Is he cheating on me?

"The person best fitted for our campaign is Anaya Singh according to me." Rajat stated his best fit for the "fake dating contract".

Dhiraj looked her up. "She's just 22. Isn't she like....too young for me?!" Dhiraj voiced his discomfort. His past self wouldn't have actually minded a fake contract under dire circumstances, but things were different now. Suddenly, even the thought of flirting with someone felt like he would be cheating on Nakul. His heart simply wasn't ready to go on with this contract, but his head suggested that there was no other way to handle the situation.

"So have you talked to her agency about this?" Dhiraj asked.

Rajat had everything ready. "Her manager - Yes. I haven't stated any details on who the client is or what the situation is. Only a brief of what is to be done and they will get in return as the perks are stated. Once I get your confirmation, we'll sign an NDA and plan out the rest of the things."

Dhiraj frowned at that. Everything was going on according to their plan. But he couldn't help but feel as if he was deceiving Nakul. No. For Nakul, I have to do this.

"Okay. Let's do this. Get the NDA signed with her." Dhiraj finally made the decision.

"Okay sir, I will. But..."Rajat had planned out everything. But there was still one more thing he HAD to confirm. "Nakul is okay.....with this right?"

Dhiraj hadn't even mentioned anything about this to him. Rather, how could he? Should he just go and tell Nakul - Hi Nakul!! I'm going to have a fake girlfriend. Are you fine with it? Of course not.

"I' to him about this..." was all an absolutely stressed Dhiraj could reply.

I really don't wanna do this. But for him, I have to.....

* * *

Nakul was seated in his empty classroom, waiting for the recess to end. He was focused on how he should go about the next chapter, when he heard footsteps approaching him. He looked up and found it was his student Gracy.

She was clutching onto her phone tightly, and it seemed it wanted to say something but wasn't able to.

"What happened, Gracy?" Nakul tried asking her what the issue was.

"You.....You did good rejecting that man....." Gracy said, visibly angry.

Nakul didn't understand what she was trying to say.

"What? Who? I-" Nakul was even more confused.

That was when Gracy extended her phone, showing an article to Nakul. The article showed Dhiraj. But Nakul's face dropped when he saw him, walking hand-in-hand with a young woman, with the headline suggesting that.....They are dating?

Gracy's words echoed his confusion. "Only months ago, he was all over you, saying that he loved you, he loved you and to give him a chance. But look at him now...easily moving on to someone else?! I thought he was serious about you, so I supported him....But?! It's a good thing that you didn't get swayed by him sir!! I wish I knew what kind of pers-...." Gracy kept on talking, but her words didn't reach Nakul's ears. They vaporized in the background as only one question went through Nakul's mind.

He is cheating on me?

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Dhiraj prefers older women [hence Tanishqa]. While in men, he prefers guys younger than him.

Also, Gracy has no idea that Nakul and Dhiraj are together.

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