Chapter 71

The people in the training room that watch Ludger talk with Einar have similar thoughts.

'What is happened to him to make him so scared of that little boy?'

In their eyes, Ludger was just a harmless little boy. And for some apprentices, Ludger was a beautiful boy with a mysterious atmosphere surrounding him. They don't understand why Einar seems to fear Ludger.

It was caused by something that happened a few days ago. Einar fell in love with Katarina when he saw her working in Red Dawn and want to confess to her. But he felt shy and in the end, started stalking her. Ludger found out that Einar secretly follow Katarina and warned him about it while dealing with a great mental attack (verbal abuse) and breaking his fragile heart.

From that day forward, Einar vows to himself to never cross Ludger ever again. And that's how the current situation happened. But only the two of them know about this story while the others are confused by their conversation.

"Wow, I never thought that you are teaching the adventurer apprentices, Mr. Einar. Could I listen to your teaching? Well, although I am just an ordinary boy that lacks fighting ability if being compared to the adventurer apprentices in this room." Ludger said in a humble manner.

The people who just met Ludger feel touched by how humble and good manner he was. It was a nightmare for Einar who started to sweat. While Hudson, Hugo and Favian are looking at Ludger with a strange face because they don't understand why he said such a lie.

In the end, they listen to Einar's lecture seriously. While it was different from what Ludger know, he admits that Einar really has a good talent for teaching others. He could make the students and listeners become interested with implement his experiences into the lectures.

"So what do you think about our adventurer guild, 'ordinary boy that lacks fighting ability'?" Hudson asks with a teasing face.

"I could only admire his good teaching skills and congratulate you for having a person that will able to nurture the next generations. It teaches me a lot." Ludger calmly answer.

"It's quite surprising to hear you said something like that, Master Ludger." Hugo expressed his astonishment at Ludger's words which were too wise.

"But he seems to make some mistake in his lecture, right, Tea." When Favian gave his opinion, he couldn't finish his sentence.

"Mr. Favian, I have told you that I am just 'an ordinary boy that lacks fighting ability'. So how could I understand what Mr. Einar teaching completely, Right?" Ludger said while putting a smile on his face but Favian feel afraid because his eyes didn't smile.

"Um...Ah...How careless of me to forget about it." Favian said with a monotone voice.

Hudson, Hugo and Einar feel a bit sympathetic to Favian who receives pressure from Ludger. But the pressures suddenly disappeared as if they never existed when someone is asking Ludger a question.

"That...Why do you coming together with the Guild Master? Could you be a person with great talents?" A female apprentice with light blue hair asks with curiosity.

"Oh! It is also strange about how Teacher Einar acted when he saw the boy." The male apprentice with light green hair adds while looking at Ludger with shining eyes.

"I'm sorry for making you feel confused. I'm currently working in Red Dawn restaurant. My name is Ludger Ignis. As for my reason for coming with the Guild Master Hudson is because he wants to help me. And the reason for Mr. Einar acts like that is because we have had some misunderstandings before and he still feels embarrassed by it, right?" Ludger said while smiling brightly.

Einar shuddered as he saw Ludger smile and nodded his head.

"What?! That's not interesting." The male adventurers lose their interest.

But... "Can you tell us what kind of help the Guild Master gives you by bringing you here?" The female adventurers still want to look at Ludger's appearance with interest.

"Oh about that, he...the Guild Master was teaching me as a man to be able to protect the woman, especially everyone in Red Dawn. I agree that as a man I need to protect the woman around me because I was only raised by my mother from an early age." Ludger said with a sad smile.

'Kyaaaa! He is so cool!'

'What is this cute creature?'

Most females in the training room fall for Ludger's act and they feel that they need to protect him. Of course, no one knows what they are thinking. And for the adults that know Ludger, they were speechless at how smoothly Ludger spouted those lies.

"You can always ask for my help if you need it in the future." Suddenly a female adventurer said.

"Thank you for telling me that, beautiful Miss. But I wish to be a good man that will be able to help every beautiful ladies that need my help in the future." Ludger said with a smile.

"Do you only help a beautiful lady? What if someone is an ugly lady?" Another female adventurer asks in a shy manner.

"There is no ugly lady in this world because every lady has their own unique beauty. And I think that every single lady in this world is beautiful." Ludger answered while winking to the females.

"KYAAAA!!! So cool!" All the females in that room fell in love with Ludger.

'He was dangerous!' The male adventurers feel fear from Ludger's glib tongue that melts the female heart easily.

'I can't believe it he is such a playboy.' Hudson thought with a wry smile.

'As expected Master Ludger who understands woman's hearts and create those beauty products.' Hugo admires Ludger's glib tongue as it was something important as a merchant.

Einar have a flabbergasted expression and as he saw how Ludger was able to act naturally, in front of the females, his fear was being replaced with respect.

Favian wonder why Ludger act like that in front of the people that he just met. He tries to understand his teacher after interacting with him and learning from him. But he seems to be acting strange when he gets into the crowd and acts like a stupid and weak person. Favian didn't dare to ask him as he thought it was related to his horrible past.

Of course, Ludger was acting like that because he understands woman's minds as 'Renneshia' and 'Ludger' is the persona that was created by mixing every single male character's good attributes from different stories that she read in her past life.

But for people (male) in this world, he looks like an indiscriminate playboy. And he might steal their girlfriend in the future. They feel dread of the future.

"Um, Mr. Hudson...Oh no, I mean Guild Master, should we go to the next place now?" Ludger timidly said to Hudson.

Ludger's words make Hudson snap out of his thought and feel the incoming sharp gaze from the females in that room.

"If he dares to bully you just let me know about it and we will punish those who dare to bully you! We will always be on your side." One of the females said and the other nodded their head.

At that moment they realized Ludger's reason for acting like that and make no one dare to touch him in the future. As they look at how scary the females in that room are with their determined looks.

"Ah right! Let's go to another room." Hudson quickly took him out and leave that room.

"Alright, the lecture has ended. You can do your individual training. Class dismissed." Einar said with a loud voice before he rushed to chase Ludger.

The student was dumbfounded by Einar's strange act before realising that he want to chase Ludger.

Hudson leads Ludger, Hugo and Favian to the next training room. It was the outdoor training room and saw some professional adventurers training their skills.

'It looks like a mix of the kung-fu training ground and military training ground that I saw in books and movies.' Ludger thought as he saw the second training ground.

"Ludger, no, Teacher, please let me learn from you!" Someone suddenly said from behind.

Hearing that words, Ludger quickly look back and saw Einar running in their direction. His face become expressionless and the three-person besides him started to feel the invisible pressure from Ludger that make them feel fear.

"This damn idiot that never learns from his past mistake!" Ludger muttered with a low tone.

Ludger points his index finger as if aiming at Einar. As he secretly gathers a bit of his magic power and shoots a small stone bullet at Einar's forehead.



Einar that got hit by the stone bullet fell down and lose his consciousness. When the others are surprised by Einar that lay on the ground, Ludger took the other three to leave the room and went to the third training ground before anyone realized their presence.

As they arrived at the third training ground, Hudson start to explain about the structure of the training ground and the barriers in the training ground. He proudly tells them about how this training ground turned into the place where they do an annual festival of adventurers ranking event.

It was the event where the adventurers compete in different competitions to decide their private ranking as an adventurer in this wants. They do it every year in winter because it was the time when the adventurers rarely go to do their work and mostly rest. Hudson said that he wants to do something special this year so he wants Ludger to get some ideas for this year's competition.

"How about we do some training first before I tell you about it?" Ludger taunts as he wants to test his ability as quickly as possible.