(18+) The temporary Band-Aid

"Then strip." Nakul commanded in a cold voice.

"I What?" That was the least expected sentence Dhiraj had heard throughout the day.

"I said STRIP. Right now." Nakul's voice nearly trembled as he screamed out those words. His furrowed brows were making it evident that his anxiety still hadn't dissipated. And those uncertain eyes only made it difficult for Dhiraj to ignore that iron-clad plea. So despite being unsure he obliged.

He started to remove his tie, followed by unbuttoning the shirt. His mind was taking up quite some time to do that task, which in usual cases won't take more than a minute. Maybe it was because Dhiraj could simply sense the lingering uneasiness in his baby's eyes. The lines of worry were still present on his forehead. That nervous gulp, clenched fist, tapping of his feet. They all indicated only one thing to Dhiraj. Somewhere Nakul was still not satisfied with the explanation he had given.

And he was correct with his assessment. Nakul couldn't hold himself back any longer. An overwhelming urge to have his man swelled up in every corner of his mind. Dhiraj's story did make his monochrome hold his reins, but what still existed was a feeling that the world was going to snatch his precious someone away from him.

The impatience only grew inside Nakul as he took upon the menial task of undressing Dhiraj in his own hands. He stepped forward. His hands staggered as he wasn't able to unbutton the shirt properly. The frustration reached its peak and Nakul ripped off Dhiraj's shirt. That surprised Dhiraj. He's still mad. Dhiraj could easily conclude. I must do something to calm him down. He still looks anxious.

Oblivious to Dhiraj's concerns, what Nakul was focused on was the task to claim what was his. He MUST mark his territory. Make sure Dhiraj knows who he belongs to. So the moment the clothes were out of his way, he plundered through the treasure that laid in front of him. He attacked that neck, sucking on it, leaving little reds everywhere his lips touched. His lips, his teeth as well as his tongue were impatient. Impatient to engrave their presence all over Dhiraj's body.

Dhiraj's body could sense that urgency. And although his mind screamed to stop, take it slow, solve the misunderstanding, his body already had started surrendering to Nakul's touch. The hitch in his breathing increased as his legs grew weaker to every kiss Nakul placed on him. From his neck to his collar bone to the middle of his chest as well as his nipples. Nakul left no place unexplored. As his fingers dug deeper into Dhiraj's skin, his nails scratched all over leaving a little burning sensation throughout that man's body.

Nakul didn't notice those marks. He was too busy marking his territory. His mouth moved south, following Dhiraj's ab-line, leaving the man to shiver more. Uncontrollable moans escaping from his mouth. Despite not wanting to give in, his hands found through Nakul's hair, guiding his baby to soothe the fire burning inside him.

Nakul got down on his knees, his tongue sucking Dhiraj's navel as his hands got busy with undoing Dhiraj's pants. His impatience grew. All he wanted to do was to leave some marks down there, where only he could admire them. I'll never let anyone have you honey. He bit on the side of Dhiraj's torso.

That bite made Dhiraj moan harder. His hands moved to Nakul's cheeks, cupping them as he pleaded, "Slo-AHH. Go slow...". He was having a difficult time keeping up with Nakul's slithering tongue. "We have all the time babe. We can go slow."

Nakul had no plans to do that. He was desperate. Desperate to mark his possession. At last those thoughts escaped through his mouth, " You are mine. NO ONE can have you."

Their eyes met as Nakul then proceeded to bite Dhiraj's palm that was cupping his cheeks. Those possessive gestures were making their intentions quite clear. Dhiraj could feel a sense of mania in those eyes. And strangely that didn't intimidate him. So he is feeling insecure because of what happened? Dhiraj concluded. So he isn't angry. Rather he's worried? That thought rather made his lips curled up. I shouldn't waste anymore time and clear some things.

Dhiraj too got down on his knees too. That made Nakul stop abruptly. He didn't understand why Dhiraj was on his knees or even why that man was smiling. But those endearing eyes made Nakul drop his quest. Dhiraj cupped his face once more and with those smiling eyes, he began, "Before we get into the bedroom gymnastics, I want to say something."

Nakul couldn't understand what was wrong. Because all he could think of was how he wanted his man. "NO!! I want you right now." said a pouty Nakul adamant on his quest. And that little statement made Dhiraj giggle.

He pulled his baby towards himself and placed a soft peck on his lips. That little touch worked its magic. It was almost as if Nakul forgot what the problem was. His eyes wide open, he simply kept staring at Dhiraj.

Dhiraj pressed a smile on his face and finally began. "I'm sorry."

