The corridor

With Draven who had taken his true face after retrieving his essence, he no longer had Jurian's essence, making his identity as the general fade away. Furthermore, he could no longer go back to Qieldan residence at the moment. Hence, the four of them went to Sila's house where she had been living all this while with Rinus.

The house was located in a remote area, in the very depth of the woods of the border town where almost no one would walk to. It stood as a solitary sanctuary in the depths of the woods. Surrounded by a cloak of nature's calmness.

As they approach, Rhea couldn't help but think; the house appears like a painting come to life. Its weathered, wooden facade blended harmoniously with its surroundings, as if it had been a part of the forest for centuries. The scent of pine needles hung in the air, mingling with the distant whispers of birds and the gentle rustle of leaves.