Chapter 31

My daily life in this crazy mansion is quite boring as it was just like a repeating cycle of their daily harassment. And six months have passed since I started my busy schedule.

As I learned about basic knowledge such as arithmetic, politics, economy, foreign language (different races languages), the biology of the creature in this world, and the etiquette in this world. I think that my knowledge is enough to help me live a quite good life when I leave this place.

Every once a week, I learned about basic magic from Brother Winslow and Sister Ancelina. I decided to do it once a week because I know how busy both of them are. But I only learn the theory about the common sense of magic in this world.

I didn't dare to gather all of the attributes in the air like before. And I decided to gather only one attribute every day. It seems to be the right thing as I did not feel tired or any strange sensations like before. Every night I keep gathered one attribute and change it to another attribute day after day.

Brother Winslow and Sister Ancelina were worried and didn't dare to do my magic practice by using magic power because they don't know what will happen to me. As I have gathered all of the attributes in my body and accumulated a lot of magic power in my body.

Both of them feel that something is wrong with my body as I never feel the limit of my magic pool and am able to gather as much magicule as I want every night. I can only continue what I am able to do as I also want to be safe.

I don't care if I got hurt because of it but I don't want to die and I am also afraid if I would hurt them because of my magic. I never feel bored or annoyed doing it. As long as it was safe for us, I will be patiently waiting for the time they were teaching me magic.

One night, a sudden insight came into my mind. It was an idea that I get from my past life. It was the magic training that I had read in those fantasy stories that I like to read.

If I remember correctly, I think it was related to my imagination. It was the most common one in that genre of story. Should I try it?

I raise my hand and remember about how the main character made small balls of magic with different attributes.

'For the fire, should I imagine it like a lighter?'

As I started to imagine it, a small fire appeared on my index finger.

"I have success!" I unconsciously said it out loud.

I never thought that I will succeed on my first try. After I am able to prove my theory is right, I feel motivated as I try to create the other attributes. As I think and do it like what I did before, I could create six different attributes balls of magic.

"Fufufu, I will be able to become a great magician...Ahem...why do I feel like someone with a chuunibyou tendency." I feel embarrassed by acting like that and look around.

It was in the middle of the night. Of course, no one will watch my secret training.

"Huft..., I'm glad that no one saw it." I feel relief that no one saw my embarrassing moments.

I decided to continue my training as I change the shape of the attributes on my fingers. But as I try to change the shape, my magic was suddenly getting out of control. I try my best to suppress it as I feel that it would explode if I did not stop it.

I keep myself to concentrate my mind to stop my magic power. After around half an hour, I was finally able to stop it.

As I feel relieved, my body fell on the bed and I lost my consciousness.


I have a hard time waking up the next morning and only wake up when Brother Winslow comes as he feels worried that I did not come for my breakfast. Luckily I don't have any classes as a sudden guest comes to the Ruach's mansion.

They forbid me from coming out of my room. So I spend my time reading, doing some exercise or gathering the magicule into my body.

Later, I know that it was because of the Young Master of this house, the heir of Viscount Ruach's birthday party. It was his fifth birthday and they celebrated it to mark the day he could start his magic and sword training.

That's why most nobles will always celebrate their children's (especially the heir's) fifth birthday. The fifth, twelfth and eighteenth birthday is the most important birthday to be celebrated in the noble community.

The twelfth birthday is important because they could choose their future and decided what they want to do in the future. Most noble children would usually choose to go to the academy and learn to be heirs or a way to get a work as a civil servant or work for the Emperor.

The eighteenth birthday is the mark of their adulthood. And it is also the time when they graduate from the academy. It usually being celebrated as grandly as possible.

But I don't need to think about it because I will live as a commoner with my mother. I think of becoming a merchant or an adventurer after I could run away from this hell-like place with my mother. Should I go to other countries?

When I read about the geographical location, I found out that the Western part of the Draconia Empire is actually had different rules and more freedom than the other part. Because it was a special independent territory, especially the Labyrinth City.

It was the main reason for the Western part of the Draconia Empire was able to get autonomous rules that were different from other places of the Empire. From the gossip that I heard from Sister Ancelina, the person who rules the Western part, Duke Kadaklan, was quite famous as a good lord. But that was what they are able to hear from the adventurer.

I think to search for more information about it. The Labyrinth City is a place where people of different races and countries are able to live peacefully as merchants or adventurers. When I read about the description of the situations in the Labyrinth City, it reminds me of my past life lives.

My mother's family was from the merchant family so I think it would be better if I chose to work as a merchant later. I remember that my mother told me that if her family did not get tricked by the vile merchants, she won't become a maid in this hell-like place and might have still worked as a travelling merchant.

The people tricked her family because they saw her as a person without any blessing. As it was in the Eastern part of the Draconia Empire which have the greatest discrimination against other races and people without any blessing. It was similar to the witch hunt in ancient times. But they didn't dare to blindly kill them as there is a rule about it. The rules were decided by the first Emperor and most people in Draconia Empire respect it because it was a proof of the pact with the Ancient Dragon Albina, the last dragon that exist in this world.

Although I have an interest in the dragon, but I don't want to see it. I still want to have a peaceful life and I didn't want to go to the capital city of the Draconia Empire, Albion. It was a place that full of death flags. Because most of the capture targets live in the capital city, Albion.

As I am lost in my thought as I keep planning about my future, I could hear the noise from the party. The party will continue for three days because he was the heir of the Viscount Ruach family. And I need to stay in my room because most of the guests are the nobles in the Eastern part of the Draconia Empire.

I'm glad that I don't need to attend the class. It was my first holiday after a year of suffering with that group of crazy tutors. I do not know what they want me to do as most of them never teach or explain anything to me.

I mostly learned everything from the simple theory that they told me and mix it with the knowledge from my past life or the things that I learned from the books that I read. As for the swordsmanship training, I just trained my endurance and strength and sometimes I also trained my flexibility.

As expected of the young body with great potential. It was much easier to train with this body rather than my body from the previous life. Should I add another training?

As I thought about it, I don't know how busy I will be if I have more classes later. I still need to be patient and wait for the magic class before I could train my magic skills. Right now I could only keep gathering the magicule into my body.

My mind keeps wondering why I didn't do anything today as I am used to the busy everyday schedule lately. Those busy days keep me from daydreaming. It makes me think about the magical girl story that is quite famous in my past life. What would happen if I could use the transformation ability like the main character?

Oh no, did I have become a workaholic person!

Why do I feel something wrong with me?

For some reason, I couldn't enjoy my rare holiday. I want to rest but I am unable to relax. Did I feel anxious?

Oh my goodness! How could this happen to me?