Nakul kept staring at Dhiraj, not understanding what was happening. Dhiraj continued, "I did this, without asking you. But trust me I did it only because I thought this is the only way I could protect what we have."

He let his words sink in Nakul's mind.

Dhiraj's expression changed into the one with deep guilt as he confessed his mistake, "I know this hurt you. But I.....I simply didn't have the courage to tell you about it." His thumb rubbed his baby's cheeks, as his words resonated through Nakul's heart.

"But, I know one thing, baby." His endearing eyes tried communicating to his baby. "YOU are the only one for me. I love you." He placed another soft kiss on Nakul's lips.


Moments pass by as those words keep replaying in Nakul's mind. It was as if he had forgotten to breathe. The toxic spell that seemed to have taken over his mind broke. And a tear fell from his eye.

I'm the only one for him?

More tears followed as it finally hit Nakul. That the love he was talking about since earlier, this man had been giving him long before. Even when he wasn't in love with Dhiraj, Dhiraj was in love with him. And he had been waiting for Nakul to catch up. Maybe what matters more is to protect US. And he did just that. Nakul couldn't contain himself anymore. He put his arms around Dhiraj, hugging him together. Finally his mania was taken over by love. As Nakul buried his face in Dhiraj's neck, Dhiraj too was at ease.

The things that Dhiraj did in his previous "relationships", the recklessness he had, he cannot carry that any longer for his baby. He needed to become a better person. I know I'm not a perfect person. In fact I'm far from that. But I want to be better for him. Dhiraj hugged Nakul back, his grip growing tighter. I want to do everything to see him smile. He too buried his face in his baby's neck, reminiscing, the warmth that was slowly spreading through his heart. I know I have been acting selfish. I still haven't even told you everything. But I promise, I'll become better for you. Dhiraj kissed Nakul's neck. I promise baby.

The passion that had once been lost returned. As the desire to blend their bodies grew stronger inside both of them. The love filled pecks started becoming intense, as Nakul's tongue intertwined to devour Dhiraj. And now it was Dhiraj's turn to rip off Nakul's clothes.

"WOAH!! Easy. You don't need to tear off my clothes." Nakul suggested.

"Says the person who ripped off mine?!" Dhiraj countered.

"Hahaha..."More giggles followed as Nakul decided it was time to move to bed. He must treat his little puppy with ease. "Let's move to bed." He suggested and Dhiraj replied with a kiss, which made Nakul blush.

Their lips only parted for a few seconds as they got up and moments later, they found their ways back to each other. I want to spoil my puppy. And in the heat of that moment, Nakul tried to do the very newlyweds gesture; i.e. trying to pick up his love.

But....*crash. Nakul failed.

Nakul tried picking up his big puppy, only to lose his balance and fall down. They both crashed on the floor.

"What were you trying to do?" Dhiraj asked, still laughing at their situation.

"I wanted to pick you up. You know...like by your waist. And then you will wrap your legs around me. And then we will go to the bed kissing. Like they do it in movies. I...." Nakul tried explaining his master plan but suddenly blushed by listening the words coming out of his mouth so nonchalantly. "I wanted to try that."

Seeing his baby blush, Dhiraj blushed too. So it's just not me who wants to do this cheesy stuff. Now Dhiraj could've let this situation go, but; being the sly puppy he is, he decides to tease Nakul.

"You know, that's why you should go to the gym. Get some muscles like me. I bet I can pick you up in one go." Shrugging his shoulders, Dhiraj tried pretending as if it wasn't that big of a deal for him.

"Is that so? Then carry me." Nakul challenged.

And without any hesitation, Dhiraj picked up Nakul by supporting his[Nakul's] hips. Nakul was stunned for a moment. He was heavy. Nearly 70 kgs. How could Dhiraj pick him up with such ease?!

"See?! Told you. I can do that. Now wrap your legs around me. And.....Gimme a kiss." The sly puppy demanded his reward. And Nakul gave in without any 2nd thought.

"Yeah. Maybe I should hit the gym. I mean who wouldn't want a body like yours?!" Nakul remarked with a tease.

"You like my body?!"



"I thought you only liked my mouth that blows you really good."

*more Kisses as they move towards their bedroom

"Oh- your mouth and your ass IS my most favorite. And what about you? What do you like the most about me?" Nakul asked with twinkling eyes.

They finally reach the bed and Dhiraj places down Nakul softly. Staring deep into his eyes, he replied, "I love the way you pout when you are angry." He started moving south. He reached Nakul's belly button, "And I love your flabby stomach." He nibbled on Nakul's stomach lightly, filling the room with Nakul's light hearted giggles. "Sure abs will look better. But this is great too."

