Chapter 40

"So will you let me go if I give you part of my body? You can take one of my hands, eyes or ears but don't take my feet because I still need to go to that child's place."

I don't know what to say about this body that I possess but she said it with her true feeling. I also understand why both of them made such expressions after listening to her words.

"So they are trying to capture you because they want your body? Then why do they harm you? Do you think that I am an idiot like you?" The golden hair man said with an angry tone.

"I don't know why but I heard they were talking about a sacrifice for their lord or something similar or using my body as bait. At first, I didn't think about running away. If it was for the ###, I will do it. But I decided to run away because I heard that they also want to use that child if it didn't work with my sacrifice. How can I not be worried because of it?" This body grumbled about what happened.

"You idiot woman, how could you believe them? Don't you have any common sense? How could you live in this kind of world?" The golden hair man said with an angry tone.

I could understand how he feel a bit. How could she be so airhead? But it seems like she didn't do it because she was dumb. But she seems to never learn about any common sense. I really wonder about how she is able to live like this.

"Can you tell me about the child that you want to meet?" The silver hair man cut in and ask.

"I was being asked to take care of that child. After all, it's only two years after that child was born and there are so many things that child needs to learn. For some reason, that child was only able to get close to me." This body happily said.

"Oh could they also use a two-year-old child as a sacrifice? They are not human." The golden hair man mutter.

"Wow, how could you know that they are not from the human race? I don't think that I have told you about the demon race was the group that want to capture me?" This body marvel at the golden hair man's (lucky or accidental) words.

"Haaa, how could there be an annoying and idiotic woman like you? How could you repay us if you are an idiot like this?" The golden hair man yells at her.

"I'm not an idiot! I will repay you because I am ### current leader. I will ask them to pay for the damages and trouble that I caused to this place. The ### won't lie, I think you have heard about it, right?" This body said with an angry tone.

"Huh?! Y-You are joking, right?"

Hmm, both of them seem to be really surprised about the fact that this woman is a leader of something. This damn censorship. It makes me want to know about what they are saying. But it was really surprising to choose such an innocent person as their leader. Maybe they just wanted to use her?

But their reaction is different from my prediction. Both of them suddenly knell and are now at her.

"We are sorry for our rudeness, ###. I'm sorry for touching your body before. I hope you are not angry and curse us because of our rudeness." The golden hair man suddenly said in a polite manner.

'What!!! Did I unexpectedly possess someone with great status?'

"###, I beg you to forgive my elder brother's rudeness. You can curse or punish me to replace him because his existence is too important to this place." The silver hair man also begged her politely.

"I will not punish anyone just because they touched or were rude to me. I only did what ### told me to do. Even though I was the ### leader, but I only tell them the ### from ###. They choose me as their leader because I am the ###. Besides you are helping me and I need to repay your kindness. So, please let me leave this place because I need to find that child." This body said with a determined tone.

I don't understand what they are talking about but her status is something strange for me. She was the respectable leader that even make both of them pay their respect to her. But she said that she did what other people tell her to do. She had such power but she was unable to use it and being chased by the group in black before. This is like watching a mystery movie where they censor the clues.

"Did the demon race try to harm you? There should be ### and they should be following the ###." The silver hair man suddenly said with an angry tone.

"The ### is still there, but lately I couldn't hear ### voice. They told me that if I make a sacrifice I might be able to repair the connection to ###. Thinking about what happened before, I just realized that something is wrong with their actions." This body said with a sad tone.

"Did they try to rebel from ###? How could they do that!?" The golden hair man said with an extremely angry expression.

I can't understand their conversation so I decided to feel the magic circulation in this body. It was more helpful than listening to that narcissistic teacher boasting about himself.

As I focus on my sense, I could feel the magic in this body being influenced by her emotion so the circulation becomes more chaotic. But strangely that the magic power didn't cause any harm to her body but rather seems to quicken her self-healing process. Her body started to feel lighter and the sluggish feeling started to disappear from her body.

As I keep sensing at her magic circulation, I found out that her body is the same as Renneshia's (my) body. But there was one difference between our bodies. Because she has one more attribute that is different from the other six attributes that I learned before. I just try to remember the sensation and I will try it when I wake up later.

'Hmm, this is...!'

As I keep sensing her magic circulation, I found out that this body owner is gathering the magicule in the air like breathing normally. No, she was gathering it while breathing normally and she gathers not one but seven attributes. I need to remember how she does it later when I wake up. Maybe it was the key for me to able to master the magic later.

Sadly I couldn't understand what they are talking about. Because of the censorship keep hindering me from listening to the most important part and losing the meaning. But I still listened to their conversation and hope that I could know about something that will help me with my plan.

"Alright, I have decided to go with you. I don't know if you will forget about your promise to us later after you have left this place. If you said you don't remember us later, what can we do if that happens?" The golden hair man said with a sarcastic tone.

"Why do you keep saying such things to me? As the leader of ###, I will never do something like that! You can talk bad about me but you should never talk bad about ###." This body angrily said to the golden hair man.

"###, my elder brother have a bad mouth but didn't have a bad heart. He didn't mean to insult you or the ###. I'm sorry if it makes you angry." The silver hair man said while bowing down.

"Please get up, you didn't do anything wrong so you don't have to apologize to me. And you don't need to call me ###. Oh right, I haven't introduced myself to both of you. I'm the current leader of ### but you can call me Shia. Nice to meet you." This body (Shia) said.

Wow, what a coincidence her name a bit sounds like Renneshia. Hmm, 'Renne' and 'Shia' if I entered into her body because her name is 'Shia', then will I also enter someone whose name is 'Renne' later?

"Hello, Miss Shia. I am just someone who is not important and I am his younger brother. We didn't have a family name because we are commoners. Nice to meet you, my name is Kadaklan." The silver hair man (Kadaklan) said.

'Hmm...,'Kadaklan' I think I have heard of it before...Ah! Isn't that the Duke family name?! Could it be...?!'

"Hi, I'm the leader of this group. Because you have introduced yourself, then I will also tell you my name. Listen carefully, my name is..."


I'm unable to hear his words as suddenly everything becomes dark and I could hear someone calling me.

" Miss please wake up!"

It was Sister Ancelina's worried voice.

"What happened to her?" Brother Winslow asked with a worried voice.

I slowly open my eyes. The first thing that I saw was Brother Winslow and Sister Ancelina's worried faces. It was the first time I saw both of them have such expressions.


My heart feels hurt.

"What happened? Why do both of you have an expression as if I was dead? I just feel really tired and fell asleep." I try to calm them down.

"How could we didn't worry about your condition? Do you know how chaotic your magic power was before? I thought that your magic teacher is teaching you the wrong way to use magic to harm you." Sister Ancelina cries.

'Oops, it was my fault. But how do I explain it to both of them? Could someone please help me?'

I screamed for help in my mind while thinking of any methods to explain it.