Chapter 54

The boy suddenly felt chills on his back and turn his head to look at his mother that standing behind him.

As he saw his mother smile, he started to apologize.

"I'm sorry, Mom. I won't do it again. Why are you so angry?" The boy was so terrified for some reason.

"Let's talk about it later. So, how long do we have to wait for the appraisal, Sir?" The boy's mom said with a cold tone before she turned to the two men and asked them politely.

"We will finish it in a few minutes." The old man quickly answer.

The two-man quickly do the appraisal for the monster corpses. But as they do the appraisal, both of them really wonder how the two of them kill all of these monsters with a small attack to their vital point and kill them in one hit.

"Did both of you defeat these monsters?" The old man decided to ask.

"Nope, I'm the only one who kills them." The boy answers the old man.

"Boy, don't you lie to me! How could you kill these monsters like this?" The old man said.

"Eh!? I just attack them with magic as I know where are their weak point." The boy said.

"Boy, would you like to be an adventurer apprentice?" The guild worker quickly said.

"I still thinking about my future as I haven't decided about what I want to do right now. The merchants also asked me before for joining their guild this morning." The boy said.

"I also haven't given you any permission to work as an adventurer. It was too dangerous for a child like you. Even if you are talented like what those adventurers said before, I still won't let you go to the labyrinth and make me feel worried." The boy's mother said with an angry and worried tone.

"That's why I tell him that I still haven't decided on my future occupation. Although I was a bit interested in the adventurer's work but I won't do it if it only made you are angry with me. Besides I still need to think about my future for one more year for my apprenticeship. So don't get angry or worry about it, Mom." The boy said with a smile on his face.

Hearing the boy answer, the adventurer guild worker thought that he need to make a report about this talented boy to the adventurer guild leader. Looking at the boy's interaction with his mother, he decides to remember to put it in his report.

"Here is your money, Boy!" The old man took a bag of money and give it to the boy.

The boy took the bag and look at the money inside the bag. He counts the money inside the bag and is surprised by his earning. Inside the bag, there are around one hundred gold coins. It was quite a big sum of money as one gold coin will be enough for a commoner's family with four-person to spend for more than a month without working.

"Do you count it correctly?" The boy asked with a curious tone while putting the money into his bag.

"Hahaha, of course, Boy. I have worked as a guild appraiser for a long time. I will tell you that I pay you more because the corpse's quality was all in good condition. We will be able to sell it to the alchemy guild at a good price. And this medium-ranked monster corpse also has a lot of parts that could be sold for a high price." The old man explains.

"Hmm?! Is there any alchemy guild in this city too?" The boy asked another question.

"Of course! This City is the city that suppresses the monsters for not being able to create any outbreak and endangering the people in the West territory. That's why the founder makes this City with four big guild buildings in four directions. The mercenaries guild in the north, the magic tower in the west, the adventurer guild in the south and the alchemy guild in the east. Actually, it was five if you count the merchants guild in the centre of the city." The old man explains.

The boy continues with some questions about this Labyrinth town structure and asked for some information about the city. At first, he only asked about something that a person who just arrived in this city normally asked like where is the best inn or restaurant, or the place where they could buy some daily necessities. But then the boy also asked about something unusual like where is the trusted book publisher company. But the old man still answers his questions.

"Thank you for your explanation, Mister! Bye, see you later." The boy bows and thanks the old man with a happy tone and says his farewell to the two men.

The mother and son pairs come out from the adventurer guild and walk to the border of the South and West parts of the City. It was the most hustle-bustle part of the Labyrinth City because it was located between the adventurer guild and magic tower which was the strongest force in this city.

They walk and look around the place and search for a place for both of them to stay in this city. They need to stay in this city and wait for one or two years before they decide on their future plans. Both of them also trying to get some work that could add some earnings for their future. They need more money later if they want to move to other countries.

Looking at the people of different races able to freely walk around in this city, both of them quite like the atmosphere of this city. But even in this peaceful city, there still exists some trouble that ruins the peaceful atmosphere.

They saw a big but empty restaurant in a good location and inside of that restaurant, they could hear a woman's voice looking for help. As they peek into the restaurant, the woman was being forced to sell her restaurant by a group of rowdy people.

"Please, stop making trouble in this place and chase away my customer." The woman begs.

"Then why don't you just sell this place and live happily in your new home?" One of the rowdy men said while looking at her with a lusting gaze.

"Mister, you should not trouble her like this. While there is a saying that 'all women like a bad boy' but you are doing it in the wrong way." A boy approaches them and said.

The group of rowdy people look at the boy and laugh.

"Hahaha! Do you want to act like some hero of justice, Boy?" One of the rowdy men asked with a mocking tone and scoffed at the boy.

They move and surround the little boy that comes to help the woman and tries to intimidate him with their big body. But the boy keeps an expressionless face and is able to keep his calm.

"I never thought of wanting to be some hero of justice like what you just said." The boy calmly answers the rowdy man without any fear.

"Then, why do you stupidly come alone and said something like that? Why do you think when you try to stop us?" The rowdy man asked while glaring at the boy angrily.

"To help a damsel in distress is one of a gentleman's traits. And I'm not coming alone as I have notified the guard about what you are doing to her." The boy said with a grin on his face.

All of the rowdy men feel angry with the boy and they try to hit the boy but before they are able to move their bodies to hit the boy, a lot of pebbles hit their bodies and some of them hit some dangerous body parts like eyes, neck and some other parts like a bullet.

"Y-You are a magician! Everyone we need to run!" The person who seems to be the rowdy group leader said and they quickly run away from the restaurant.

The restaurant was in a mess because of them. As they have vanished from their sight, a woman comes into the restaurant and helps the woman who seems to be the restaurant owner.

"Are you alright? Did you hurt somewhere?" The woman asked the restaurant owner with a worried tone.

"T-Thank you for your help. I don't know how to repay your kindness." The restaurant owner said with a weak tone.

"Then, can you tell me why they are doing that?" The boy asked with a curious tone.

"They are trying to make me sell this place to them at a cheap price. But even if they give me hundreds or even thousands of times from their current offer, I will never sell this place to them. This place is the only place that contains all of my precious memories with my husband." The restaurant owner said in a sad tone with longing.

"Your husband...?" The boy muttered in a curious tone but then he stop talking.

The restaurant owner realized at the boy's good intentions for stopping himself to talk about her husband's story.

She smile at the boy and said. "My husband has died around one year ago. He was killed by the bad adventurers that just arrived in this city. They were trying to make me to serve them and accompany them to their inn. My husband trying to protect me from those adventurers and they beat him to death before the city guards came and arrested them. When my husband died, I try my best to protect this restaurant in his place. But that group of people started to make trouble in this place and chase away our loyal customers. I have a difficult time to continue protecting this place..."

She stop talking and she started to cry.

The mother and son pairs are trying to cheer her up and stop her from crying.