Their eyes met again, and a mischievous gaze took over Dhiraj's eyes. He went down more. "And I love the way you shove your dick in my mouth." Dhiraj said as he proceeded to take Nakul in with his mouth. His movements weren't rushed. Rather they were too slow. His tongue teasing its way, slowly sucking on Nakul already pulsing cock.

Dhiraj was taking all the time in the world. But his baby on the other hand felt those slow movements as a torture. "Why are you going so slow today?" He demanded an answer.

Dhiraj halted. He found it quite funny that Nakul was the one asking this question. Afterall, isn't he the one who lovessssss teasing me?! He decided to play Nakul's little game. "I learned this from my master. He lovessssss to tease this poor little puppy." Dhiraj gave an explanation showing off his puppy eyes.

So that's how you want to play. Nakul couldn't help but smirk at that justification. Of course. How can he leave the chance to tease his big-little puppy?! The atmosphere of the room changed as Nakul sat up. As if, he took the reins of the bedroom shenanigans in his hands.

"Enough with the attention on me. I think we should pay more attention to you now." Nakul pulled Dhiraj up. His fingers tracing that smooth skin underneath. They(fingers) inched closer to their destination. Dhiraj's body couldn't help but tremble every time Nakul's nails scraped his skin. Soon they reached their destination. That fine ass of their man. His fingers sink into that firm skin, massaging it. But suddenly Dhiraj winced as he felt those fingers spreading his arse cheeks to pay some attention to his hole down there.

Suddenly the confident Dhiraj, was embarrassed throughout his core. He still wasn't used to of being on the receiving side. And oh boy. Nakul loved the spread of that red blush all over his man's body.


The sadist took over.

"I think we should loosen you up a bit, don't you think?" Nakul remarked as he slipped his fingers into that hole. It's really tight. Should I make him wear a plug every day? That's when an idea flashed into Nakul's mind. "Let me bring something that will help." He gets up midway and brings something back from the cupboard. Dhiraj immediately recognized those small cylindrical thingies. They were tiny vibrators.

Dhiraj couldn't help but marvel at Nakul's "stock". He asked the long impending question that he always had. " Where do you get all this stuff from?"

[A/N: Ahh...Online?!🙄]

Nakul rather felt proud for some reason. With a cheeky smile, he replied, "I have my ways. Hehe." He covered the vibrators with a generous amount of lube and slowly pushed one inside. "I'm rather surprised that you haven't tried any of these."

Dhiraj flinched with pain. "Well it's my first time." A somewhat nervous Dhiraj replied.

And that small remark brought a proud smile on Nakul's face. I'm his first!! "I know. I love that fact." He placed small kisses on the corner of Dhiraj's eyes and continued, "But ....you are pretty vanilla."

"Is that a bad thing?"

"No. It's just that I thought you would be a little freaky. You know....how rich people have their little perverted hobbies."

"Ummm....I might be a pervert. I do have some fantasies."

"Tell me." Nakul's ears perked up. "Maybe we can try some of them."

"Maybe.....AHH!" Dhiraj moaned as Nakul increased the speed of the vibrations.


"Ca-Car sex? Or....."

Nakul focused his attention on Dhiraj's nipples. "Or?"

Dhiraj paused. Unsure if he should say what he wanted to say. "Of.....Office...sex?!"

Office?! Nakul wasn't expecting that answer. The image of Dhiraj in an office, with an unbuttoned shirt. Half of his chest showing, panting like a beast as his hands were tied behind with his own tie, waiting for Nakul to show some love to him with cock; popped into Nakul's mind. His already hard dick throbbed due to that thought. He couldn't hold himself back any longer. He towered over Dhiraj in a missionary position. Without wasting even a second, he slid his member inside Dhiraj.

"AGH!!" Dhiraj nearly screamed. The body became overwhelmed due to the intense waves of pleasure Nakul's cock as well as those vibrators still inside were bringing him.

"That's interesting. Does Mr CEO want people to know that you have sex in your office?" Nakul only thrust harder. "So you want people to hear you?"

"No...." Tears started rolling down Dhiraj's eyes. The vibrations along with Nakul's shaft grinding his insides pushed him to his edge. "It's not like that.....Please....take those vibrators out" He whimpered.

But the sadist showed little mercy. All Nakul could do was slow down, keep humping with shallow thrusts. "So should we try calling Rajat? I bet he would be pretty curious to know what you would sound like?"

Dhiraj suddenly tightened up.

"WOAH! You like that idea?" Nakul teased him more.

"No-mph- it's because of your stupid dick. It's rubbing me at that good spot."

