house she replies yeah what about it .I just got a phone call from a principal claiming 1 of his students haven't been to school All week drake said what does this have to do with the whites she's asks with a confused look the students name in question is jack white and the address he gave is the same 1 as the whites residents said drake what did you say the captain yelled let's go they both walked out the office the captain yelled listen up everyone we have a missing child and possible witness to a crime his name is jack white his 6 Year's old I want everyone searching for him now drake your with me and she stormed out all the other offices quickly scrambled to try and chase down leads where we going captain drake asked to the house we're going to check every square inch of the place you phone the real estate agent to meet us there with the keys she said they got into the patrol car she turned on the sirens while drake was on the phone to the real estate agent who was on his way to the house to meet them. meanwhile at the house jack was thinking mummy and daddy have been a long time to come get me but I'm going to be a good boy and stay right here like mummy said I just wish it wasn't so boring. just then jack heard sirens getting closer to his house oh no the bad people are here again he thought as he hid under some clothes as the front door was opened jack Jack are you here drake called out his captain says we'll check each room and anywhere else a child could hide after they got no response they checked everywhere downstairs in every cupboard and anywhere a small child can hide well his not downstairs drake said let's check upstairs said the captain ok said drake they went upstairs there was only 2 rooms upstairs the first room they entered was obviously a child's room captain how is it no one thought to check for a child said drake she frowned at the comment he made I'm not too sure but some one has some explaining to do when we get back they searched the whole room didn't find him they exit the room drake said well his not here and was heading downstairs but the captain headed to the other room captain that's where Mrs White was there's no one else in that room said drake she frowned did you check everywhere in the room drake was stunned I can't recall he replied she opens the door to the room and enters it drake followed shortly after. jack heard the bedroom door open and looked out of the gaps again and saw a lady and the guy who took his mum away he quickly hides as much as he could. drake you check under the bed I will check over here she approches the wardrobe and opens the door and she sees 2 feet poking out of some clothes drake says his not under the bed she turns and motions him to be quiet she carefully picks up clothes 1 by 1 jack noticed he had been found and thought to himself oh no they are going to take me as well what do I do I will have to try and run if they catch me I will do what I can to run and decided to act he tucked his feet in and crouched down ready to spring past them. the captain watched the feet retreat into the clothes pile jack I'm captain Amanda I'm a police officer here to help just after she finished saying that jack sprung at her knocking her to to ground and tried to take off out the bedroom door drake watched this happen and quickly grabbed jack as he was running out the room in a reverse bear hug Amanda gets up as jack is struggling let me go let me go your not taking me like you took my mum jack bit drakes Hand's drake let go and jack took off out the room what did he mean by you took his mum Amanda asked drake I'm the one who found her said drake ok you head back to the car I'll find him said Amanda I have a better idea cuff me and take me to the car said drake why she asked just trust me he said Amanda cuffed him and took him to the police car jack watched the lady put the bad man in the back of the police car from the window drake says to Amanda now go back into the house and say you have arrested the bad man and you need him to help take him to jail Amanda nods that she understood and went with drakes plan and surprisingly it worked extremely well jack comes out from his hiding place and approches her and says I'll come help you if you can help me find my mum and dad Amanda hesitate for a second before she replies sure follow me they both enter the car and get back to the police station I will take you to a special room then I will come and get the bad man I just want you to be safe Amanda said sure thing I will follow you said jack Amanda took Jack to an interrogation room take a seat I Will go take the bad man to jail ok thank you said jack Amanda left the room closed the door and went and got drake out of the car and handcuffs it's best if he doesn't see me I will watch the interview said drake yeah it's probably Best said Amanda drake watched as Amanda entered the interigation room and closed the door hey jack his in jail now said Amanda Jack's face brightens up so did he say where he took my mum he asks Amanda replied I will speak to him after could you tell me what happened to your mum and dad before he took them away jack tells her everything that went on and the other stuff that went on she stayed silent the whole time jack eventually finished that's everything he said ok so till we speak to the bad man and find your parents we will call some people to find you a place to stay till they are found said Amanda okay that's fine said Jack Amanda left and called the CPA they quickly came and picked jack up and for years he bounced from 1 home to another some good and some bad forming his current mentality till he ran away from the last place he was staying and paid for some homeless man to sign a lease for him since he wasn't 18 and sign him up for school which has lead to jacks current situation