Chapter 76

That night, Renneshia couldn't help but suffer from the unknown pressure but she couldn't understand why she was not able to get used to it like Shia. As she keeps remembering the time she died in her past life.

'Could it be because I'm not the real Renneshia or because I have died before? But what is this disgusting feeling as if something were crawling on my body?' Renneshia tries to calmly think.

Her mother, Katarina was so worried that she has not able to sleep at all after seeing Renneshia's condition did not get better until morning. She was currently looking for a doctor that able to heal her even if it will divulge her identity as a female. It makes Renneshia feel worried as it might cause the Ruach family will try to capture them and make her experience what Renneshia in the game have experienced.

'I need to stop her!' Renneshia dresses herself as 'Ludger' and tries to chase her mother.

But suddenly the door opened and Ludger was able to see her mother coming with three familiar adults. Katarina was unable to go out because of the sudden guest that visit them. Besides Favian was quite famous for creating some medicine that was able to save a lot of people.

"Boy, we come to look at your condition because your mother was so worried about your condition. How are your conditions?" Hudson tries to act like his usual face but his act is horrible.

But looking at his face makes Ludger realise something. He got an idea of what she was able to do right now. His face brightens as he is finally able to find some way out of the current problems.

"I'm glad you are here, Mr. Hudson. Can you let me look at the map of this town if possible? I need to look at it because I think it might be related to what I felt yesterday." Ludger asks with a haggard face because of what happened with the strange pressure that keeps hurting him.

"You don't need the detailed map, right?" Hudson ask with a startled face.

"I will look at it first to be able to confirm what I am thinking right now." Ludger said with a serious face while looking at Hudson's eyes.

"Alright, I have a map of this city in my pocket. If you can use it to find what you want to find, you need to wait for me to take it from the adventurer guild." Hudson said as he started to spread the map of the city and show it to Ludger.

Ludger carefully looks at the city map. The first thing that Ludger do was to find the adventurer guild on that map. Ludger looks at the south part of the city and looks carefully until he finds the adventurer guild. After finding the location of the adventurer guild, he tries to predict the location and look at the map.

'If I remember the direction is more down south than the adventurer guild...Huh?! That's it!' Ludger stare at the map and scanned the southern part of the city until he find something.

"Teacher, did you find out something? Or do you feel uncomfortable?" Favian asks with an anxious face.

"I want to ask about the cemetery in the south part of the city. Is there something weird things happen around that area?" Ludger ask as he could feel it was the most suspicious place where have a relationship with Shia memory about the undead hordes.

"W-Wh-What?! It was an abandoned area in the city. Although the city guard still went to the cemetery for their patrol but it will be difficult to find suspicious things in that large area. What kind of suspicious things that you want to find? I will make a request to the adventurers to help me to find it for you." Hudson said with a serious face.

"To tell you the truth, I also don't know what I am looking for but it might be related to the forbidden magic that will put this city into a chaos. So could you also take me there?" Ludger asks while looking straight into Hudson's eyes with a determined expression.

"You can't just tell us about it and stayed here to have some rest because it was too dangerous for your current condition!" Hudson said as he frowns.

"I can describe the thing that I want to find because I also don't know what it was, how many of it and where is the exact location. All I know is the feeling that I could feel from that thing and it looks like I am the only person who could sense its presence." Ludger explain about what he knew.

"Why did you able to sense it when other people were unable to do it? Don't tell me that you are actually a person with special blessings like the Duke!?" Hudson feels unbelievable when he hears Ludger's words but he decided to believe it when he saw his serious face.

"Then, when you want us to go to the cemetery and should we prepare something before we go there?" Favian asks as he looks at Ludger's pale face worriedly.

"I still don't know about what we should do but if it was related to a forbidden magic and cemetery, I could only think about undead. If you are able to get some people who have experience in fighting against undead. And I will be grateful if we could go to the cemetery as fast as possible because I am afraid that my body will get worse." Ludger said with a weak expression.

"Do you really have to go there with your current condition?" Katarina ask with a worried face.

"I must go to be able to get healthy again. The faster we solve this issue, the faster I will recover. And I'm afraid it will create danger for this city. I don't want something bad to happen to you, the owner and all of our acquaintances." Ludger said with a smile to reassure his mother.

"Alright, I understand. But you need to promise me that you won't do anything dangerous. Remember to ask for help if you are in danger. And listen to Mr. Hudson's words because he seems to be more experience with this kind of condition." Katarina said with a stern expression.

"Alright, I promise. Then, see you later, Mom." Ludger nodded and smile.

They quickly leave the Red Dawn restaurant and went to the adventurer guild. Favian and Hugo also send some people to let the alchemy guild and merchant guild to prepare some items that will be useful when they went to the cemetery. They also look for a priest to help them if the undead really appeared.

When they arrive at the adventurer guild, Hudson takes them to the Guild Master room. He also gives the worker the notice that he wants to look for some adventurers that fit the criteria that Ludger give before and asks for someone who will able to keep a secret.

After an hour, they could only find three people that fit their criteria. The first person is Einar who will do anything to be able to have Ludger teaching. The other was a pair of twin female adventurers with half-elf blood, Alvera and Elviira. They were helped by Hudson before when they almost died from hunger.

Both of them have beautiful faces and pointy ears. Their parents are killed by some group of people and they also chase them until they met with Hudson. Elf has slower growth until they were twelve years old. Hudson who was an adventurer at that time teaches them how to survive in this harsh world and because of that, they are able to become high-level adventurers.

After they were being introduced to each other, Hudson told them about what they needed to do and keep it as a secret after everything has over. The twin looks curiously at Ludger as he looks like a little child. Einar has a different reaction from the twin as he begs Ludger to teach him how to speak with a woman without being nervous.

Einar actions make the others in that room feel embarrassed because an adult with an age three times older than the little boy acting extremely pathetic as he kneels down and begs the boy. The twin half-elf even looked at him with a scorning face.

At that moment, Ludger really doubts that these people will be able to help him reach his goal safely. He also feels that it would be difficult for him to find the things that he was searching for.

After they wait for a while, some items come from the alchemy guild and merchant guild. It was the items that might be helpful to fight against the undead. When everything they need has been gathered, they finally went to the cemetery.

When they get closer to the cemetery, Ludger finally understands why he has such horrible and painful feelings. He could see a black mist surrounding the cemetery like a dome. The disgusting smells of death and the wailing voice of the souls that were trapped inside the dome make him feel as if his body gets frozen.

But when they arrive at the cemetery gate, the twin half-elf suddenly gasps.

"This...!" They seems to want to say something but they were unable to do it.

"What? What did the three of you see?" Einar feels frustrated and asks them because he only saw the normal cemetery that he always saw when some adventurers died.

Hugo and Favian who also come with them look at them with curious expression. Hugo who is unable to help except for preparing some items for them decides to wait in the adventurer guild. As the three adult men look at them and wait for their explanation, something happened to the black mist dome.