Chapter 80

The undead Kadaklan ran in their direction. It was a similar speed as what Ludger saw in Shia memories. While Kadaklan was not as strong as his brother, Pendragon, he was still one of the high-ranked warriors in their group while also being their strategist. But his current speed was almost the same as Einar's top speed.

He rushes his empty hand in Hudson's direction Elviira blocks him with her magic but it is being torn apart by his bare hands. It was an unbelievable scene but he was able to do it because he became an undead. There is a cut that appears in his hand but he doesn't feel pain or bleed because he was an undead.

'I never thought I would meet with someone that I know. Maybe because I peek at Shia's memories, I feel as if this Kadaklan was my friend. It makes me want to stop him without damaging the corpse any further. Should I attack the cause of everything?' Ludger thought of some solutions and turned his face to the wild man with the black robe.

Ludger then finds out that the black mist that surrounds the wild man in the black robe has gotten thinner than before. But he was currently bending his body and his hand holding his stomach and mouth. His body also trembling.

"Kuh...kukuku...kuhahaha! This is hilarious! He had died from thousands of years old and you never met or knew him but you still hesitated to attack him! What a stupid pests! Then how about I start with killing the weakest one in your group?" He continues to laugh like a lunatic and turns his head in Ludger's direction.

"Boy watch out!" Hudson yelled as the undead Kadaklan ran in Ludger's direction.

"He was right, so I'm really sorry." Ludger raises his hand and looks at the undead Kadaklan who runs in his direction with a sad expression.

Ludger quickly gathered his magic power and made a spell where. He mixes the holy magic and fire magic. Ludger moved his mouth as if he were chanting and fired his magic at the undead.

"Purifying holy fire." He said in a small voice and said the name of the spell.

A big golden red fire arrow flies in the direction of the undead Kadaklan. But the undead Kadaklan avoided it easily with his movement. Ludger have guessed that he would be able to avoid it so he put more magic power and focused on the arrow as he changed the direction of the fire arrow to the wild man with the lack robe direction.

"Tsk! Damn pest still trying to make a pointless effort to annoy me!" He clicked his tongue as he glared at Ludger's direction.

As the fire arrow flew in his direction, the wild man with the black robe didn't try to avoid it. One meter left before the arrow hit him.


The arrow suddenly hit something. It was the undead Kadaklan that rurannd shielded him from the fire arrow. The undead Kadaklan's body was engulfed by holy fire but it looked like it didn't cause him any damage.

"What!!! That kind of attack also didn't cause any damage to him! What kind of defence is that!?" Einar shouted with a surprised tone after he saw that the undead Kadaklan was unscathed even though the undead body was being burned by holy fire.

"Kehehe...hahaha! Right, you need to feel more despair, more fear and become more weaker. I need more intense emotion so I will be able to create a good undead after you are dead. I can't wait to see what kind of undead that I am able to make from your corpses! Now kill all of them!" The wild man with the black robe said while looking at their face with large grins on his face before he gave his order.

But then, something strange happens.

The undead Kadaklan did not move even an inch. As the holy fire started to disappear from the undead Kadaklan's body, the black mist that surrounded the undead body started to disappear as if being burned by the holy fire.

"What? What happened? Why won't you follow my orders?! I said you have to kill them!" The wild man with the black robe screams hysterically as the undead don't move even though he pours more dark energy into the undead.

[Thank you for releasing me from his control. Now I will help you to defeat him. You know what you need to do, right Miss Shia's successor?]

Suddenly Ludger heard Kadaklan's voice in his mind. It was a familiar voice as what he heard in Shia memories. Ludger feels really surprised by how he feels that his voice seems so familiar to him.

'Is this because of Shia memories? I want to ask him about something but how could I ask him?' Ludger wondered how he could talk with him and ask some questions before he defeated that wild man with the black robe.

Although Ludger wants to get some explanation from Kadaklan, he still puts his focus on the spell that Shia used to defeat the group in the black robe that he saw before. The spells that sound like a melodic prayer to the Goddess. Of course, Ludger was chanting the spells in his mind and didn't dare to say them out loud.

"What! Why did this corpse have such power? No! This is impossible! Why did you were able to release yourself from my binding? Damn! You monster! Why don't you return as a corpse like before? You damn ancient monster! Just die and disappear!" The wild man with the black robe started to scream hysterically as if he was afraid of Kadaklan's power.

When the undead Kadaklan's body is suddenly engulfed in bright silver light. Ludger knew that it was the time he needed to manipulate that silver light and defeat the wild man with the black robe. As if his body was being possessed by Shia, Ludger started to move his small hands as if pulling the silver light and twining it into a few threads of silver light.

Everyone was surprised by what Ludger doing.

"Boy! What are you doing? Hey, are you okay?" Hudson tries to call Ludger but for some reason, his body is unable to get close to his body.

Ludger ignores him as he has a hard time to focusing on the spells as he twines most of the silver light. She had to put all of her concentration because it was the first time he touched this special attribute. And it was harder than when Ludger felt it from Shia's memory.

"...Go and give that poor soul the eternal rest that he deserves as your salvation. Goddess Judgement." Ludger mutters in a small voice as if he was in a trance.

As Ludger finished his words, the threads of the silver light moved like a snake and bound the wild man with the black robe. The parts where the wild man with the black robe touched the threads were sizzling and started to make a grey smoke.

"Arghhh!!! You...! You damn pests! How dare...How dare you do this to me! No...! No...! No..., why is my power getting weaker? No, it was impossible! Our Lord's great power won't be able to be defeated by your cheap tricks! Damn you!" The wild man with the black robe angrily screams and turns his body as he glares in Ludger's direction and tries to attack him.

But Ludger just blankly looked in the direction where the undead Kadaklan standing. It had a similar appearance to the Kadaklan in Shia memories. Handsome man with silver hair, golden eyes and a calming atmosphere that surrounded him. It was as if he was being revived from his dead.

"...You! You dare to ignore me! I won't forgive you! I will curse you for having a horrible death! My Lord and my friend will definitely kill you! Ahahaha...Right, you will die horribly in their hands." As his body is bound by the threads of the silver light, he cannot reach Ludger but then he says that he will curse him to die in the future.

Actually, Ludger did not try to ignore him but someone was currently talking directly to his mind. Ludger focuses on the words of the person who should have died for thousands of years ago. Like how Shia converses with Ludger (Renneshia) before.

[I don't have a lot of time left so listen carefully. I will disappear when we destroy him. The current leader of the seer race, I want to let you know that after your predecessor, Shia's death, this world was shrouded by chaos. My brother tried to build a country to help her successor in the future but even after his death, that person never appeared. That's why I peeked at the distance fate and found your existence. Could you understand what I'm saying?] Kadaklan explained while looking at Ludger with a warm and kind gaze.

Ludger nodded his head as he wanted him to continue his explanation. As he put his focus on the undead Kadaklan, Ludger could feel as if his surroundings disappeared and only Ludger and Kadaklan existed.

[As except for her successor! The future that I saw before was a horrible one. But when that black robe person accidentally called my soul that is sealed in that tomb, I could see your fate become unclear and something seemed to be different than before. I don't know if it was because you are currently hiding your identity or because what the group of this man with the black robe are doing something like what he did right now. They were a poor person who would become that evil god's toys until the end. But because of it, you need to be aware of their existence and the true apostles! My time has arrived so I could only hope that you will be able to find a way to get your happiness in this life.] Kadaklan's body started to disappear after he said that.

"Wait!" Ludger unconsciously shouts while reaching out his hand at Kadaklan's body.