~18 missed calls from Baby❣️~

Dhiraj kept staring at his phone. He didn't come to know about the initial 10 calls, but once he did, all he could do was ignore them. It was obvious to him why Nakul was calling him, but if he were to pick up the call, what would he say to Nakul?

Despite Rajat's suggestions, Dhiraj simply didn't have the courage to tell Nakul what the problem was or what "solution" they came up with. And now that the news broke, he was even more afraid to face Nakul. But he HAD to right? Surely Nakul just won't believe the articles and confirm things from me right? He....He just wants to talk about what exactly is happening.....

And with that conclusion, Dhiraj started making his way home. He reached there and opened the door. Darkness and silence filled the air of the room. He walked in. Every cell of his body was preparing him to accept Nakul's numerous questions. But what he saw next was something he didn't even expect.

In the darkness of the room, he saw glass shattered all over the floor. And on the couch was Nakul. Bewildered eyes. They were all red and puffy. It was evident that he had been crying. Dhiraj surely expected Nakul to be angry with him. But the scenario in front of him made his body go numb. He didn't expect Nakul to be so....

Nakul looked up. His eyes met Dhiraj and in a split second all the anger, anxiety, betrayal, disappointment, fears and insecurities came crashing in. He sprung up and took deliberate strides toward Dhiraj. A chill ran through Dhiraj's spine. And only a second later he was grabbed by his collar.

"WHY THE FUCK DID YOU DO THAT?" Nakul screamed on top of his lungs. And after witnessing that anger, Dhiraj's mind went blank.

Nakul's anger mixed with helplessness took the form of tears. Tears started flowing through those bulging red eyes, as he kept demanding to know the answers from Dhiraj.

"WAS IT FUN MAKING A FOOL OF ME? HUH? DID YOU HAVE FUN?" Nakul screamed, not giving Dhiraj a chance to explain himself. The Monochrome residing inside Nakul's mind felt betrayed. How can MY Chrome do this to me?

Soon the anger turned into disappointment. Rather a feeling of pure betrayal. He let go of Dhira's collar, "I kept living with you....because...because I thought you loved me....." *sniffle. Nakul finally broke down. "So-" *sniffle "-Why you had to do this to me?"

Dhiraj's heart broke too. Never did he ever want to be the reason for Nakul's tears. He did expect Nakul to be mad at him, but to that degree. He MUST do something. He MUST explain himself. And so he began.

In a gentle voice Dhiraj explained, "No....You got it wrong Nakul....listen to me..." Dhiraj tried holding Nakul but his forearms. But that touch only irritated Nakul more. He snapped Dhiraj's palms of as he began to scream once again.


"No...that's not how-" Dhiraj didn't give up. He tried once again, this time holding on to Nakul a bit tighter. But the bewildered monochrome had other matters on his head.

"Why do you like her? Is it because she's younger and beautiful?" Nakul pleaded in a pitiful voice. And that voice made Dhiraj regret his decision.

"No....Nakul calm down....listen...."

"WHY SHOULD I?" Nakul pushed Dhiraj away. "I thought....I'm the only one for you....because.....you....you are the only one for me..." Nakul's heart took over as he spilled his feelings.


Dhiraj's heart skipped a beat. It was almost like he had heard a confession from Nakul. Those words only made his mind go blank once more. But this time it was due to what his baby's words were implying. Although they weren't the exact words, his heart had been aching to hear, even such loose declarations were enough for him. Even this much is enough.

But....he had no idea that fate had different plans for him.

Nakul continued as he sobbed, "I loved you....And I thought....you loved me to....."


Nakul tried to wipe off his tears, but just a moment later he found himself wrapped around by a pair of strong hands. Their grip was strong, as if they wanted to catch hold of that moment, not wanting to let it pass by. They were the arms of the man who was currently the reason for the emotional turmoil that he was experiencing. I'm trying to discuss something important here and he thinks hugging me will solve everything? That thought angered him. He tried to break free.

"Just a second more babe..." Dhiraj pleaded as he buried his face more into Nakul's neck. For a moment he had forgotten what the discussion was that led them to that point. What mattered the MOST was that his baby told him that he loved him!! Thank you!!! Thank you for telling me that baby...

