Chapter 82

"What do you mean?" Hudson asked while frowning at Ludger's words.

"Did you remember when he asked me about my gender? When he found out that I was a boy, he quickly changed his behaviour and tried to kill me?" Ludger answers him with another question.

"...Did he do something like that? I don't think I remembered that I had heard something like that." Hudson scratched his head as he tried to remember but the four adventures also shook their head.

"I also remember he said something like that because I was the one who answered it. You might be unable to hear it because it happened when both of us were in the tomb. So, did they look for a girl? Did they need to find a girl for their curse or something? Should we warn the people in this city, especially for everyone who has a daughter?" Favian remembered and then he realized what Ludger trying to say and asked.

"No, what I mean is to make a fake story so they won't bother us for a while or they might try to get in touch with us. And we would be able to identify them from their actions. If we warn or tell the other, are you sure that won't make it harder for us to find them?" Ludger asks and looks at the adults who are in the Guild Master room.

"You are right, Master Ludger. It will be hard for us to look for them if we do that. And if it was the truth that they can not be defeated by normal ways, then it would only put us in dangerous situations." Hugo nodded as he agreed to Ludger's words.

"So, Boy. What are you going to do to find their identity?" Hudson asks Ludger who seems to have prepared his plan to look for the black robe group.

"I'm thinking of saying that we are not the ones who defeated him but another person came and saved us. We could say that we nearly died because of that mysterious black robe man so we didn't see the person who helped us and were only able to have a glimpse of that person's appearance. And..." Ludger told them about the setting for the fake story and asked them about their opinions to make the story believable.

They spent around two hours to discussing about the story before Ludger realized the sky had turned dark. He left the adventurer guild with the other six and went to the Red Dawn restaurant. They insist on celebrating their safe return after facing a dangerous enemy.

When they arrive in the Red Dawn, Ludger's mother, Kararina hug Ludger's body. She was really worried about his well-being. She quickly checked his body and saw some cuts in Ludger's clothes. Then she took another look and made sure that he did not have any injuries.

"Why do you get all of these cuts? Didn't you promise me to not do something dangerous? Do you know how worried I'm waiting for any news from you?" Katarina said with an angry tone but she was not angry at Ludger but at herself.

Katarina feels that she failed as a mother. She couldn't protect her child as she had never learned any martial arts before. And if she follows her child, she will become her child's burden. That's why she could only wait for her dear child and worried about his condition.

"I will go to the kitchen and tell the owner that I am home. Right, I'm home, Mom." Ludger said with a smile on his face.

"Welcome back, my dear child. I am glad you could come home safely. Thank you for protecting my child." Katarina pats Ludger's head and thanks the six adults who come together with Ludger.

"The Boy really helped us a lot. You should be proud that he was as brave as a hero." Hudson praises Ludger's deeds.

"Don't worry, Mam. I will do my best to help him. Because I am his first disciple." Favian proudly said.

"I-I will also d-do it because he w-will teach me the secret (of talking with a female) later." Einar also said while stuttering.

"Well...this time I was not able to help them except for waiting for them at the adventurer guild and gathering some trustworthy people to help them if they didn't come back." Hugo embarrassed said.

"The boy is too adorable so of course I will protect him, right Viira?" Alvera happily said and looked at Elviira who kept looking at Ludger.

"Un. His hair was soft and he had a nice smell." Elviira nodded her head.

Each one of them has different thoughts about Ludger but they do like him and want to help him because he was a good person or it was interesting when they were with him. Ludger did not care about their intentions as long as they didn't try to harm him and the people around him. Ludger said goodbye to the other as he went to the kitchen and had his dinner after greeting the one.

After finishing his dinner, he was told to have a rest by the owner, Caron. Ludger cleans his body before he gets back to his room. Ludger had felt fatigued after being unable to sleep well these past few days. He instantly fell asleep when he lay his body on the bed. Renneshia is finally able to have a normal life as Ludger after this incident.


It was what happened a month ago. It was also the reason for the dark blue-haired customer came to Red Dawn restaurant. He is someone who has been told to come and see what happened in this place where the rumoured person of a strange story that currently spreading in this city.

But he never thought that the source was the little boy in front of him who kept smiling as he tended to the customers in this restaurant. For some strange reason, he never thought that the boy was able to make all of the customers feel happy and create such a harmonious atmosphere.

"Boy, what is your name? Are you new to this city? I never saw you before a few months ago." The dark blue-haired man asked with a curious face.

"I and my mother just arrived in this city around a long ago. So it would not be strange if you met us now. But why are you asking for my name? You can call me like the other." The boy answered his question and asked another question while frowning.

"That's right. Just call him Boy like everyone else. Because he will never care about how we call him. But only those two are crazy enough to call you 'Teacher'. Hahaha..." The adventurer that sat beside the dark blue customer said and laughed.

"Please don't remind me of how embarrassed I was when they called me last time. I really want to hit them with magic at that time." Ludger said with a wry smile.

"Hahahaha! Only you dare to do it to both of them. As expected the number one person that should not cross in this city. So are the rumours are true?" The adventurer asks with a curious face.

"Which rumour you are talking about?" Ludger asks while tilting his head in wonder.

"Of course, the one about the female adventurers in the guild said they would kill anyone who troubled you?" The adventurer asks with a teasing smile.

"I don't know about it but I think I heard Sister Alvera and Sister Elviira say similar words last time." Ludger thinking about what happened in this city this last month.

"Hmm!??" The dark blue-haired customer was surprised by the name that the little boy just said.

"Oh! The twin sisters also said that! I don't want to think about what will happen in the future when you grow up. Tsk, tsk, tsk. How many women's hearts will get hurt because of you in the future?" The adventurer shook his head as he imagined what would happen when Ludger grew up.

"How could you say that?! I will never break the heart of every lady in this world because I will do my best to make them happy. After all I love all of them equally." Ludger said haughtily but it made him look cute to the female customers.



"He is so cute!"

"If only I was a few years younger..."

The female customers make noises as they see Ludger act haughty for the first time. Some of them even have nosebleeds and breathe heavily. Because of Elviira often hugs and pats Ludger, the other female customers think that he looks cute and because of his sweet words to every female, they become his fans.

Ludger did not know that there was his secret fan club in this city. The rumours said that it has high-level members from the four guilds. Except for the magic tower guild, the other guilds' female members mostly become his fans. But it was something that no one except the members knew.

The dark blue-haired customer had a weird expression as he saw the reaction of the female customers. He never thought that this city would change so much in a month. The city became an unfamiliar place for him and all of this was caused by the little boy in front of him. As he could only be dumbfounded by what currently happening in front of him, he could only pinch his cheek to make sure that he was not dreaming.

"Ouch! It was not a dream." The dark blue-haired customer mutters in a small voice.

"Are you alright?" A beautiful voice asks him with a caring voice.