Breaking the spell

As the morning sun warmed the horizon, signaling a new day, Draven sat patiently on the chair, his demeanor cold, awaiting the arrival of Rinus. Although Draven was still wan, his energy seemed a hundred times better than the day before.

Rhea couldn't help but gaze at him more than she should. After retrieving his essence, his complexion looked more paler than how it used to be. Even his healing process seemed to have increased by a lot, because the wound on his back had closed up completely leaving behind a little red mark. She watched as he causally wore his shirt and sat back down.

Not long, Sila led Rinus out of his room and brought him to sit across Draven on the chair. She made sure he was comfortable on the chair before stepping back.

Draven didn't waste time, he used his blade to cut open his palm to draw blood, before grasping Rinus' hot hand.

Seeing his actions, Sila couldn't help but get anxious, she chimed in, "Are you sure you can break the spell?"