Oblivious to this, Nakul's anger only increased more. So finally he blasted, " I SAID LET ME GO!!!!" He tried to break free from those strong warm arms, once again.

But the puppy won't budge. Still clinging on to Nakul, Dhiraj too confessed his feelings, "I love you too Babe.....I DO!!!"

"Don't lie to me!!!!" The monochrome didn't believe those words.

That was only when Dhiraj pulled himself away from Nakul. And what Nakul saw were Dhiraj's eyes filled with tears. He didn't understand why. But it was simply because the puppy was too happy!!

Dhiraj looked deep into Nakul's eyes. As if asking those eyes to believe him, have a little bit of faith in him. "I love so much!!!!!! YOU are the ONLY one for me. Believe me....there's no one else..." Dhiraj then proceeds to place a firm kiss on his baby's lips.

Nakul froze. As if a spell that had been casted on his broke, Nakul thought, What if things are different than it seems?

[A/N: And now your brain is working?]

"Then....Then why were you with that woman?" Nakul's eyes seeked an answer from Dhiraj.

But what should Dhiraj do? What should he say? Should he tell Nakul about that article, about those pictures? Or should he.....should he make something up? No! I can't tell him about those pictures. He has only told me about his feelings now. I can't risk ruining our relationship for the "Truth". It is only now that....that he finally told me that he loved me...Think about something else.....

"Tell me!!" Nakul demanded.

And Dhiraj chose the option that he thought would protect their 'now'. A lie. "Its.....It's Avanti!!!!" Dhiraj chose Avanti as his scapegoat. "She is the one who told me that if I want to be with you, I'll have to pretend to date someone to keep up appearances." Dhiraj blurted out without thinking much.

She told him? Nakul was confused. He didn't think Avanti would be a person to give such a suggestion. The doubt was becoming evident on his face.

"She...she's the one who's making me do this. Why else would I do it?" Dhiraj doubled down on his story.

Nakul still couldn't believe it. Rather he was in a disbelief that Avanti would ever do this.

And Dhiraj's constant recitation of the story made him even more confused.

"I told you...she isn't as great as you think she is. All she cares about is her reputation." Dhiraj solidified his claims. Technically, she IS the one who's making me do this. So I'm not lying to Nakul. Dhiraj tried deluding himself. He noticed that Nakul was slowly giving into his narrative. Only a little more and he'll believe me. So he got down on his knees. And held Nakul's hands in his.

Their eyes meet. Dhiraj's eyes reflected sincerity. Afterall it was indeed true that he didn't had anything to do with that woman[the actress]. It was indeed true that he was doing all of this for his baby. To protect his love. To protect their relationship. He had no intention to be with that actress. It's all just an act.

"Trust me Nakul. I'm only pretending to date her. I don't even know much about her. I didn't want to do this. But I HAVE to do it for our relationship. Because I love you too much....." Tears welled up Dhiraj's eyes once again.

He continued, "If you want...I'll show you the contract that we signed. I'll...I'll bring her home and you ask it to her yourself. I'll do anything....Anything that you want if it makes you trust me...." Dhiraj's eyes pleaded to Nakul.

And Nakul too found it difficult to ignore them. A part of him wanted to believe them. Afterall, you are my chrome. I love you too much. My happiness begins and ends with you. The betrayal the monochrome in him felt was immense. But what quantified even more was his obsession, his wants and his needs. The monochrome would never ever ever, want his chrome to leave him. Nakul would never ever want Dhiraj to leave his side. I'll do anything to have you by my side. So when Dhiraj presented an opportunity, the monochrome took it.

"You'll do anything I want?" Nakul questioned Dhiraj.

Finally, Finally he is believing me. "Yes. Anything. You want."

"Then strip." Nakul commanded.

Dhiraj wasn't expecting that. "What?"

"I said strip. Right now."

* * *

Just wanted to point out somethings:

Yes, Nakul didn't even once consider that there might be something that is making Dhiraj do this. Instead he simply assumes the worst and accuses Dhiraj. This is his monochrome traits taking control over him.

Monochrome obsession incoming!!!!! Fasten your belts!!!