Chapter 79

While the four adventurers block the death knights, Ludger and Favian enter the tomb. The inside of the tomb is dark and making them have a hard time looking at their surroundings. Ludger tried to focus on his surroundings but it was too dark and hard to look for the stake like before. The inside of the tomb is filled with a disgusting sensation. No, it was five times worse than the outside.

"Ugh, I can't see anything here. I will light the magic tool so we can see our surroundings." Favian said while taking a light orb from his bag and turning it on.

But even when Favian lights it, Ludger is unable to see anything because he can only see the pitch-black thick mist. He still pushes himself to the limit to sense the source of the curse.

"Watch out!" Favian shouted and picked up Ludger.

Ludger can feel the gust of wind touch his skin as if something is moving at a high speed passing from his side.

Crash! BOOM!

The sound of something crashing into the tomb wall and breaking it. From the sound, it seems to be quite a big and hard thing as it was able to break the stone wall of the tomb. But then Ludger heard the rubble move or something come out from under the rubble.

"Hahaha, good! I never thought you would avoid it while saving that little child. Little child, are you a boy or a girl? But you make me feel angry right now because you are disturbing our plan and you make me do that troublesome thing again."

Someone laughed loudly that seemed to have a wild man type of person before he changed his tone to an angry person tone and gave both of them goosebumps. From what he said, Ludger realized that the culprit is a group of people and the person in front of them might be just one of them.

"Who are you? Why are you trying to put this city in such danger? And why are you asking about his gender?" Favian asked with an angry voice.

"What a shame that he was a boy." His voice turned low and cold.

'This person is dangerous! And why did he ask about my gender?' Ludger frowns at his strange words that make him feel a dangerous feeling.

Ludger is able to feel that Favian hand is tense and his body trembling. Ludger is able to feel that the source of the voice is also the direction of the thicker black mist. Ludger tries to think about something to do with the black mist first.

"Mr. Favian, should we throw some holy potion?" Ludger whispered softly.

Smash! Bang!

Hearing Ludger's words, Favian quickly throws some holy potions from his bag. The wild man seems to avoid it and the bottle crashes into the tomb wall or other items in the tomb and reacts with the black mist inside the tomb.

Boom! Whoosh!

Something explodes and the blast wind pushes their body back. Ludger closed his eyes to avoid something flying into his eyes accidentally. Ludger opens his eyes after the blast wind gets weaker.

"How dare you! How dare you! How dare you! All of you bastards should die horribly! I will kill you and sherd your body to pieces and make you regret from your foolish act of disturbing our great plan with these disgusting things!" The wild man angrily shouted at them while focusing his killing intent on both of them.

It was a sharp and horrible killing intent. Ludger gains the ability to see again after the explosion. He looks in the direction of the wild man's voice. He could see a man wearing a black robe and his appearance seemed to remind him of Shia memories.

'It was similar to the person that created the horde of undead. I couldn't look at his face clearly because he seemed to be hidden by the black mist that surrounded his face. Hmm?! That is...'

Ludger who regained his sight, looked at the condition of the tomb and tried to understand the current situation of the tomb. But then Ludger understood what might happen when he lost his sight after entering the tomb.

There are some places with shards of the holy potion bottles that are thrown by Favian. Favian knew that he didn't have the skills to hit that wild man in a black robe. So he might throw some holy potion bottles at the same time in a random direction. And from the explosion, he seems to luckily hit part of the source of the black mist.

It cleared the black mist except for the mist around the wild man in a black robe in front of them. As the wild man keeps muttering something, the black mist around him starts to swirl around his body as his killing intent gets worse. Cold sweat starts to appear on their forehead as they can feel the horrible power and pressure from him.

'This is bad! He seems to be as powerful as the one that Shia fights against in her memory. But right now there is no one who could help me to stop him like Kadaklan or Albina. What should I do? I'm not as strong as Shia and I don't have any knowledge to fight against such an enemy.' Ludger feels panic inside but he still tries to find something that is able to help him to defeat the enemy in front of them.

"Run outside!" Ludger decides to tell Favian to run outside of the tomb.

Favian reflexively follows Ludger's words and runs outside. As they get out from the tomb, they are able to see the adventurers are exhausted from defeating the death knights. But they didn't have any time to say anything to them because suddenly the tomb exploded.


The debris of the tomb explosion flew to the surroundings and the strong blast wind pushed their body and caused them to fall to the ground.

"Hehe...hahaha...ahahaha...! All of you! All of you damn pests! How dare you! You dare to disturb us and break our plans! No, no, no. They said that I should create trouble by killing important people in this city. But it must be alright if I turned all of you into my undead. Hahaha, there is even someone with elf blood!" The wild man in a black robe laughed like a lunatic as he looked at the six of them and locked his gaze on the twin half-elf sisters.

"Is he the culprit that caused all of this? How dare he did such disrespect to the dead and turn them into an undead?" Hudson glared at the black robe wild man.

"I will never forgive you for doing all of this!" Einar also feels extremely angry because he saw his parents were turned into undead before when they were on their way to the tomb.

The twin half-blood elf sisters didn't say anything as they kept looking at the wild man with a black robe that seemed to be much stronger even when all of them attacked him together. But when all of them focus on the wild man with a black robe, he turns his body and walks in the direction of the ruin of the tomb.

In the centre of the ruin, there is a stone coffin. The wild man with a black robe touched the coffin and destroyed the lid. The black mist that surrounded him swirled and moved into the coffin.

Thump! Thump! Crack! Whoosh!

A loud voice came from inside the coffin and the stone coffin started to break as if it was made from fragile glass. It broke into pieces and cold air seemed to be explode from the coffin. From the cloud of dust that caused by the explosion, another human figure appeared. It seems to be the silhouette of the corpse in that tomb.

When the cloud of dust disappeared, they could finally see the appearance of the undead that the wild man with a black robe created from the corpse in the tomb. All of them are surprised by the undead appearance. But Ludger was the person who felt really surprised by the undead appearance.

It's not because the corpse was in good condition or how beautiful the corpse is. Ludger was surprised because he knew the identity of the corpse. Ludger had met him before as Shia.

The corpse that seems to not change from the time he was with Shia. His handsome face that never changes or gets older. Only his long and beautiful silver hair seemed to get dull because of the black mist that surrounded him and his beautiful golden eyes that turned blood red.

Right, it was the corpse of Kadaklan. The person who helps Shia together with his brother Pendragon and their group.

Ludger never thought that he would bury his body in this city although he had some guesses from what Shia told him before. But he never thought that he would meet him in this condition as an enemy.

"T-That person is...!" Hudson was extremely surprised because of the undead appearance.

No, everyone feels the same as they know who is lying in the tomb. There is a legend about the first Duke's corpse lying in this cemetery but they never thought that it was the truth.

All of them currently have a similar feeling.


Especially because the Duke in this city was always a great person who loved all of the people who lived in this city. As they glared at the one who caused all of this, the wild man with a black robe smirked at them. He was happy that he could make them get angrier.

"Now, you will pay for your sins of disturbing our plan. Attack them!" The wild man in black time give his order.