Chapter 62

Hudson and Favian listen to Ludger's (Renneshia) (fake) story. Of course, he hides the part about the adventurers that want to kill the two of them (Renneshia and her mother) and said that they are the people who were coincidentally moving together with them. But they try to run away and make them as bait for the Gale Wolf but in the end, the Gale Wolf kills them.

Listening to Ludger's (Renneshia) story, Hudson and Favian react differently.

Hudson was angry because of the pathetic and foolishness of the people that try to make others as bait while wearing outfits that make them look like an adventurer as Ludger (Renneshia) hide the truth. Favian was frowning when he heard about the details of the Gale Wolf and quickly inspect the Gale Wolf's corpse.

As Favian started to cut open the Gale Wolf's body and look closely at its organs while collecting the remaining blood, bodily fluids, some meats and skins. He put each of them in different containers and started to put some colourful liquids into the containers.

The body parts of the Gale Wolf quickly react to the colourful liquids and cause different reactions. The blood becomes like black colour mud and makes a foul-smelling odour that smells like a rotten corpse. The bodily fluids evaporate and become a black mist and remain in the container for a long time before turning into black dust. The meats and skins rot and release some black colour fluid that corrodes the containers.

In the end, Favian decides to freeze the monster's corpses and destroyed the parts in the containers. He feels that it would be dangerous for them and activate the magic circle in the laboratory.

Wind magic starts to surround the body parts of the Gale Wolf and fly it to the incinerator in that room. Favian also activates another magic circle and creates a barrier that surrounds the incinerator.

Black and ominous smoke comes out and is trapped inside the barrier.

"That smoke looks dangerous. What should we do to that smoke?" Hudson said as his instinct as a former adventurer.

"From the reactions, it seems to be caused by a curse. It was similar to the tainted being. We need a purification magic to prevent it from harming the people in this alchemy guild and the surrounding area." Favian said with a serious face.

Ludger (Renneshia) timidly raise his hand and said. "Do you want me to do the purification magic?"

When Renneshia was still in the East, she was taught all kinds of knowledge and including the holy and purification magic. They teach her all kinds of knowledge and she learns all of the six attributes theory. But she mostly learns about the basics and is unable to learn the advanced spells for holy magic and a curse.

The two kinds of magic were different from the six attributes of magic (fire, water, earth, wind, light and dark). It was something that categorizes as unattributed magic. It was only able to be learned by some small populations of the races. Nothing is known about it but the temple often searches and recruits some people with the ability to learn it.

The reason for the recruitment was because it was a skill that relate to the Goddess. In this world, only God have the power to do purification, blessing and curse. That's why the people that able to do it must have a blessing from God. But because there is also the God of Chaos that trying to destroy this world, the temple decided to control it.

"I will ask you to do it if you can. But I won't let you easily if you are lying. We don't have any time for some unfunny joke because it relates to the lives of the people in this city." Favian said with a glare.

'It was hard to believe, right? I also never thought about my (Renneshia) talents in this kind of magic. But I really wonder why she (Renneshia in the game) never uses it?'

Ludger (Renneshia) move closer to the barrier and started to chant the spells in her mind.

'I pray to the great Goddess that create this world. Please let me, your devout believer borrow your power to follow your teaching and save this tainted being and give it the salvation that you granted to all living creatures.'

"Purification light." Ludger (Renneshia) said the spell name.

A blinding light appear inside the barrier and when it touched the black smoke, a weird screeching sound come from inside the barrier. And after a while, the monster's body parts and smoke disappeared leaving grey ash inside the barrier.

Both of the adult in that laboratory was speechless as they watched what Ludger (Renneshia) do. And on top of that, he also did it without chanting loudly like what they usually saw from the people's temple.

Actually, Ludger (Renneshia) found out that the spells did not need to be said out loud from the experience when reading the spells secretly. At that time, Renneshia thought the spells were too embarrassing and reminded her of the chuunibyou in her past life.

'I will never chant it out loudly!'

That was what was in Ludger's (Renneshia) mind. But of course, no one will know about this.

"Are you someone related to the temple?" Favian said with fear on his face.

Favian feel afraid that the boy name 'Ludger' might charge him as a tainted one because of his experiment in his laboratory. There is also some possibility that he might be sent to infiltrate his laboratory and found out what he was experimenting with.

The temple often blames the alchemy guild for this last few years. They said that the alchemists were violating the Goddess's creation and acting in antagonizing the people with great alchemy achievements and sometimes trying to find faults in them.

"I never want to have a relationship with the temple. I not saying that I don't believe in the Goddess or I'm following the God of Chaos. But I found something that makes me doubt about the current teachings of the temple." Ludger (Renneshia) calmly explained.

"Hey boy, what are you talking about?! Do you mean there is something wrong with the teachings of the temple? Do you have any proof for your words?" Hudson said with a sharp gaze.

"Don't you see some contradiction in the current teaching?" Ludger (Renneshia) ask with an expressionless face and tone.

They could see that he was serious and from his reaction, he seems to found some clue about it. The boy's reaction made their thoughts of the possibility that the boy was someone that was not related to a noble or merchant family but rather someone relate to the temple. But it makes them more confused about the woman that this boy calls as his mother.

'From how he treated her and protect her, could it be that Lady Katarina was the Saintess candidate?! Then...' Hudson thought about the most possible background of the two mysterious pair that had just arrived in this city yesterday.

Luckily he did not say it out loud or he might hear Ludger (Renneshia) praise him for his great imagination without even being close to the truth.

"Boy, did you also think about that possibility? But do you have any proof? How could you be so sure about it?" Favian asked with curiosity in his face but there was also disbelief in his tone.

"Do you have any information about the Spirit Continent or the race living in that continent? Have you ever tried to speak with them before? Have you wondered about why they were discriminated against by the Temple of Light before?" Ludger (Renneshia) asked with a cold expression.

"..." Hudson and Favian were speechless from Ludger's (Renneshia) questions. They realized what he was trying to say with that questions.

It was something that no one ever thought or wonder about it before because it was something that happened a long long time ago or more precisely around three thousand years ago. No, they never even thought about it before the boy asked them.

They feel that both of them are being shrouded by something strange that makes them unable to think about it until someone said it like what currently happened to them. That makes them feel goosebumps as they thought that something is influencing their thought.

"T-This...How could it be..." Hudson said as he hold his head and feel fear about what happened.

"How do you able to found about it, Boy?" Favian asked with a surprised face.

"I meet with the people from that race. They helped me when the Gale Wolf almost kill both of us. They help us without asking for anything back. And teach me a lot of things." Ludger (Renneshia) said with an angry tone.

Favian looked at Ludger's (Renneshia) face and said. "You seem to know about something that had been erased from the history of the current world. So, what made you feel angry like that?"

"Huh?! I am angry??" Ludger (Renneshia) was surprised and reflexively touched his face.

"Did you feel irritated by the discrimination against the spirit race? Or it was because you feel indebted to their help and angry for them." Favian said with interest in his tone.

Ludger's (Renneshia) face turned darker as he opened his mouth. "Because I could feel something wrong in our current situation. Do you know that we might be under the God of Chao's influence right now? From what I hear from them, they call the leader of their race as the Goddess's beloved daughter. And they leave from this continent because they were chased and hunted by the God of Chaos believers and they still searching for the remaining of the race."

Hearing what Ludger (Renneshia) said, Hudson and Favian's faces turned pale. Both of them never expect the hidden truth of this world.