Escape for Tomorrow (1)

[Third Person's PoV]

The long awaited day has arrived

The day when everything is determined

Stella as the leader was ready, and the plan that Leon had thought of was also complete

Now, it's only a matter of time for Loki to stay away

whether by coincidence or what, Loki wasn't in the castle, just guards and researchers

however, that does not mean they are happy, in fact the main problem of this plan is the guard and the researcher

They were strong enough to handle or even kill children like Stella in just 5 minutes

Also, the guards are the ones they have to trick, the researchers have to kill, very dangerous if this research spread over the wide world

Perhaps many children will suffer more than them. And in order for that to end from happening, all the researchers must be killed.





First, Reen started to step forward to the front of the prison, and said that she heard something from out there

Guardians are not stupid, because the devil's ears are sharper than the average human

However, that was all pushed aside by the sound of an explosion near the children's training wall

The guard immediately went that way, and with a bit of magic, Reen plucked the lock from the guard's waist

Thus, the first plan was a success.





Second, when all the guards went towards the sound of the explosion, a second explosion appeared from the opposite direction, and it was at the monster research site

The captive monsters began to rampage, and scattered, destroying everything in its path

Researchers nearby tried to seal the monsters away, however, a disturbance occurred

namely arrows and magic that shot down from above

it came from Leon and Sienna

And bad luck for the fallen researcher, he was soon eaten by the monsters without a trace

Stella and Rexa are securing an exit

And Reen opened the prisons one by one as fast as she could

Speaking of which, the explosion came from Sienna's magic, she learned Explosion magic at Kamiya's direction long ago, and she trying it over and over again just for today.

And while everyone was busy with something, only two people weren't there at the time

it was Kamiya and Loki





If you are confused where they are

they are in the demon forest

not knowing what the goal is, and not knowing when to return

but before the two finished walking, an explosion sounded from the direction of the castle




just silent, and didn't turn away in the slightest, it wouldn't be strange if Kamiya wasn't surprised, however, Loki was the same

"Stop here"


Kamiya stopped walking at Loki's command, and still silent

"You know why I brought you here?"

Loki asked


And Kamiya still didn't answer

"HAHAHA....i like it, you are just my son, and have to obey, be quiet, and do what i tell you"

Loki's gleeful laugh as if victory was right before his eyes

Feeling weird



"Why… do you…feel like you won?"

The questions asked are rather complicated, but that alone was enough for an eye-opening answer

"Why do you think?"


Loki threw the question back, and Kamiya couldn't answer just remain silent



The evil laugh that he often shows is no longer a scary thing for him

"I never expected think a brat's plan like that would work????"


"I said....ASNWER ME!!!"

Loki shouted in slight anger, because only a child dared to go against him

Eyes tired with this very crazy god

empty heart because of his treatment

lose emotions because of his experiments

"I'm sure they will succeed."

"what did you say?"

" I said, they will succeed escape"


Great magic energy overflowed from Loki's body, he began to release unstoppable anger

"be it you or Odin, everything pisses me off!"

In the face of a bomb ready to explode at any moment, Kamiya was ready to die

"Loki, you have some mistake in your plan"

"oh? then tell me!"

He turned around to see a child who had flat expression, black hair and blue eyes

"First off, you shouldn't be bothering my friends."

The boy slowly took out his sword from its scabbard

"Second, ever since you brought me here, I've been ready to die"

Yes, Loki thought, Kamiya was a child who was afraid of death, therefore he took orders from Loki

"and last....."

"Even if I die...your plan will still fail"

looked up at the sky, and began to close his eyes for a while

the thought of Issei destroying Loki's plan calmed him down

Loki grinned and closed his eyes

"hoh~~~ then, I'll be the one to take your li-"

"you're wrong again"


Loki narrowed his eyes and let out a threatening tone

Kamiya opened his eyes and looked at the mad god

"I... am here to take your life first."

In the history of mankind, gods are the most praised and worshipped thing

But how about a human challenge a God?

The victory of the god is certain?


in this life, where everything is ruled by power, god is just a nickname, and power is a proof

humans can stand up, make their own names

and here it is.....

A Battle, beetwen Human.....and God
