Chapter 78

The undead kept rising from the surrounding area and attacked them. Luckily they brought enough of holy potions. But the undead kept increasing as they were fighting.

Ludger and Favian looked at the soil and they found a small mound on the grave. It was as if someone was adding it and there was also a trace of magic power on it. They quickly checked it and found out something similar to a small stake under the soil.

Favian tried to touch it but was stopped by Ludger. Ludger then took out some magic potion in his small bag. Actually, he took it from his spatial ring. He opens the lid and pours it into the stake.

Crack! Crack! Bang!

The stake started to crack, breaking into pieces and exploding. Favian saw the strange reactions when Ludger poured the holy potion and quickly took out a barrier magic tool to protect them from the explosion.

"What?! Why the grave is exploding?" Einar was surprised by the loud sound.


Favian barrier magic tools also break after the explosion. The tools turn black and turn into dust as if being corroded by the black mist. There is fear on Favian face because it was the first time he saw such a strong curse.

"We deal with that thing but why are the undead still coming and attacking us? Boy, did you sense the wrong thing or is this some kind of trap?" Hudson asked while looking at the hordes of the undead that surround them.

"I am able to feel another similar feeling from a few directions. But after we destroyed this one, I was suddenly able to feel all of them. Maybe it was some kind of mechanism..." Ludger answers while looking in another direction blocked by the undead hordes.

"Did we have to break through that dangerous horde of the undead? Why there are so many undead in this place?" Einar eyebrows twitched as he felt it would become more dangerous than before because the undead seemed to protecting the place that Ludger pointed at.

"It might become more dangerous as we go in that direction. But if we leave this condition alone, what will happen to the city? And what will happen if the culprit that causes this condition sets more traps and prepares more dangerous undead to stop us." Ludger said while glaring at the pitch-dark place behind the undead.

"Well, only this City will treat us kindly without care about our half-elf blood. And our precious person is all in this city." Alvera's light green long hair seems to be swayed by the wind and green magic light.

It was a beautiful and mesmerizing appearance as if something from the story. Although they are twins, they have different hair colours and personalities. Under the sun their hair almost looks similar in colour as the light green colour becomes blonde like Elviira's hair but it is different in this place surrounded by black mist. And the difference became more conspicuous as she unleashed her true power.

"Wind that flows freely in this world, I offer you my magic power to exchange it with the gale that blows everything that blocked my path. Storm Spear." Alvera chants the magic spells and a violent wind blows away the undead in front of them and pierces the undead hordes.

"Will Vera be able to keep it up with this horde of undead? It will use a lot of her magic power, right?" Hudson asks as he looks at Elviira with a worried face as they start to run in the direction that Ludger points to.

"It will be alright if she only does it for a short time. Don't worry, she knows her limit and I am here to stop her if she tries to do something dangerous." Elviira answered with a calm face but she kept her eyes on Alvera's back as they were running to the path that was created by Alvera's magic.

"What is Sister Alvera doing? Her magic flowed in strangely and was different from the usual flow. Do you also able to do that too, Sister Elviira?" Ludger asked as he was being carried by Hudson like before.

"Little Boy, we are able to do it because we have the elf blood in our body. The race is able to directly manipulate the attributes in their surroundings and boosts them with their magic power to create more powerful spells. I'm currently unable to do what Vera did because of these black mist-like things." Elviira explains her answer to Ludger's questions while keeping her eyes on Alvera.

"Because you have light attribute? But can your power be used from a distance? For example from outside of the barrier that surrounds the cemetery? The sun should be still in the sky right now." Ludger asked if he was curious about the elf's skills and thought of a good idea.

Ludger remembers the appearance of the dome of black mist that changed when they arrived near the cemetery. The tentacles-like things that appear when the dome opens its top like a blooming flower keep making him feel anxious.

'If only she was able to use the light to attack it from outside, would the black mist dome disappear? It should be weak to light magic, right? But what if it didn't work? But it might be just my bad impression about tentacles because of what I read in my previous live memory.' Ludger thought while sensing the next nearest destination.

"I don't know because we never thought or tried it before. But we can't do it right now because we need to prioritize our safety. Besides the undead are weak but annoying because of their numbers." Elviira answers after thinking about what Ludger asked her.

"STOP!" Ludger shouts as they seem to get closer to their next destination.

Ludger and Favian started to look for the stake at the nearby grave while the rest protected them from the undead like before. This time they prepared some barriers before throwing the holy potion to the stake. Another explosion happened and the explosion seemed to be getting stronger.

They repeated the same procedures and destroyed another five stakes like before but because of their previous experiences, they were able to destroy it more easily than before. They are getting deeper to the centre of the cemetery and Alvera has stopped her skill after they destroyed the second stake because the number of undead started to lessen.

Hudson started to move himself to the front and open the path from the hordes of undead. He combined his mace arts and magic perfectly because of his experience. He told Einar to carry Ludger and protect him as they moved forward. They moved forward to the next destination and found a small tomb in the centre of the cemetery.

Clang! Clang!

A voice of iron hitting each other could be heard from the tomb. All of them started to get tired from the continuous fight against the hordes of undead. Especially Hudson and Alvera who make the path as they break through from the undead hordes.

The undead such as skeletons and zombies are raised from the grave and attacked them like before. When they were getting closer to the small tomb, swords came from inside the tomb. Ludger and Favian who are close to the entrance reflexively step back and are able to avoid it but Favian robe is a bit cut apart by the attack. Only if they were a few seconds later in stepping back from the entrance and they might get cut by the swords right now.

"This is bad!" Einar unconsciously mutters in a small voice.

Two knight armours come out from the small tomb. They know the armours are empty because of the sound they create when they move. They quickly realized that it was the Death Knights, a high-grade undead.

"Can the four of you buy us some time until we destroy whatever causes the current situation? We will help you with defeat them if they don't disappear after we destroy what is inside the tomb." Ludger asked while looking at Alvera and Hudson who felt tired after they forced themselves to defeat the undead.

"I will do my best to hold them down but our party members have been too tired from our continued fight. You need to find it quickly and destroy whatever is inside of that tomb." Hudson reminds them as the adventurer's team is getting tired from their continued fight.

Although they have prepared some recovery items such as magic power potions and healing potions, they couldn't heal their mental exhaustion from the continuous fight. Especially because they were fighting the undead that was created from the corpses of this city's inhabitants.

They are able to see their acquaintance's face sometimes appearing in front of them with a half-rotten face or body while they are fighting. As if they killed their dead friends for a second time. How could they not feel extremely angry at whoever did this? They told themselves to be patient as they would be able to save them if they broke all of them quickly.

Einar was the first to make his move. He swings his war hammer toward the death knight on the left side. The death knight's red orb-like light that could be visible from under his helmet shone and he parried his attack with his sword. Einar seems to lose his balance but he swings his hammer to the side with a lot of power and makes his body spin like a top and hits the death knight that tries to attack him from the side.

Hudson also faces the other death knight and swings his mace to crush the helmet. But the death knight avoids his attack and attacks his blind spot.


Light arrows flying in the death knight's direction and countering the death knight. It was Elviira who assisted Hudson with her magic. And Alvera moves to Einar's place to help him. They keep the death knights busy as Ludger and Favian enter the tomb.