Chapter 58

Everything began after the Goddess create this world. The Goddess create the six races and decides they are different job-based on their blessings. And finally, the Goddess choose the seer race as the overseer of this world and give a fragment of her soul to their leader.

When the fragment fuses with the leader of the seer race, the leader gains the power to see part of the future or the memories of the world. That power helps him to protect the order of this world and help the other race with their role and implement justice for anyone who does bad things that are banned by the Goddess.

At first, all creatures in the world live peacefully with each other. They help each other and fill the gaps of each other races. A perfect synergy between them continues for thousands of years. But disruption come to an end around three thousand years ago.

The peaceful and beautiful world has come to an end because of the appearance of the God of Chaos. The God of Chaos was envious of our Goddess, Elyshian's creation, this world, Elyshion. The God of Chaos want to make this world and put it into chaos and start the plan to sway the belief of the races in this world.

The first race that fell into God of Chaos's influence was the demon race. Because of the influence of the God of Chaos, they started to fall into madness and kill the other races indiscriminately.

That was the true story of the first war. But this story had been forgotten by the people on this continent. Because at the end of the first war the God of Chaos's apostle kill the leader of the seer race and try to steal the Goddess fragment in the leader's soul.

If not for the Goddess's interference that makes the apostle fail to obtain it, maybe this world would have been destroyed from a long time ago. Or this world might be more chaotic than the current situation.

A group of mixed races and abandoned people that helped the seer race helped the remaining seer race to run away from the God of Chaos believers that want to massacre the seer race and search for the Goddess fragment. This group works together and fends off the attackers and is finally able to seal the apostle.

Nothing much was being recorded about the detail of the first war and most of them are being destroyed by the God of Chaos believers. Even in the seer race, except for the few record about the last leader 'Shia', nothing else remains.

Everything fades with time and the God of Chaos's influence in this world gets stronger while the Goddess Elyshian in this world gets weaker. That's why our race also lost our ability to hear the Goddess's voice after the leader's death.


"That's all I know about our race. And that's everything that I could remember from my parent's story. Now, it's already this late. Let's go to sleep." Katarina finished her story

"You are right, I need to sleep. Thank you for telling me about our race story. I have been curious about it for a long time ago." Renneshia nodded and thank her mother.

"Oh right! I almost forget about it. I want you to start your apprenticeship after you celebrate your tenth birthday. Even though you are acting as my son, Ludger, I would not let you take it earlier. You hear me! Wait for two more years." Katarina remembers and warns her dear child.

"I-I understand. Good night, Mom." Renneshia feel pressured and agreed to her words before she (pretend to) go to sleep.

"Good night, sweet dreams, my dear daughter, Renne." Katarina said and turn off the light.

The room becomes dark but Renneshia still thinking and shorting the information that she just got from her mother. She never thought that she will hear the name that she had heard a few years ago in her dream.

'The last leader of the seer race 'Shia'... I never thought that I will hear her name again. If only I could see that dream again, I might be able to know more about the real history of this world.'

Renneshia mind was full of her curiosity about the story of the seer race. Her interest was because she feels that she might find something to change her fate. She still feels insecure about her future. She remembers about the story in her past life where the main character was unable to run or change the plot that had been decided in the story of a novel or game. And she became afraid that a similar story will happen to her.

She looks at her mother's face who sleeping beside her.

'One more year...No, maybe it will be better if I listen to my Mom's words and wait patiently until I am sure about what will happen to me. I won't let my Mom die from the epidemic.'

Renneshia makes a resolution for her future. She felt afraid of the unknown possible fate because it will also decide the fate of the people that were precious to her.

While her mind was full with worry thoughts, she fell asleep.


When she opened her eyes, she was sleeping in the forest.

'Huh?! Why am I here?'

Renneshia try to move her body and look around, but she could not move.

'I know this feeling.'

Renneshia quickly realized her current condition. Right, she had experienced it a few times before. She realized that she was in a strange dream that she have seen a few times before and become another person name 'Shia'.

'Is this the same 'Shia' in my Mom story?' Renneshia wonders about 'Shia' in this dream identity.

As she wonders about her real identity, Shia stands up and prepares to continue her journey. But she was stopped by a person who caught her hand.

"I know that you want to quickly arrive at your destination but you still need to eat some breakfast before we continue our journey. Lady Shia, please eat something so you won't get sick." The handsome silver hair man, Kadaklan said politely.

"Just leave her alone. She will never listen to your words." The man with golden hair said.

Hearing his words, Shia took the bowl that Kadaklan give to her and started to eat. The warm meals make her feel that the food was more delicious than what she had eaten when she was still living with her race.

Renneshia could see a few of Shia's memories. The wide room without any other person staying or conversing with her. The cold food that she eats alone in that wide cage-like room feels tasteless even if it used good ingredients. Renneshia pities her condition.

"Do you like today's breakfast?" Kadaklan asked her.

"Thank you for the meals. It was delicious." Shia said with a sad smile on her face.

"Then why do you make that kind of expression?" The golden hair man said with an annoyed tone.

He also seems to be a bit angry with her reaction for some reason.

Shia touched her face while tilting her head because she feel confused by his reaction.

"What's wrong with my expression?" Shia asked.

"Did you think of something when you eat your breakfast?" Kadaklan decides to ask her to stop her from saying something that might irritate his elder brother.

"I only thought that it was delicious and I want to share it with that child...Umm, can you give me something with a similar taste when we meet that child later?" Shia shyly asked.

"Of course, I'm glad you like it. Right, brother?" Kadaklan said while looking at his elder brother.

"Shut up!" The golden hair man angrily said.

"Why are you asking him?" Shia curiously asks.

"Ah, I have not told you that it was made by my el-Uphh" Kadaklan try to answer Shia's question but the golden hair man stopped him from continuing her words.

"Eh! So, Sir Pendragon, you are able to cook!" Shia said with a surprised tone.

"What?! Do you think it was strange that I could cook?" The golden hair man, Pendragon said with an annoyed tone.

"Hmm?! No, I think that you are really talented. You could make something that tastes delicious like this. Can you please teach me?" Shia asks with excitement in her voice as she suddenly gets closer to Pendragon and holds his hands.

Her face got closer to his face and he quickly released his hands and push her away from him.

"What are you doing? Why do you put your face so close? Have you never learned any modesty before as a leader? Argh, you really made me go nuts!" Pendragon shouted at her and quickly turn his body before he walks away.

Renneshia could see that his face turn red when he run away. She is also able to see Kadaklan's figure that trying to suppress his laughter on the side.

'Did he like her or he is weak to the opposite gender?' Renneshia wonders about his feelings while feeling sad that she has nothing to eat to watch what happened.

"Eh! Did I say something wrong? Pendragon, wait! I will apologize if I do something wrong. Why did you move faster?" Shia tries to apologize but she couldn't chase Pendragon who runs faster.

Shia turned her head and walk to the nearest person to her.

"Kadaklan, did I do something that makes your elder brother angry? Or could it be that he hates me?" Shia asks with a sad tone.

"He didn't do that because he was angry but because he was shy. What you do before seems to surprise him. Alright, let's continue our journey." Kadaklan said while suppressing his laughter and telling everyone to continue their journey.

His answer only made Shia feel more confused. But she quickly stops her question as she also wants to quickly arrive at her destination.

After walking for half a day, they finally arrived at their destination. But as they arrived at their destination, except for Shia, everyone have a surprised expression on their face.

"How could you call this as a child?!" Pendragon asks with a surprised tone.