Chapter 53

Let's rewind the time to around a month ago.

Ludger and his mother arrive at the Labyrinth City. The first place they visit was the Adventurer Guild with the adventurer that comes together with both of them. At that time, most adventurers in the guild were looking at them with a strange gaze. It was because of how the adventurers acted extremely respectfully to the pair of a beautiful woman and a little boy that have an appearance that mesmerizes them but there is nothing else to notice from them.

Both of the woman and little boy are wearing normal commoners clothes. They look thin and weak but their skin looks as if they are living with abundance before. They start to speculate about their background.

Some of them thought they are some merchant's family that was bankrupt recently or some noble family children that were being disowned by their family. All kinds of imagination appeared in their head as they tried to speculate about their background.

But no one was able to correctly guess the reason for the adventurer's polite treatment. They became more interested in both of them and focused their attention on both of them.

"Hello, good afternoon. Welcome to the Adventurer Guild of the Labyrinth City branch. How can I help you?" The receptionist greet them with a smile and asked them politely.

It was the standard of every Adventurer Guild receptionist (except for the East). Although the receptionist is also interested in their situation, she keeps her professional attitude. The surrounding people quickly focused on their hearing as they were also interested in both of them.

"Good afternoon, Miss. I want to report about our party clearing the quest and selling the monster corpses please let us know the prices. We need to pay someone who helps us with subjugating these monster groups." The leader of the adventurer party tells the receptionist.

"Please write your report and show us the monster's corpses. We will examine it first if it was of good quality or not." The receptionist gives the report paper to the adventurer party leader.

"Hey, boy. Why don't you take your lots first so we won't get the price wrong." The adventurer's party leader turn his head to the boy and said before he continue his report.

The boy look at the receptionist and opened his mouth. "Excuse me, beautiful Sister Guild Receptionist. Could I change the place? Because I feel uncomfortable showing it when everyone is watching at me like this."

The boy was acting as if he was shy while still able to speak fluently as he praised the receptionist. The adventurers in the guild bar feel that this little boy is quite smart because he is able to recognize that they are watching both of them with interest.

"Then, please follow him. He will show you to the dismantling room. You can put it in that room and the guild worker will count the prize of the corpse." The receptionist explained to the boy and ask the person beside her to show the way to the boy.

"Thank you for your kind explanation, beautiful Sister Guild Receptionist. I think it was because you are so beautiful that I could remember all of the words that you tell me. Ouch!" The boy said with a grin on his face but he was suddenly hit by another person.

"Stop it! You are making me feel embarrassed. Where do you learn to talk like that?" The beautiful woman hit the boy's head and scold him.

"Ugh. It's really hurt! What will you do if I get more stupid or if I get some memory lost, Mom?" The boy holding his head while making a protest.

'Huh!!! She was his mom!'

Most people in the Adventurer Guild feel surprised because she looks more like the boy's older sister rather than his mother. Some of them were too surprised and unconsciously made a jaw-drop expression.

"You still dare to talk back at me!" The boy's mother said while glaring angrily at the boy.

"Uh..., I'm really sorry, Mom. I promise you I won't do it again." The boy said with a tone that sounds like he was feeling remorseful about his actions.

"Huhuhu, don't worry about it, Mam. I'm used to getting such treatment from other adventurers." The Guild Receptionist said that because she felt sorry for the boy as he seemed to almost cry from his mother's scolding.

"Thank you, Miss. But I don't hope that he will act like that. The children should get corrections from the adult so they won't do any bad things when they became adults. And you, don't try to ask this kind Miss to help you to make me forgive you for your wrongdoing." The boy's mother said and turned her head and scolds the boy who seems to be smiling at the guild receptionist.

"Please follow me." The guild worker seems to be trying to stop the tense situation between the pair of mother and son.

"Then we will leave first to sell our monster's corpses. See you again, Mister. I hope we will be able to meet again later." The boy said to the adventurer's part that come with him.

"See you again boy. And thank you so much for helping us, Mam and you too boy." The leader of the adventures party now and thank both of them.

"Bye, see you again. Let us know if you need any help" Another party member said.

"Bye...sobs...I will really miss your delicious cooking." Another party member said while crying.

"It was really delicious. Did you really don't want to join us?" Another party member asks.

The boy's mother only bows to the adventurer's party and follows the adventurer guild worker. The boy waves his hand before following his mother and going to the dismantling room. Both of them silently follow the guild worker and arrive at the dismantling room.

"Old man, can you help me with apprising the monster's corpses?" The guild worker said with a loud voice after he open the door.

"Hmm, where are the corpses? And who are they?" A muscular old man with an anchor beard comes from the back of the room and asks the guild worker.

"They said they want to sell some monster's corpses but they feel uncomfortable because the other adventurers keep looking at them." The guild worker explained.

"So, where are the monster's corpses?" The old man asks while looking at the pairs.

"Um..., before I show you, could you promise me that you will keep everything that you see as a secret?" The boy asked with a serious expression.

"Don't you look down on us! The adventurer guild workers will always keep the adventurers and the clients secret. So of course we won't tell anyone about it." The old man said to the boy.

"Then, I will take it out." The boy said and open his bag.

The old man and the guild worker thought that the boy will take out some monster's fangs or bones. But their eyes get wider and their jaw dropped as they saw the boy take out some monster corpses from his bag.

It was not a small size corpses but a big monster corpses with almost two meters long. It was a monster that looks like a hyena that was famous for attacking in large groups and usually having a leader with a higher rank.

The boy only stops after taking more than ten monsters' corpses from his small bag. The old man and the guild worker look at the boy's bag and the boy before they pinch their face to prove that they are not dreaming.

"H-How could...?" The old man mutter in a small voice.

"You will not tell anyone else about it, right?" The boy said with a grin at them.

"C-Can I report it to the Guild Master?" The guild worker asked.

"Did we need to tell him about it?" The boy asked while tilting his head.

"I need to tell him because it will be helpful for other adventurers and it might be able to lower the mortality rate of the adventurers in this world." The guild worker explains.

"Eh!? But this bag could only be used by me. If you didn't believe it, you can check it for yourself." The boy said and hand out the bag to the guild worker.

The guild worker took the bag and examine it but as the boy said, the bag became a normal bag when he touch it. The old man looked at the bag with a curious look as he also wondered about the miraculous function of the bag.

"Little boy, why did this bag can only be used by you?" The old man asked.

"I don't know. Maybe because I was the one that accidentally made it." The boy answered with a grin on his face.

The two men decided to look at the boy's expression but both of them feel that the boy's face looks like he is trying to scam them. Both of them decide to look at the woman who standing beside the boy to see if the boy was lying. But her expression was harder to read as she just looked at her son with an unreadable smile.

The two men decided to stop thinking about the bag and do their work. Both of them started to examine the corpses and they work seriously.

"Huh!? Isn't it the monster's leader?!!" The old man was so surprised by the leader's corpse.

"That's right. I kill it all so the adventurers decide to give it to me." The boy nodded his head and said with a light tone as if it was nothing.

The two men were speechless and unable to tell if this is some weird dream or a bad joke.