Patriarch Huang

The ranking is:

1. Ye Feng

2. Ji Ning

3. Yu Tianhao

4. Huang Chao

5. Li Daoran


And so on, but what is mind-blowing is how a single 'Empyrean Celestial Sect' occupied the top 3 spot in the genius ranking, which never happened in the history of the spiritual kingdom.

Not only that, there were two more. Li Ming and Zhao Yu of the empyrean celestial sect also showed strong strength and made their way into the top thirty, shocking the crowd and family of Zhao Yu, who knew how strong he was a few months ago.

The Zhao family is a well-known family in the kingdom as it had a spirit master realm ancestor in their clan, and many know a lot about him, but in just a few months of joining the sect, he completely changed. From being a talented martial artist of a single clan to the top of the whole spiritual kingdom.

People cannot believe what magic the Empyrean celestial sect used to make such a great chance in such a short amount of time.

But because of this, many young martial artists, whether they were from old big clans or normal loose martial artists, all have the same goal: to join the empyrean celestial sect.

They had already made up their minds; the moment the Empyrean Celestial Sect started to accept new disciples, they would immediately leave all things behind to join the Empyrean Celestial Sect.

After the end of this, everybody slowly started to leave and return to their inn with their disciples who took part in it.

While Ye Feng and the other disciples gathered, Jiang Chen quietly showed up in front of them, momentarily shocking them with a smile on his face.

"Not bad; you all did great, especially you and Ye Feng."

He said, looking at Ji Ning with a smile, as it has different meanings.

He also said some good and encouraging words to his two direct disciples and the rest of the group.

Many elders and leaders of various forces were also looking at their group, wanting to make friends with them. Even the geniuses and elders of the top ten clans also have the same thoughts about this group of martial artists.

Finally, someone made the first move and quickly came to Jiang Chen and his disciples.

It was none other than the 'Huang clan, the oldest and most mysterious clan in the spiritual kingdom.

There were only three people who came to them. They were the old man who showed half-step king realm strength and made his move, Huang Chao, the young genius of the Huang Clan, and lastly, a middle-aged man with a powerful aura, and Rizz, the patriarch of the Huang clan.

He was interested in the Huang clan, which was covered in mystery, so he smiled and looked at them with curiosity. He always felt there was something wrong with their aura, but he could not figure it out, so for this, he used his eye of insight on them to see if he could find what they were hiding.

But when he saw everything, he was surprised. 'Huang clan is really hidden.' 

[Huang Chi (Patriarch Huang)]

[Age: 76]

[Martial Art Realm: Late Stage Human King Realm]

[Physique: Golden Body]

[Martial Art Talent: 60]

[Innate Talent: Golden Lotus Fire]

[Bloodline: Middle-grade Emperor Blood]

[Profound Truth/Intent: Gold (First Layer Perfection Realm), Fire (First Layer Perfection Realm)]

[Martial Art Cultivation Technique: Golden Body Sutra]

[Martial Art: Golden Body of Heaven (Entry Level)] One-point severe slash (perfection),

Three-layered Lotus Wave (Perfection), Domineering Steps (Great Accomplishment).

Feeling surprised, he also looked at the old man, who showed half-step king realm strength.

[Huang Gai]

[Age: 216]

[Martial Art Realm: Early Stage Human King Realm]

[Physique: Red Wood Body]

[Martial Art Talent: 44]

[Innate Talent: Blood Drain]

[Bloodline: Low-grade Emperor Blood]

[Profound Truth/Intent: Wood (Second Layer Entry Realm), Blood (First Layer Small Accomplishment Realm)]

[Martial Art Cultivation Technique: Blood Thorns Technique]

[Martial Art: Wood Mausoleum (Entry Level)] Dead Vine Domain (Perfection),

Blood Soul Thorn (Perfection), Blood Flowing Technique (Great Accomplishment)


"They are really hiding something."

Looking at the strength of the patriarch and the old man next to him, lets him understand how low-key the Huang Clan actually is.

The two here are already in the king realm, and their age is not that old considering their martial arts realm, especially the patriarch of the Huang Clan, who has already reached the late stage of the human king realm in his seventies.

Since the Huang Clan is an ancient clan, there should be many ancestors in the clan who might have reached the true king realm or the heavenly king realm, and even with their mysterious background, there might be a real living saint in the clan.

But with their strength, they remained in such a backward place where the King's realm had already become a legend.

There must be a reason for the Huang clan staying here for thousands of years. But it had nothing to do with him.

Jiang Chen smiled as he looked at the Huang clan patriarch, who came towards him.

"I did not expect that the sect master of the amazing 'Empyrean Celestial sect would be this young."

The Huang Clan patriarch looked at Jiang Chen and said it with a smile on his face.

"It is nothing compared to the patriarch Huang, the strongest clan in the spiritual kingdom." Jiang Chen replied with a laugh on his face.

Just now, as Jiang Chen tried to look into these three Huang Clan members, Patriarch Huang was also trying to figure out about Jiang Chen and the 'Empyrean Celestial Sect' that suddenly appeared in their area without their knowledge.

But no matter how he tried, he could not see anything, as Jiang Chen seemed to be covered in a mysterious veil.