
How do I call it...uuuuhh......

Before this all happened, I had prepared for unexpected events such as raids or something else....but it's surprising that there's no one here except me and Raynare.

Are you confused about where I am? it was in the abandoned church where Raynare killed Asia

and right now, I'm still strangle Raynare 

"so? is there anything you want to do in a situation like this?"


"You're starting again"

even though I've seen it directly in anime and novels, it turns out this woman is more annoying than I thought.

Can I just kill her straight away?

"If I wanted to, I could erase your existence, but now is not the time"

"HEH SO ARROGANT" "Yeah...that's my nature as a creature created by God"


"sorry? but the God I know is not a God who can die"


Before our conversation could continue, Freed came quickly into the Church



oh? I remember him, he was that psycho exorcist?

"Stop right there exorcist budy"

"HUH? who are you?"

"hm.... Kuoh Academy Student?"


"Can't you please just shut your mouth?"

"You'd better make a wise choice boy"


Freed took out his Light Saber and gun


* BANG 2X ...

Freed managed to hit Kamiya's heart with that shot, and Kamiya fell 

Raynare thought the shot had managed to injure and made Kamiya die , and she tried to release the strangle


"...." Freed was confused while still aiming his gun

"LET! ME! GO!"

Raynare still can't escape from the strangle, but with that Freed comes to his senses



Raynare was strangled more forcefully and it almost crushed her neck

Kamiya got up again and patted the dirty clothes, while looking at Freed, he smiled disdainfully

"just a little criticism, you're bad at shooting, aren't you?"


this time, Freed fired and immediately moved forward

After three shots aimed at the head, heart, and knee, Freed slashed Kamiya with his Light Saber


Freed saw Kamiya's face, but Kamiya had no reaction or even one of his limbs moved, something was strange

".....NO WAY!!" His clothes were torn, but there were no scars

"Let me teach you how to shoot properly"

The finger was raised and pointed at Freed's head



Freed jumped back and created a magic shield, however, it was all a futile effort




Freed's head had a pebble-sized hole in his forehead

He fell down with a shocked expression

Of course Freed dies without much resistance

Raynare was shocked, her eyes filled with anger


*BANG 3x



three direct shots to the head, heart and stomach, accidentally

the destructive power is very strong because the amount of magic contained is very large, and it is compressed in a small form.

"gosh, I messed up"

Kamiya scratched the back of his head and released his stranglehold

"For now, let's just burn these corpses"



Kamiya answered happily because the last person he was waiting for had finally arrived


"ahaha...I forgot my introduction"

Kamiya scratched the back of his head again

"but...why should I introduce myself?"


Kalawarna was confused by the person in front of her, he was like an unknown person who only came to disturb

"um...Miss...will you shut up and let me go?"


"come on, don't just keep quiet"

"like I would let you go after doing that to my allies"

" even villains have a sense of friendship right?"

"shut up"

Kamiya think about Asia and Kalawarna plan

"I guess changing the plot a bit and letting Asia live isn't a problem"

" !! how do you know..."

"!" Kamiya felt a faint energy near Issei's house

like an unpleasant energy has escaped

"No need to talk much, I have to go immediately" 

Kamiya was immediately beside Kalawarna and holding her head

"how th-" 

"Firecalysm" *burn

(a magic technique created by Kamiya himself, this magic can burn anything with the requirement that it comes into direct contact)

Kalawarna burned without any residue in an instant

Then he looked back and shot several fireballs to burn Freed and Raynare corpses.





"gosh, Rias can't help herself"

Kamiya knew what was causing that uncomfortable feeling, a chess piece for a new life, new journey and torture for Issei

However, without that thing, how could Issei's weak human body survive

" must be fate" 

he walked out of the church while then looking at the sky full of stars

" *sigh* fought too much" 




Back to Rias, she was moving Issei to her bed and while checking Issei's condition, Rias took out a pawn and tried to put it on Issei's chest, however, of course it wasn't as easy as she thought

"I don't like the way you make someone indebted"


Rias immediately attacked using her demonic energy, but she felt it was all in vain. Kamiya held Rias' wrist while spreading soundproof magic around Issei's room

"Who are you?"

"Kuoh Academy students"

"and since when does Kuoh Academy have guardian angels?"

"hahahaha, that's your joke. Well Kuoh has been protected or watched over by demons from the start, so it's not strange that I encounter lots of demons, made a connection and come to this place, thats all"

" Then what was your purpose in coming into our area?"



was confused by the answer Kamiya gave, who this young angel wanted to reunite with

"uh...don't think too much about it, just continue your work guarding Kuoh, I'll just keep quiet as long as nothing disturbs things related to me , Okay?"


"Good, and by the way... are you serious about making Hyoudou Issei a member of your Peerage?"

"of course, I can't possibly miss out on the owner of the sacred gear"


Kamiya thought for a while, and finally he found a solution

"I don't like your way of doing that, instead of forcing the pawn onto Issei now, how about you make an exchange?"


"Yeah, I think that's more acceptable to me"

"....and what do I have to offer so that he wants to become a member of my peerage?"

Kamiya smiled a little when he heard that

"I'm sure it's not difficult, and I'm also sure that time can answer all the things he wants to find"

"'re like someone who already knows him"


Kamiya didn't answer and just looking at Issei who was asleep

"I don't think.....I have known him that long"

"?" Rias was confused by that answer

"How about this, I want you to make Issei stronger when he is in your peerage, plus dont tell him about me, I'm sure, you won't regret that choice"

"That's what I will do for all my peerage"

Rias answered with confidence and pride

"hahahaha, that's nice to hear"

Kamiya chuckled and let go of Rias' wrist which he had been gripping, he was satisfied with the fact that Issei would get stronger, remembering that his younger brother was the owner of the Red Dragon Emperor's sacred gear, where fate would always bring him together. Issei with Vali, the Vanishing Dragon, the red dragon emperor's lifelong rival so that Issei doesn't always get hurt or even almost die this time. Kamiya doesn't want to feel lost again, it would be better if he could transfer Issei's destiny to himself, but the world won't allow it to go that far, all he had to do now was watch his little brother grow strong, so strong that no one would bother him.