Chapter 63

It was a big surprise for Hudson and Favian. They never thought that they would hear about the secret of this world from a little boy like Ludger.

"All of the people in this continent might be under the God of Chaos influence. Is that what you want to tell us, Boy?!" Hudson said with a disbelief tone.

He didn't doubt Ludger's words but he was still unable to accept all of the truth because it was too mind-blowing. Everything that he know was something fake that was created by the God of Chaos.

"Hmm, if you are saying that they are telling the truth, then it explains the temple's recently suspicious behaviour and it fits the current mystery about the fierce behaviour the believers show to that race. It was just like the justification that given by the winning country in a war." Favian nodded his head while showing his understanding of what happened.

He started to think about the discrimination from the temple against the alchemy guild that currently happens. 'But why do they do that to the alchemy guild now?'

"...If only that damn God didn't exist!"

They suddenly hear Ludger muttering in an angry tone and they turned their face to look at the boy. His face darkens and a pressuring atmosphere seems to surround him. Both of the adults feel that they must not say anything when the boy is in his current condition.

Ludger was currently angry at the God of Chaos. Because he is finally able to connect the dots and find out the truth that he knows from the game.

In the game, Renneshia was accused as a tainted person. But if the truth about what happened to Shia and Katarina's story about the seer race was the truth, then everything that they said about Renneshia was false. That means they kill her with a fake accusation or maybe because she was a person from the seer race.

'I need to find a way to pay back that damn God.' Ludger thought while revealing killing intent.

"Oh, right!" Ludger suddenly remembers something and the killing intent and pressure disappeared as if it has never existed before and looks at the two adults in front of him.

The two adults become tense as they feel scared by the boy's quick change. And there is a disturbing and suspicious smile on the boy's face that makes them shudder.

"You can help me with gathering more information about it, right? And Mr. Favian, can you let me borrow some of your books about alchemy?" Ludger asks with a grin on his face.

"Hmm?! Did you have any interest in alchemy, Boy? Or do you decide to join our guild? I will tell the guild master about it and let you have your private laboratory if you really want to join our guild." Favian suddenly feels excited and wants him to join the alchemy guild.

Favian thought that the boy, Ludger will give the alchemy guild a lot of new things that will help them to raise their fame. Not only that, but currently this little boy was the only person on this continent that seems to obtain the knowledge of the spirit race. So he looks at the boy with hope.

"Hmm. No. I only thought that I might make something without magic...but I also want to read some intermediate or advanced books on alchemy to prove that there are other attributes in this world. And I just heard about it from them." Ludger explains to Favian.

"Another attribute!? Are you sure about it and not misunderstanding the holy magic or curse?" Favian asks with doubt in his tone.

"You have seen it before." Ludger said while showing the spatial ring on his finger.

"Huh!? Could it be...Then do you mean that the ring was created by that new attribute?" Favian said with shining eyes as he was really interested in the creation of the spatial ring.

For Favian, it was a new knowledge that he had never heard before. And because of that, his suspicions about Ludger have changed into respect and awe. The new knowledge that Ludger have might be able to let him more things to experiment with.

"Then did you mean that you are able to make it if you understand the new attribute!?" Hudson also asked with a voice that was full of hope.

It was because if they were able to create the spatial ring, then he could lessen the mortality rate of the adventurer in this city. The spatial ring will become a helpful item for anyone who needs to go on a long-distance journey or dive into the labyrinth. He had heard that only Ludger was able to use it so he feels happy when he heard that Ludger will do some research about it.

"W-Will you r-really be able to do it, Boy?" Favian asked while stuttering.

"Hmm, I don't know but don't you think it worth it? At least we might get something if do or try something rather than do nothing. Even if we are unable to use it, the knowledge might help us with something else later." Ludger said while thinking about how to let them know about it indirectly.

"Then, what do you want both of us to do for you? You must be planning something, right?" Hudson said with a suspicious look.

"Of course, there is no free meal in this world. I want to ask you about some knowledge that you could give me. I need to look at that knowledge to create an item with similar effects to this ring." Ludger said like an adult teaching a clueless child.

"Is that all? You won't add anything like spying or searching the temple, right?" Hudson hesitates to ask Ludger but he needs to make sure the things that he wants to ask them to do.

"Don't worry, I know that it was almost impossible to do it and won't tell you to do that kind of thing but asked you to gather some suspicious book like some old book with a thick cover or book with a lot of blank page in it. I have found something strange in an old poem book." Ludger said while showing them an old paper he took out from the spatial ring.

"What is this!" Favian quickly took the paper and read it but then he frowned because of the content.

"Let me see it too." Hudson said while trying to peek from Favian shoulder but he suddenly stop talking and look at the content seriously.

"Is this your proof about the race from another continent? But right now we don't even know who is the Saintess and where she is right now. What is your objective to tell us all of it?" Favian asked with a sharp glare at Ludger.

"Will you believe me if I told you that I don't have any objectives to show you this but I feel I need to ask someone else about it to lessen my stress." Ludger answer as he smiles at them.

Both of them feel that they saw an ominous smile from the boy in front of them.

"Right, Mr. Favian, can I borrow your laboratory for a while?" Ludger asks with shining eyes.

"W-What are you going to do with my laboratory?" Favian asks with fear in his voice.

"Hmm, it's nothing dangerous but I want to do a few things and could you let me put some of my items in here?" Ludger asks while taking out something from his spatial ring.

"Hoo!!! What is that? Can I look at it? Eh!? Why is everything only a blank paper?" Favian was confused as he only looking at a pile of blank paper.

"It was something that I accidentally made." Ludger said while taking out a candle and lit it before he took the paper closer as if he trying to dry it.

As the heat from the candle touched the paper, words started appearing on the paper. It makes Hudson and Favian surprised by how those words come out from the blank paper.

"This...Can you teach me how to do it? You are really a genius boy! I'm really lucky to be able to meet you, Boy! This meeting has given me a lot of new things to look for. I have decided it! Will you accept me as your student? I want you to teach me everything and I will let you use this laboratory as you want, Teacher!" Favian excitedly said as he grab Ludger's right hand.

'This is crazy! How could he suddenly become like this?' Ludger feels scared by Favian reaction.

Ludger never thought that Favian was actually known as a genius alchemist in this city. He gave a quite high status in the alchemy guild of the Draconia Empire. He creates some new items like an item that is similar to a copy machine or something like a freezer or voice recorder if compare to the things from Earth.

But Favian was currently losing his interest in most of the research because he could not find something new. He move to Labyrinth City because he wants to look for something new. He has stayed in this city for two years since he found out about the strange thing that happened with the monsters lately.

He tried to inspect about it but most adventurers won't sell him a good-quality monster corpse. Until the sudden large supply of good-quality Hroul corpses that came yesterday afternoon. He was happy as he started to do some research on those corpses and found out that there are a lot of differences from the Hroul corpses.

That's why he quickly went to the adventurer guild and meet Hudson to ask him about the person who defeated that group of Hroul. Hudson feels hesitant but in the end, he still took him to meet the person who kill those monsters, a little boy, Ludger.

Currently, Favian was glad about his decision to look for Ludger. He wants to learn about the knowledge that he never knows from a little boy that is a decade younger than him.