Chapter 57

It was the restaurant's closing time.

Today is the first day for Red Dawn restaurant to be able to operate normally again after almost one year after the previous owner died. The customers are not as much as before but the customers still keep coming until the closing time. The customers started to go back to their homes to get some rest. But there are still some customers that still don't want to go.

"Hey, boy, did you also help the owner of the with today's menu?" The dandy middle age man who works in the adventurer guild said while looking at Ludger with a sharp gaze.

"That's right, Master Ludger, would you sell the recipe e to us? We will give you a good price. Or do you want to get the 'royalties paid' that you are speaking before?" Hugo also asked while rubbing his hands like some wicked merchant in the story he had read before.

"I didn't do anything and it is something that relates to the previous owner of this restaurant so I can't tell you anything about it and I am also unable to sell it. I'm really sorry." Ludger said it while acting as if he felt apologetic.

"We are really sorry, Sir. But it was already so late and as you can see that my son is really tired right now and we can't get any rest if you interfere us to close the restaurant. If you want to say anything, you can come again tomorrow." Katarina said with a smile but for some reason, it gives them some pressure.

"Oh, look at the time. I'm sorry to disturb you. We will go back now. See you tomorrow, Boy." The middle age man from the adventurer guild said his farewell.

"Master Ludger, please let me learn more from your brilliant idea. I really learned a lot from today's experience. I will come again tomorrow." Hugo said with glittering eyes.

For some reason, Ludger feel chills on his back because of Hugo's gaze. He knows that Hugo really respects him for some reason. But he also could see something similar to craziness in his eyes. He wonders when Hugo started to do it but he couldn't remember it because he act like that from the time he started talking with him and call him 'Master Ludger'.

But finally, all of the customers have left. They started to clean the restaurant. Before they go to sleep. It was a really tiring day for the mother and child pair. But they feel quite happy because they could help Caron.

"Thank you very much fing me realise my husband's wish!" Caron keeps thanking them, especially Ludger before she started to cry because she feels really happy.

For this last year, she almost couldn't open her restaurant. Because of the rowdy men that keep coming and making trouble in her restaurant and chasing away the customers. She feels really grateful to both of them because they scare those men away. And not only that, Ludger also help her make the dishes that her husband tried to make before he died in that accident.

"I did it to help my mom who works here. Besides, you also let us stay here and feed us and you also listen to some words of a little child like me. You also said that you will let me use the kitchen to create the thing that I want to make. Of course, I need to do what I am able to do before repaying your kindness." Ludger feels shy because Caron keeps thanking him.

Ludger still feels uncomfortable with receiving other goodwill from a person that he just met. He knows that not everyone is doing it with some hidden intentions or because they try to get close to his mother. But the people who he had met on his journey were always trying to get something from him even in the end he also uses them and makes them pay for it.

But Caron was different. She was worried about them when she asked them to stay with her. Maybe because Caron and his mother feel sympathetic for each other conditions. Or maybe they just feel want to help each other because both of them are a widow. Whatever the reason is, she treated them nicely and she do it without trying to trick them. That's also why he decided to help her.

"Haha, I'm sorry I feel really happy and my tears suddenly started to drop. Alright, both of you need to rest so I will take you to your room." Caron wipes her tears and guides them to their room.

The living quarter entrance was only able to access from the back door that connect with the kitchen. After exiting the kitchen, there was a stair to the second floor of the restaurant and Caron give them the guest room and give them some pillows and blankets because the weather started to get colder.

They said 'Good night for each other' before Caron go to her room. At the time when she exits from the room, Ludger saw a half-invisible man appear behind Caron and looked at him.

'Thank you!' He only said his thanks before he completely disappeared like a cloud of smoke.

Ludger could only think that he must be feeling too tired from today's activities and started to hallucinate like this. He cleaned his body and prepared to sleep but he can do that because his mother seems to have something that she want to say to him.

"Is there something that you want to said say, Mom?" Ludger decided to ask.

"Did you have something that you want to tell me? I know that you are a special child from the time that you are born. But I still feel worried because you keep trying to solve your problem alone and from what I saw as your mother, it was something difficult for you to solve." Katarina said and Ludger saw her worry and sadness because she couldn't do anything to help her child.

"Will you believe me if I say that I saw a glimpse of the future?" Ludger asks timidly.

Katarina's reaction was different from what Ludger thought because she didn't surprised or afraid of her strange child. She only smile as if she understand what Ludger was saying and she had known it from a long long time ago.

"Huh?! Did you actually know about it?" Ludger was really surprised by Katarina's calm reactions.

"Ufufu. My child only acts like a normal child when you are confused. To answer your question, did you still remember about my race?" Katarina asks while smiling with a soft gaze.

"Do you mean about the seer race...! Did you mean that it was the seer race ability?!" Ludger ask.

"Half true. As I said before, it was the only race that was able to communicate with the Goddess directly and sometimes they were also able to see the possible future or the hidden past. And I will tell you my secret because you told me your secret." Katarina said with a grin.

She then looks at her child's curious face before she continues with her words.

"Do you know that your name has been decided before our family move to this continent? The current name that you are using is the name of the one that born was as a son and if it was a daughter, it was the name that I give you when you are born, Renneshia. It was the name that blesses by the Goddess. That's why it was normal if you are being unique or different from the other children." Katarina said with a gentle smile.

Right, Ludger's real identity is Renneshia, the forgotten illegitimate of the Viscount Ruach that known had died around half a year ago. Actually, she and her mother were able to survive from the high-ranked monster, Gale Wolf. After they survive, they faked their status and made it as if they have died from the monster attack.

"Huh?!" Ludger, or rather Renneshia was surprised by the truth about the seer race and her name.

Renneshia thought that her mother only know about her ability to learn almost everything quickly or her special magic skills. But both of it was something that anyone was able to know if they are observing her for some time. Though she also feels that her mother will always be overprotective when it comes to her well-being sometimes but she never thinks that she is strange.

She never thought that her mother's calm demeanour when she saw her talents was because she know about it from her predecessor. For Renneshia, it was something that make her feel confused because it was something that had never been told in the game.

"What do you mean that I was blessed by the Goddess? If it was true then why did they do that to us?" Renneshia was really confused with the difference between the game plot and her mother's story.

Her mother's face gets a bit darker and she looks sad as she opens her mouth as said. "It was caused by the Chaos that befall to this world and it got worse after the leader of our race died in a war. Because the leader who is known as the beloved daughter of the Goddess. In our race's ancient language, it was read as 'Shia' and it was the same as your name. If the dragon still exists in this world, they might be able to prove the truth."

Katarina tell her the story that was being passed down from the elders in her family. "If I told you the details story then it would need to go back to ten thousand years ago..."

And she began her story.