Chapter 77

As if the black mist became alive, the dome seems to open up like a flower blooming. Something comes out of it. The shape reminds Ludger of the tentacles he saw before in past life knowledge.

'The tentacle won't attack the beautiful twin half-elf sister, right? Oops, I need to focus on the source of the black mist.' Ludger remembers something unimportant but quickly focuses himself to search for the source of the black mist.

"So, can the three of you tell us what you are looking at? Is there something wrong with the cemetery? Hey, let me know what is it?" Hudson feels impatient and asks them.

"We also did not quite sure... What we saw is just something similar to a blurry wall that prevents us to look at what was behind the cemetery fence. And we feel goosebumps as we get closer to the gate. I don't know if he saw a similar thing because he seems to have sharper sense than us." Alvera looks at Alviira and timidly said before changing her gaze to Ludger.

"Did you also see something similar to what they are saying, Boy?" Hudson also turns his face to look at Ludger who seems to be focusing on something inside the cemetery.

Ludger ignore him but they could see he started to sweat as his face get paler.

"Hey Boy, what happened?" Hudson touches Ludger's shoulder and snaps him out of his focus on the black mist that surrounds the cemetery.

Ludger was stunned because he keep seeing how 'she' died in a previous life. The strange hand that keep chasing 'her' and pushed 'her' from the railing. It makes Ludger feel that his body is freezing because of his fear.

"Huh?! What do you ask me?" Ludger asks with a bewildered tone.

"What do you see, Boy? Do you see something horrible? Or did your condition get worse?" Hudson asks with a worried expression.

"I saw, I mean I saw something like a black mist surrounding the cemetery. And I feel like listening to a wailing voice from inside the cemetery. I don't know if it was saved to touch the black mist. Should we use the holy potion to protect our body?" Ludger said with a terrified tone.

"Are you able to see the death essence? And we are just only able to see something similar to a barrier. Are you really a human?" Elviira asks because she suspects Ludger's race.

"I am unable to see the soul as you say, beautiful Sister. Oh, and I think I should be a human. I really only saw a black mist surrounding the cemetery. I have a bad feeling when I saw that black mist. I thought it might be related to the undead so that's why I ask for using the holy potion before we get into the cemetery." Ludger explains his reasoning.

"This is the holy potion from the temple. We are able to buy as many as possible high potions that we to buy. But why do we are unable to see what the three of you saw? So do you all have some special blessings? Why you never told me before, Teacher?" Favian asks with a curious expression.

"It might be related to the teaching from the people from that race. But I don't know about the beautiful Sisters who are also able to sense it. Is it because of your elf blood?" Ludger said and change their focus to the twin half-elf

"Even though we have this ability from our elf blood, but aren't you are more amazing than both of us? You can see it more clearly even if you are a human race." Alvera said while frowning.

"Ah,...That's...I can't tell you about it (because it is related to Shia story and Renneshia identity)...Please give everyone here the holy potions. We need to quickly solve this matter. It will be more dangerous if we stay here until the sun has gone down." Ludger urges them to go to the cemetery before the sundown.

The others didn't say anything and only nodded their head. They quickly use the holy potions and went to the cemetery. When they step inside the cemetery, they realize why Ludger have that terrified expression.

"Is this the black mist that you said?! We were only able to see it when we enter the gate...!" Elviira mutters in a small voice while looking at Ludger who leads them while his small body trembles.

"How could he do that? Is it related to his age? Mother said that some children have more sensitive senses but is it also the same for the human race? Is it related to his background?" Alvera also mutters in a small voice as she started to imagine about Ludger's background.

"Could it be related to the temple special training...?" Favian said as he still think Ludger was someone who run away from the temple after receiving their special training.

They start to think or imagine how difficult it was for Ludger who is able to sense it even when he is far away from the cemetery. It makes them become more worried about Ludger's condition. But they were surprised because Ludger's face is so calm although he still looks pale.

"Let's go over there...I could feel something dangerous from over there." Ludger said with a painful tone and pointed to the direction of the centre of the cemetery.

"Here, I will carry you." Hudson decided to carry Ludger because he looks really weak and has a hard time to continue walking forward.

"You don't need to carry me because I can walk." Ludger refuses Hudson's offer but Hudson easily carries his body with one hand and ignores him.

"Do you think I can't see your wobbling feet? I won't listen to you because I have promised your mother to protect you and not let you to get hurt and worried her. Didn't you also promise your mother to listen to my words?" Hudson said in a teasing tone he did it to ease their tense nerve.

They were able to loosen up because of Hudson's words. They know that he did it because if they were too tense they might be unable to react to the unknown conditions and dangers. But their professional attitude makes them act carefully as they keep walking in the direction that Ludger point at.


After walking for around ten minutes, Ludger stops them. Then he look at the nearest tomb and frowns as he saw the tomb.



The twin half-elf also have a surprise reaction when they saw the tomb.

"Why it became darker around this tomb? And what is this disgusting smell?" Alvera said with a surprised expression.

"Hmm, the soil seems to be strange." Favian said as he observe the grave.



When they try to look at the grave, a bone hand raise from the ground and the corpses from another grave also raise as an undead. Hudson kicks the undead near him. The other also quickly reacts and attacks the undead near to them.

Because of the holy potion they pour on their body, their attack is really effective against the undead. But the number of undead keeps rising as if the domino effect wakes the undead from their current location and spreads until the cemetery fence.

'What will happen if the sun has set? Luckily the boy urges us.' Hudson feels grateful because they might be able to solve the problem before sunset.

But he never thought it was only possible if the undead is as weak as the undead that they currently facing. They didn't realize that something is lurking in the dark side of the cemetery observing them.

"Favian, can you check the strange part of that tomb? Can you do something about it?" Ludger who is carried by Hudson ask.

"Hmm, this is my first time to see something like this. Although I want to take it and do some research about it, but I need to refrain myself because I won't put us and all of the people in this city get into danger. Can you help me, Teacher?" Favian asks with a serious face.

"I'm not sure if I will be able to help you...but I will try my best to do something. Please put me down." Ludger nodded his head and tell Hudson to put him down.

"Haa, I can do anything but listen to you in the current situation. Alright, as professional adventurers, we need to protect both of them until they are able to check the cause." Hudson grumbled and put Ludger down while giving his order to the three adventurers.

"Of course, I will protect him because he has not taught me about the secret to speak fluently with women." Einar said as he prepare his weapon, the war hammer.

"Gross. Don't worry old man, we will protect him because we love this city." Alvera look at Einar with a disgusted face before accepting Hudson's order with a smile.

"What a perfect example of a failed adult. Don't worry, Guild Master. If you want I will also protect you from the undead." Elviira shook her head at Einar before nodding her head with a determined expression to Hudson's order.

"Stop it! Both of you still need to make sure that both of you won't get hurt because I'm still your adoptive father. No, all of us should solve this problem and leave this place alive. Do you understand?" Hudson shouts as he and the adventurers move in four directions and protect Ludger and Favian in the middle.

"We will definitely be able to get back alive!" Einar shouted to raise his morale.

And they fight with the undead begin.