Chapter 49

A sudden gore scene happened in front of us. The mage's body suddenly being torn apart by something that moves really fast and makes me unable to see its appearance. From the magic power, it seems to be a monster with a wind attribute.

'It seems to be a high-ranked monster. Why does it appear in this forest?'

Something is wrong with the monster. Most monsters in this forest are low-ranked monsters. And the intelligent high-ranked monsters are usually hiding themselves from the people to survive. But this monster is suddenly attacking the mage and killing him.

I keep myself as calm as possible although I want to vomit because of the horrible scene in front of me. There must be some way to get out of the current situation safely. I try my best to remember everything that I have learned that might help me in my current condition.

As I was thinking about any possible way to survive, I could feel my mother hold me tighter than before. Not only my mother that feels surprised and terrified by the sudden death of the mage. The adventurers also start to become panic and scream. They lost their calm as soon as they saw their party member die.

'They can't keep their calm. It might be because they are low-grade adventurers.'

"W-What is that?!" The swordsman scream in a terrified and panicked voice.

"W-Who did it to him?!!" The tank scream while looking for the culprit that kills the mage.

"Shit! We need to quickly leave this place! Run!" The thief also told the other party members to run as he run away by himself and leaving everyone else.

At that moment, I remember about the content of the monster's encyclopedia that I have read in the library before. I looked toward the corpse of the mage and realized at how clean the cut of the mage's corpse was.

'It was caused by a magic attack. And if it has a wind attribute, then the only monster that was able to do that was only it. But why it's life in this forest?'

I feel a bit uncertain about my conclusion because something is different from how this monster usually acts. A foreboding thought suddenly came into my mind.

'Could it be happen because I did something different from the game plots?'

I quickly dismissed it as it was only one of the possibilities but not the truth. I also remind myself to keep thinking positively and do something about the current situation.

'No. I still can not be sure. It is also possible that it was a mutated monster.'

Because I couldn't see the monster clearly, I use my magic sense to see and know the monster's current location.

"Huh!!!" I was surprised because the monster is chasing the thief and started to attack him.

The thief seems to have high agility and is able to pary the monster's attack. But it was useless because the monster have higher strength and the monster's attack cut his right hand.

"Aaahh!!! M-My hand!" The thief was screaming in pain as his body is rolling back from the force of the monster's attack throwing his body to the back.


"Kugh...!" The thief's body only stop when it hit the large tree and cause him to cough blood.

"Hiie!!!" The swordsman feels afraid and changes his direction and runs into the forest


The shadow stops chasing the currently unable-to-move thief and changes its direction to the direction of the swordsman and enters the forest.


In a few seconds, something comes flying back in our direction and crashing the tree. Without looking at it, I could guess that it was the corpse of the swordsman.

I know because I saw it with my magic sense. I don't know why that monster seems to be feeling hostility toward the adventurers.

'Should I make them as bait? Or should I just leave them?'

Some thoughts came into my mind but what if the monster is attacking them because they are running away? I can do something risky because I need to protect my mother. I was thinking about asking the adventurers for their cooperation but when they ack panic and tried to save their own lives, I know that it would be more dangerous for me. Because I know they were someone who will like to trolling others if they are in my previous works.

"NO!!! Don't come here you damn monster!" The tank panicked as the monster started to get closer in his direction.


A loud metallic voice rang from the tank direction. As expected from the sturdy tank, he was able to stop the monster's movement. Because of what he is doing, I am finally able to see the monster's true form. I feel surprised because it was the monster that should not exist in this forest.

It was a 'Gale Wolf', the monster that should be lives in a mountain or plateau or other high altitude place and it won't be able to live for too long in a low altitude place like this forest. From it's size, it seems to be still in it's late childhood and has not reached adulthood. And the other strange thing was that it move alone when it was a monster that always move in a group.

The tank is trying to pin the monster down but the monster bit his hand and uses magic to cut him apart. Although the tank use his blessing and hardened his body, as the small cuts start to accumulate on his body he started to lose his power. His body is being pushed by the monster before the monster bit his neck and tore it from his body.

I think that the monster will direct it's attack on both of us because the adventurers have been defeated by the monster. But unexpectedly the monster runs in a different direction and kills the thief that still trying to run away from the monster.

Now, as all of the adventurers had died, only my mother and I were left. This 'Gale Wolf' is not in his best condition and has used its power to kill the adventurers. I took a sword from my spatial ring. I just need to attack it's weak points.

'I need to attack it's eyes and centre of it's stomach to defeat it.'

I try to move out from the carriage and try to hit the 'Gale Wolf' weaknesses. But I forget about the hands that holding my body.

"No! You can't do that! It was too dangerous! We should just run away from the monster." My mother said with an angry tone and scold me for trying to fight the monster.

"You need to calm down, Mom. We can't run away from this monster and it was dangerous to turn our back to this monster. I don't know if my current ability will be able to defeat it but if I attack it's weaknesses, it might stop it's attack." I told my mother about my reasoning and try to free myself from her hands.

"T-Then I will help you to fight with that monster." My mother bravely said.

But I could also feel her fear in her trembling voice and body. I know that she just trying to protect me as my mother, but I would not be able to forgive myself if the monster harm my mother.

"I will be alright because I have to train myself and learn how to fight against monsters before. I won't be able to fight it calmly if you are also fighting it without any experience. So you need to hide yourself to make sure that the monster won't be able to find you. Please, Mom. I promise you that I will make sure that both of us will survive and be able to live happily together." I said with a determined tone as I tighten my grip on my sword.

My mother looks at my face and she realized that I told her the truth and I don't think that I won't be able to defeat that monster cub and survive from this situation.

"Alright, I will listen to your words. But if I think you are in danger, I will run and save you." My mother said with a serious tone.

As I get my mother's permission, I get out of the carriage and look at the monster that coming closer to my direction. I quickly gather my magic power and imagine the magic attack that I aim toward the monster.

'Homing Earth Bullet.'

I attack it with the magic that I created by using my past life memories as the base. I found out that the magic in this world actually doesn't need any chants. And only Brother Winslow and Sister Ancelina know about it.

The stone's bullets fly at the monster and although the monster tries to avoid it, the stone bullets fly back like a boomerang and hit the monster's rear part.

Grrr, Roar!!!

'Oops, the monster seems to become more angry than before.'

The angry 'Gale Wolf' gathered it's remaining magic and created a tornado that start to destroy the surrounding. The mage corpses that are located nearest to the monster are being sucked into the tornado and being torn apart as if it was being put into a blender.

I turn back and run toward the carriage as I shouted.

"Mom, leave the carriage right now! Run away and find a place to save you from this tornado."

I shouted and quickly look at the carriage to save my mother. But everything is too late because when I reached to the carriage, my mother hold my body and pulls me into the carriage as I am getting sucked with the carriage into the tornado.