Brother [V2]

"Hyoudou-kun, I love you, please go out with me!"

"....sorry im not interested"

that's how, I, Hyoudou Issei met this girl named Yuuma

"...can you think about it just once?"

"I don't have time for that"

Instead of thinking about things like this, I'd better focus on my martial arts training

Honestly, lately I've been almost annoyed because a lot of women have confessed to me, but what are they really thinking, they should already know I'm not interested, and still their persistence never seems to break

"if there's nothing else, then I'll go home" Issei walked home


" need something..?"

As I thought, all women are stubborn

"Hyoudou-kun.....actually I know a little about your Brother's disappearance case..."

"!!!" Issei immediately turned around and was shocked

"Actually, I also know where your brother is."

".....tell me..." Issei's voice was serious

" about a date next week? as a price for this information"

" freak..."





It's been a week since then, today I met Yuuma back at the square, where we promised to meet

Actually I don't really like this idea, but this is all for the sake for finding my brother

"Hyoudou-kun....sorry for making you wait"

"...." this is why she is called one of the most beautiful girls in her school

Yuuma wore a short black dress with a small, light purple jacket on top, her hair, she gave off an extremely feminine impression, and of course, all the men glanced at her.


"lets go!"

Yuuma held my hand, and dragged me to various places, such as clothing stores, arcades, food stores, jewelry, and even the most extreme, she took me to a place to buy swimsuits.

"There must be something strange with that girl's brain," I said while I was in the toilet

After all, it would be strange if someone you just met showed something like that to you directly without the slightest embarrassment

"I have to be safe and get information from Yuuma as soon as possible."

It's said that she knows where my brother is, so maybe Yuuma has something to do with the kidnapping and murder case ten years ago, whether she was a victim or not is another topic, right now, I just hope I can get some useful information.





night come, and currently we're back at the square, and as I expected it's tiring to date with this girl

"Thank you for today, Hyoudou-kun"

"forget it"

"And to think you have good taste when it comes to women's clothing hehe~"


damn, how could I say it was all because of the adult magazines I used to collect

"dont mention that, quickly give me information about my brother's disappearance case."

"...okay...about that...yeah.."

"....." Issei waited for Yuuma's answer


here she is....

"he's in hell"






why is she laughing so hard?

"Gosh, I didn't expect trapping a sacred gear owner would be this easy."

"s-sacred gear? what are you talking about you crazy woman"

"You don't need to know too much, as long as you die today, all threats to fallen angels will subside a little."

Yuuma suddenly changed, his voice became lower, and his personality was completely opposite to the Yuuma I knew before

he even gave off black wings, with his clothes being very revealing

"You'd better just die, sacred gear owner" Yuuma took out a spear of light and threw it at Issei

"!" *dodge

gosh, what the hell...where did that spear come from, and also how did Yuuma change??

"*clap*2x looks like you are quite skilled"


"Isn't it obvious?" *swosh



"all of these.."

oh no...behind me

"to kill you"







"So...what are they doing?"

Kamiya was watching his little brother's date from the top of the building, to avoid being detected by Raynare's ally (Yuuma) or even by Raynare herself

he saw Issei's date going smoothly..... or he felt it was ruined since Raynare stopped by the swimsuit shop

"Isn't this a bit extreme for a first date?"

Indeed, from the start he hoped for a normal date, but it seemed he was wrong to expect that from this world

for him, the standard of dating is to enjoy time together whether it's eating, playing, or enjoying the view with your partner

but the reality is...

Kamiya still single

Even in his previous life, he didn't pay much attention to marriage or having a wife or girlfriend. All this time, he only thought about how he could live in peace

"Maybe....I should change my standards of dating in this world....."

for some reason he was very serious about that





"forget it...oh? what do we get?"

Kamiya looked around the square, and the people there began to slowly leave

"Oh my... has Raynare spread her magic and acted? If so, I also have to act immediately."

and with that, Kamiya opened a teleportation portal 







Kamiya appeared from a teleport while shouldering the unconscious Issei

Raynare was surprised by the arrival of the uninvited guest, she immediately flew away out of alert 

"You are very impolite, even though you are the one who is dating my brother, but why are you hurting him?"


while moving Issei to a chair, Kamiya continues to try to wait for Rias to arrive, but it looks like she will arrive a little late, 'let's let my Brother's luck find Rias' Kamiya thought while rubbing the head of his brother who he hadn't seen for a long time

"That's right, and I'm here to pick up my Brother to go home immediately, because it's time for dinner."

"....." Raynare looked at Kamiya, feeling uncomfortable and uneasy

Someone appeared who suddenly disrupted the plan to kill the owner of the Sacred Gear, without the slightest fear

"hahaha, I didn't expect that naive person's older brother was a wizard"

"You're almost right, it's a shame that women who wear black underwear aren't always smart huh"

Raynare was insulted by Kamiya's words

"lowly devil"

"Devil? Hey hey, I'm just like you, you know."

"like?" Raynare asked in surprise what he meant by that

"Look" Kamiya showed one of his wings which were angel wings


shocked by what she saw, not about the wings, but the color of the wings which kept changing 




"ah... you're talking about the color of my wings? I thought you were talking about where I got these wings from" Kamiya stroked his wings which he really appreciated

"Well... wouldn't it be better to discuss it somewhere else with your accomplice?"

"accomplice...DON'T SAY YOU KNO-"


Kamiya told Raynare to be quiet and immediately opened a portal to the church occupied by Raynare and her gang

"You have to come with me and let's talk about this carefully"


In an instant, Kamiya closed the distance, and covered Raynare's mouth with his own hand

"You're quite noisy"


With that, both of them disappeared





"So.... Issei isn't dead yet?" 

a red-haired woman was looking at a man lying alone on a chair in the square

and we already know who it is.