Enchanting light

Rhea's gaze fixated on Draven, her heart skipping a beat. She noticed a mesmerizing white light, faint but distinct, emanating from him. It danced and swirled around him, like ethereal ribbons of energy.

Her eyes widened in astonishment as she watched the light gracefully swirled and danced around him, casting a radiant white glow. It was the same white light from the pool.

Rhea subconsciously whispered as she stared at his body in awe, "It's beautiful..."

Draven, puzzled, followed Rhea's gaze which settled on his torso, but his expression remained unchanged.

"What are you staring at?" He asked indifferently.

Not looking away from his body, she murmured subconsciously again, "There's... there's this incredible white light, like... it's flowing around you, Draven. It's... it's breathtaking..."

Draven's eyebrows furrowed together.