My Promise

[Third Person's PoV]

Silent Night

There was no sound, noise, not even the sound of falling water

There were only boys and girls sitting together, they who couldn't even look at each other, start asking questions

"um…how are you in the demon forest?"

asked Stella

"feels like hell"

he answered in a weak tone

"sorry about that..."

"about what?"

Kamiya tilted his head, and wonder

"about making you shoulder the burdens all of us"

Stella felt guilty for all of this for not being able to shoulder the responsibility herself

it wasn't Kamiya who should have been there, but her

"If...if you can't stand it, it's fine, you can stop.... and let me take that responsibility"

For humans, doing this continuously without rest would only lead to death, but Stella was different.

Vampires have a higher regeneration than Humans, as long as they receive blood, and that is all fulfilled by Loki

Also, Kamiya had become her friend, it made Stella feel worse about herself even more

"I will talk to Loki-sama, and then you can fre-"

"its fine...."


an unexpected answer, even though he had been offered a good thing, but he reject it


Fatigue overcame Kamiya relentlessly, naturally he started to daze and talk nonsense

"What do you mean fine, see, even now you're in a daze"

chatter come out from Stella's mouth, however, Kamiya paid no attention to her chatter,and continued to speak as he want

"I'm fine...I'm protect everyone..."

only pitying glances were directed at him, his state was no longer one to speak of

"Take a break, I'll replace you tomorrow."


no answer

" sleeping?"

" you"


confused by what this person was saying, Stella just sighed

"Come on, I'll lay you down."

Stella's hand held Kamiya's shoulder, and wanted to push him to lie down, but Kamiya held her hand before she pushed his away

"I... want to protect... everyone..."

and he began to fall asleep

Sleep well, like you haven't slept in a long time

"hold on..... I promise, I'll get you out of here"

melodious whisper, bringing sweet dreams to anyone who hears it

make tonight is the first sign of the liberation plan.





One Years

It had been a year since the kidnapping occurred, and Kamiya who was tasked with being heavier than the children in the Lab was getting used to it, however, it was only temporary.

the easier he feels, then Loki will add more to his tasks and targets

at least, it was still something he could handle on his own

His magic control and comprehension was already higher, and his strength increased greatly

As for demonic power, he started training it when he had the time, because it was painful for magic and demonic power to collide when activated.

however, the thing he was looking for the most was a way to return to the realm where Aria was

No matter how many times he puts himself in danger, he still can't get there

Apart from that, Stella, Leon, Rexa started planning an escape route

For Sienna, she was getting along well with people and of course with Kamiya, or maybe with Kamiya she was a bit clingy

"feels like i have little sister"

His said.





Two Years

Their age is nine years

Slowly, Kamiya can control his demonic power, and can make various custom magic

like Demonic Infusion for coating his sword with demonic magic, and making it sharper to fight against monsters

And this was the moment he would hunt in large numbers, because lately, Fallen Angels had started roaming the Demon forest for quite some time

Stella is getting more proficient with her sword, Leon is starting to have a well thought out plan for escape, and Rexa….I guess he's still the same

Sienna also began to develop her magic talent, she got Kamiya's direction, or originally from Aria because it was direction that came from her.

and there was something surprising, namely Reen, the girl who was initially indifferent to them began to enter the group

the reason was because she was get sick with all of this, and wanted to go back as soon as possible to meet her family

unexpected thing, but the more people the better





Three Years

As a result of Loki's experiments, Kamiya slowly began to lose his emotions and expressions, feeling empty

The training and experimentation from time to time tired him out, and perhaps even the stabbing pain in the stomach was nothing big problem

Only Sienna cried over him, and Stella further accelerated her plan because she couldn't stand seeing Kamiya suffer any more than this

the smile she always saw before was fading away, there are only human beings without feelings, or we can call it, a dolls

really, it feels weird because in the past people who like to break the silence like Rexa started to become silent

And as for Leon, he began to strengthen his physique and knowledge to be of useful

Reen not doing anything in particular, just slowly, she started glancing at Kamiya with pity, and sometimes taking care of him alternately with Stella and Sienna





Four Years

and for this, the day when their release plan will be successful or not, will be determined.
