Fame Spreads

Jiang Chen understood what Patriarch Huang was trying to find, but he used the Infinite Cosmos Sutra to hide his martial arts realm, not to mention the king realm. Even saints will not be able to see through his realm.

Even after knowing more about martial arts and their rank, he still could not find to which rank this technique belonged, as it was still beyond his knowledge.

After trying to find something, patriarch Huang stopped as he was not able to see anything. He became solemn as it seemed the 'Empyrean Celestial Sect' was stronger than he anticipated, but Patriarch Huang did not show much from the outside as he maintained a smile on his face while talking to Jiang Chen.

"No, with talented disciples and masters like you, it is already a given fact that 'the empyrean celestial sect is best in the spiritual kingdom and even reaches higher heights in the coming domain battle."

"Patriarch Huang is praising too much."

Haha haha! Both of them laughed like they had been friends for ages.

Seeing them talking and laughing slowly, other top clans and a prince from the royal family came to them to establish a good relationship and invited them to a party that would be held two days later in the royal family castle.

After talking for a few minutes, the group left and returned to their inn to rest, as they were too tired after battling all day.

The next morning, the battle for the older geniuses started, and everyone made their way to the arena.


Everyone hoped to see dark horses in this age group similar to before, but it did not produce such an impact as there were very few changes in one or two places.

But still, this group also shows some promising geniuses, like the youngest prince, who had a mutated ice spirit body, and the biggest dark horse in the age group of 50 to 100, named Su Mo, who has a very rare poison body.

The martial artists of the kingdom were feeling good, as this time it seemed they would do quite well in the domain battle and would bring much more luck to the country.

In the evening, all the battles concluded, and all the participants in all three categories were selected.

Although the other two groups were not as promising as the first group, which included remarkable geniuses like Ye Feng and Ji Ning, it was better than expected.

Just in a month, this group of people will be picked up from the capital by the spaceship sent by the Divine City, the ruler of the whole continent.

One month was not much for others, but for geniuses like Ye Feng and Ji Ning, it was enough for large improvements. And even for other disciples of the Empyrean Celestial Sect, it was enough for some progress.

The next day, they attended the party organised by the royal family, especially for the genius participant Jiang Chen, and others also went there and talked with various elders and leaders of most forces in the kingdom.

Jiang Chen and others did not stay for much time as many were trying to flatter him, which frankly was annoying, so they left early.

After a day of travelling, they returned to the sect. The whole spiritual kingdom was boiling because of the appearance of many monstrous geniuses and the overwhelming dominance of the Empyrean Celestial Sect.

Now, in the whole spiritual kingdom, the Empyrean celestial sect became so famous that many martial artists started coming towards the White Floating City.

What makes more young martial artists crazy is that sudden rumour about it being an ancient hidden sect that came out of hiding. This rumour is spreading like a forest fire because of the strength shown by the disciples in the competition, which makes them believe in the rumour. 

Numerous martial artists started to come to the White Floating City, as it is the only city which is under the Empyrean Celestial Sect. The increase in the number of martial artists brought more business to the city and more resources to the sect.

But Jiang Chen did not care much about that rumour, as some years later, his sect would not be weaker than any hidden sect, so it does not matter what outside people think.

Jiang Chen originally wanted to continue to train, but even after a week, the number of martial artists coming to the city did not decrease at all, as thousands of martial artists had already made the whole City full and overcrowded.


In the end, he decided to organise another disciple selection ceremony in a week, when the enthusiasm was still the highest, to get the best result and increase the number of disciples in the sect.

This time, he let his ancestors and the elders take care of this ceremony, and he will continue to cultivate; there is not much in the spiritual kingdom. With his current strength, he can protect himself, so he was also thinking of travelling outside the spiritual kingdom.

The next day, the information that Empyrean Celestial was accepting disciples after a week spread throughout the whole kingdom, causing the already bustling white floating city to be flooded with numerous martial artists who wanted to join the hidden sect. 

Time passed, and after a week, hundreds of thousands of martial artists appeared in the City. There were not enough places to stay, so many people had to use tents as accommodations.

Even outside the gate of the Empyrean Celestial sect, it was also filled with tents and even needed to send people to control the large crowds.

Following a few hours, the selection process began and an astonishing 300,000 individuals participated.

They continued the test for three days straight, and in the end, only around seven hundred were selected and joined the empyrean celestial sect.