Maybe....I'm just expecting too much

It was 3:30 pm and Nakul was finally at home. Following his usual routine, he removed his shoes and made his way to the bedroom. But he halted midway as his eyes opened wide in surprise. He found Dhiraj lying on the living room couch, and the moment Dhiraj saw Nakul, his eyes lit up.

"How come you are earlier today?" Nakul questioned his doubt. He approached Dhiraj and instinctively placed a little peck on Dhiraj's lips as he sat on the armrest of the sofa. Dhiraj's heart was starving for that. Dhiraj returned that kiss before replying, "I.....just wanted to see you...". He kissed his baby more. Dhiraj was worried Nakul might ask him something about the article, but judging from his actions, it was safe to say Nakul hadn't come across the article or any talks about it.

Thanks to Avanti, the article got removed.

The thought of what might have happened if Nakul had in fact come across that article plagued Dhiraj's mind. The consequences that would have followed, made his headache return. It's best if he doesn't know that anything like this has happened. Dhiraj put his arms across Nakul and pulled him in a tight embrace.

I just need you. Nothing else matters.

His grip grew tighter and soon the embrace turned into Dhiraj slipping his fingers inside Nakul's shirt. Nakul shivered at that unexpected touch, but nevertheless, his lips still seeked Dhiraj. Dhiraj pulled Nakul towards himself by Nakul's waist and soon Nakul flopped from the armrest on Dhiraj's lap. That little flop made Nakul giggle. And that little oblivious laughter only made Dhiraj's heart skip a beat. I can do anything to protect this smile.

A trail of littles kisses were showered by Dhiraj to Nakul.

"Stop...stop...hahaha...." Nakul tried stopping Dhiraj. "Let me at least get changed."

"Okay..." Dhiraj replied, still keeping his hands firmly tucked around Nakul. Nakul tried to break free from that embrace, but failed.

"Let me gooooo..." Nakul stretched the go part. And seconds later Dhiraj reluctantly did.

"Up for a quick snack?" Nakul asked as he made way to their room.

"Yeah sure..."Dhiraj meekly replied as his mind once again went back to the questions he must seek answers to.

How should I ask him that? Dhiraj couldn't help but wonder. He was lost in his thoughts when he got an idea. He patiently tried waiting for his baby. And once Nakul had freshened up, Dhiraj started following him around like the puppy he was.

Nakul went up to the kitchen, pulled out some fruits and started cutting them. He was absorbed in his task when he felt a pair of hands, locking around his waist. The puppy was clinging to his master once again. No words were exchanged. But Dhiraj simply rested his chin on Nakul's shoulder and he quietly observed Nakul carefully cutting the fruits.

Still contemplating how to bring up the topic, Dhiraj finally broke the silence.

"You know.....I heard a really cool toy store opened up at the mall. Should we buy a soft toy for your niece?" Dhiraj tried suggesting as casually as possible.

Oblivious to Dhiraj's actual motives, Nakul immediately lightened up at that thought, "Yes!! She loves soft toys!!"

"Your sister.....she knows about us right?" Dhiraj confirmed his doubts.

That question made Nakul halt in his task. Now although Nakul did tell his sister about his chrome, he had lied to her about his chrome being a woman. Nakul's sister too tried to pry more information from Nakul, but he didn't give her much response. Nakul wasn't sure what he should answer.

"Yeah-Yeah...She knows about my chrome." Nakul pressed on a smile. Well, technically I did tell her about my chrome. So I'm not really lying here. He got back to cutting the fruits.

Despite a favorable response, Dhiraj wasn't quite convinced. The hesitation in Nakul's tone made him second guess Nakul's answer.

"Great!! Then let's do this, since we are free this evening, let's buy Tara a toy and give it to her personally. We can meet your sister too!!" Dhiraj suggested.

"NO" Nakul dropped his task and turned around to face Dhiraj. His eyes were wide open, paranoid by what Dhiraj was suggesting. That expression only lasted for a split second as he regained his composure to reply, "I...I meant....She isn't home. She's out right now." Nakul tried explaining himself, which obviously was a lie.

And even though Nakul's paranoia at that suggestion lasted only for a second, Dhiraj caught on to it. All the thoughts going on his brain stopped, as if a fog clouding over his mind got cleared. Something was whelping up in the pit of his stomach. He MUST get out of there.

So he replied with a simple, "Okay."; pressed on a smile and made the excuse, "I.....have to make a quick phone call. Just remembered something. I'll be back in a minute...."

Nakul didn't give much thought to Dhiraj's response. He took it as a confirmation that Dhiraj had bought his lie. He got back to his task. Dhiraj quickly made his way to their room. Once in his room he closed the door and stood still.

A tear rolled down his eyes. No. No. No. It's not his fault. It's not his fault. It's my fault. Maybe....I'm just expecting too much.....

Dhiraj sniffled as he tried to control the emotions he was experiencing. He himself didn't understand why he was.....hurt?! It's not like he doesn't care for me. He just..... He started making attempts to rationalize his heart. It's just a year we've been together.....It's all my fault. I'm placing MY expectations on him. It's nothing. This says nothing. I'm the one making a huge deal out of it. It's my fault.

More tears rolled down Dhiraj's eyes. His mind was making every attempt to make it seem like he wasn't hurt by Nakul's lies. But deep down he was. Maybe because, despite being patient, his mind craved for some type of assurance from Nakul. Because what that small interaction concluded was that: Nakul wasn't comfortable in letting people know about his relation with Dhiraj.

But that conclusion made Dhiraj think about something else. A tiny fear had creeped in his mind. If Nakul hadn't told his family, even his sister that he loved so much; about them, how can Dhiraj be sure that Nakul will be with him if somehow Nakul came across those pictures?

Nakul might just get scared and.....leave Dhiraj?

NO!! In NO WAY can Nakul know about the pictures or even the article. I must do everything to prevent this from happening.

Almost immediately, Dhiraj picked up his phone and called Rajat. Rajat picked it up.

"I'll do it. The fake contract dating thing.....I'll do it...." Dhiraj declared.

Rajat could sense a desperation in Dhiraj's voice. He instantly picked up on why that might be the case. "He doesn't know about the article and the pictures, does he?"

Dhiraj wasn't sure how he should respond to that. So he remained silent.

Rajat understood the dilemma his employer might be facing so he let go off that topic. "Have you at least talked with Nakul about what we will be doing?"

Dhiraj hesitated. "I....I'll tell him. You start shortlisting the candidates. Send me the info on the ones you think are the most suitable. I'll take a look at them."

"I'll do that. But....." Rajat wasn't sure if he should say what he was going to say. But nevertheless, he did. "...I should tell Nakul about this...."

Dhiraj bit the inside on his cheeks. In NO WAY can he let Nakul know about any of this. If he knows about his...he might...

* * *