Chapter 32

As I feel uncomfortable with my holiday, I tried to calm myself as I write a story. I have read all of the novels in the library as my preference for creating my own story. What I write was one of the best brotherhood (romance) stories in my previous life.

I write it down in my notes using charcoal that I got from Brother Winslow. I heard from Brother Winslow and Sister Ancelina that blank books are cheap and easy to obtain in this world because they could easily create paper with magic power and alchemy reagent.

But a written book, especially when it contains valuable information or a good story, it will be able to have a similar value as beautiful jewellery. As the science in this world is not as advanced as in my previous world, this world has too many inconveniences parts. The science in this world was unable to grow because they too relied on magic.

I don't know about the dwarf race. If they are similar to the dwarves in those fantasy stories, they might be able to appreciate my knowledge.

...Should I go to Dwarves country in the east?

No, they would kill me before I am able to speak to them. The dwarf race has a bad relationship with the human race, especially the human in the Eastern part of the Draconia Empire.

If they predict my identity from the direction where I am coming, it would become a disaster. And there are a lot of other troublesome things that might happen when I search for the underground country entrance.

...I think the West is safer. It was far from this place and there was no discrimination like what happened in the East. Besides, there will be more choices as there are two other countries at the borders. I don't know if the elf race will hate the human race like the dwarves in the East.

As I think about my plans, my hand keep writing the story. Of course, I changed most of the story to fit this world's culture. I hope there will be no one in a similar situation to me (reincarnated into this game world). But lately, I often read about multiple people reincarnated to another world. Should I wait and published it after I'm able to run away from here? But still, I continue my writing as I am afraid that I will forget about it later.

Although I currently have a good memory, but that was not the case in my previous life. And it might be my own defence mechanism to protect my mental health as I might get insane if I keep it in my mind. Are my experiences that horrible?

...Is this why the people around me are always angry when something happened to me, especially after I lose my ability to differentiate other faces. Did it happen because I act egoistically?

Renneshia continues to think about her past life while writing the story. But she didn't realize that she has always been a good (and weird) person as she will do anything to help the people around her but often neglect her own problems or dismissed them as some coincidence.

She had a kind nature which was hard for her to act badly toward another person. That's why she didn't try to plan her revenge on the Ruach family after she left the territory. She feels that she needs to spare them because they are still feeding and teaching her knowledge about this world (even in an abusive way). Although she will always explain it to herself as she didn't want to do it because it will be too troublesome for her.

She keeps writing until she feels hungry. She looked up at the small window in her room. The sun has risen high and she realized that lunchtime has long passed. She decided to take the sandwich that Brother Winslow give her in the morning.

It was still delicious even though the bread has to get hardened a bit and it was cold. But it was better than being starving.

That day I keep myself busy as I continue to write most of the things that I can remember. Only after late at night, did Brother Winslow come to bring me some food. He also brings some fruits and sweets like chocolates and cookies for me.

"Are you alright? Do you want me to help you?" I decided to ask.

"No, it's fine. You need to stay inside your room for two more days. Besides you will get punished if they know that you don't stay in your room."

"Alright, I will listen to your words so you must go back to your room and have a good rest. You will be as busy as today for the next two days. You don't have to think about me. I think this will be enough for me." I said while pointing at the fruits and sweets.

"Haa..., don't worry because I will bring your food tomorrow morning. Alright, I'm going back. Good night." He sighed as he heard my answer before deciding to go back to get some rest.

I started to eat my dinner as I thought about what should I do for two more days. After I finished my late dinner, I decided to apply the mask to my face.

I try to relax my body and closed my eyes while laying on my bed. As I listen carefully to the noise that had disappeared from the party, I feel like I heard someone getting closer to my room.

"Do you think that it will appear? What would happen if it was haunting us?"

I could hear a young child's voice that seems to be trembling in fear seems to be talking with someone.

"Are you scared?"

"What a scaredy-cat!"

I could hear another voice that seems to be mocking the first one.

"T-They said that this was an abandoned part of the building so no one lives here."

The first voice continues to talk with his trembling voice.

Listening to their conversation, I feel that I need to stop their late-night activities. It was dangerous as it was quite dark in this place. They might be get hurt as some parts of the floor have broken and no one repairs it as I am the only one who lives in this place.

I opened my door to tell them. But...

"What is that?"

"T-The door suddenly opened!"

"C-Could it be..."

"What are you doing in this place in the middle of the night?" I decided to ask for an explanation first.


"Run away!!!"

Two of them push the other kid and both of them run away as if they saw something scary.

"..." I was speechless by their reactions.

Did they hate me so much just because I don't have any blessings?

I looked at the kid that had hurt his leg because he was being pushed by the other kids. He was crying as he saw me.

"I-I'm sorry for disturbing you. P-Pl-Please don't eat me. Don't kill me! I-I won't do it again. Hiii...sobs..."

I only realized when I touched my cheek in my confusion. I still wearing a mask.

"Stop crying. It's annoying." I said with an annoyed tone as I went to my room to take the medicine in my room.

The little kid still crying but he put his hands on his mouth to not make any sound.

"Let me see your injury," I tell him what to do.

He shows me his injured knee. It was bleeding. And there are also some bruises on his elbow.

"Do you have a handkerchief?" I asked him.

He pulls out a handkerchief from his pocket and I took some water from my room. I took the handkerchief and wet it with the water and wiped his knee. After I cleaned his injuries, I put the medicine on it.

"Ugh!" He was groaning from the stinging sensation of the medicine but he stop crying when he saw that the bleeding had stopped and the injury and bruises started to fade.

"Good boy, now you should go back to your room. What if your parents look at your room and are unable to find you?"

As an adult, I give some advice to this child. I don't know about the other two kids who run away but at least I should warn this kid. A good education will turn someone into a good person. That's how I often being told by my mother.

The kid is staring blankly at me before he opened his mouth and said. "You are a ghost, right? W-Why do you help me?"

His body and voice are still trembling from his fear but maybe because I have helped him, he seems to be braver than before.

"I didn't help you but I do it for myself. If I leave you with those injuries, you might be crying in this place until morning and I will get annoyed by your crying voice. It has been healing so you should go back to your place." I decided to drive out this kid from this place.

"T-Th-Thank you very much!" The kid thanked me while bowing his head.

"Be careful on your way back and promised me you won't do it again," I told him to leave and never come back.

"Un, I will never do this again." He nodded his head with a smile.

I'm glad that finally, that kid understands how dangerous to come to this place. It was tiring to interact with kids. If only they were as cute as my niece...

Oops! I forget to remove the mask!