"My dick is stupid? But he(his cock) fucks your brain out." Nakul nibbled on those juicy nipples. And Dhiraj only tightened more.

Fuck. My dick will really break because of him. "You like it here? Let me rub more of it." Nakul focused on that one spot that Dhiraj liked. He neared his climax.

Dhiraj was the same. He wanted that release too. "Faster."

Now you want it fast? No honey....Let's tease you more. Nakul smirked at that evil thought. "You want it now? I'll give it to you."

Dhiraj's body secrete more of oxytocin, preparing him for a release. But as usual, his baby had different plans. Rather than going faster, Nakul changed their position. Taking out those vibrators, he turned Dhiraj on his side, while sitting upright (Side wind her position). He slowly slid his member inside Dhiraj. And in that position, he could reach deeper inside Dhiraj.

Dhiraj too felt that. Nakul's long cock reaching till his guts. He was completely unfamiliar with that sensation. It was as if he could feel all of Nakul inside him. Never had he ever felt so close to Nakul.

Nakul too could sense that closeness. And so, he continued with deep slow thrusts, letting Dhiraj feel all of his length while he too, experiencing all of Dhiraj's tight cavity.

Suddenly Dhiraj's body entered a new plane. As if his body was becoming numb. His mind was going numb.

Nakul thrusts become even slower, as his body unconsciously seeked Dhiraj. He bent over and kissed his man. Dhiraj had completely lost it. The world around him was starting to spin. He didn't even have enough strength to speak. The overflowing stimulation made him whimper.

"~there~" he whispered to Nakul.

And that whimpering voice, those half closed eyes stating their needs, made Nakul lose his mind.


"~yesh. there.~"

It was evident to Nakul that Dhiraj was nearing. And the newly familiar closeness made him go closer to his carnal instincts. He kissed Dhiraj more. Dhiraj's sex-crazed face only made him inch closer to his own ecstasy.

Letting go of any fears, any anxiety he had experienced earlier, Nakul started blurting out. "Let's take this slow." He became ever more slower, barely moving. Simply letting Dhiraj's insides feel his hardened dick. "I want you to feel all of my cock as it's inside you. Can you feel its shape?"

A completely wasted Dhiraj didn't respond.

"How long is it? It's girth? Sorry it isn't as thick as yours." Nakul kissed him some more.

"If it was, maybe I could crush some of your good spots all at once." Suddenly Nakul gave a long hard thrust.

"AHGH" Dhiraj screamed. His cum spread all over the mattress as his eyes rolled behind. Nakul was in his own merry land though. Still not out of his frenzy, he continued.

*More kisses

"But we can work with this right? Because I know for sure that he(Nakul's dick) loves you. He loves being inside you." Another hard thrust. Nakul lost it. "He loves you so much."

*More wet sloppy kisses on Dhiraj's face.

"I love you so much babe. So much. Ahhhhh...." Nakul's pistol finally slows as his mind goes blank for a minute, experiencing an intense orgasm. But he still clinged on to Dhiraj as he continued slow shallow thrust.

Dhiraj's body was spent. It ached for a break. "~stop~"

Nakul wasn't done yet. "Just a minute more. Please." His humping continued. Shit. If only I could come inside him.

The slow thrusts caught a vigor.

"You know how much I love you babe, right?" His mind was being taken over by frenzy once again. If only I could spurt my cum inside him. " I love you so much."

Dhiraj HAD to stop Nakul. His body won't be able to take it any longer. His mind was already starting to get clouded. "~Stop~"

But Nakul continued. His desire to experience another orgasm, made him keep plunging his shaft inside Dhiraj's oversensitive body. And only a few seconds later, Dhiraj reached his limit. Not being able to keep up with the stimulus, Dhiraj drifted off into a deep slumber. Nakul noticed that.

"Babe?" He called out for Dhiraj. But an unresponsive Dhiraj made it evident to him that his man had fainted. Should I stop? Nakul got caught up in a dilemma. He wasn't sure if he should continue fucking his partner even when he was clearly unconscious or should he continue. But it's only going to take me a minute to come once more. Temptations won over.

"Sorry babe. Just a minute more."

Nakul's hips kept moving and it almost felt as if what he was doing was reclaiming something that was his.

"You are mine Dhiraj. You are mine."

He knew he was near. So he abruptly removed his penis from inside Dhiraj. He pulled out the condom and splashed his thick cum all over his man.

You are mine. He collapsed on to Dhiraj, trying to catch his breath, still reminiscing the tingling sensations his body was experiencing.

I love you~

* * *

Hello Yug here!! 

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~Thank u~