Chapter 83

The dark blue-haired customer turned his head and saw the person who asked him. The beautiful lady who has stolen his heart even though she was a mother of one child. He touched his left chest and he could feel his heart beat so fast as if it would explode.

"I-I..." the dark blue-haired customer tried to say something, but nothing came out of his mouth.

"Mom, the owner asks you to help her in the kitchen." Ludger intervened before he said anything.

"Oh my, I almost forgot about it." Katarina said as if she remembered something before going to the kitchen.

The dark blue-haired man chased her silhouette until she entered the kitchen. But then he feels a strange pressure from his side. He turned his head to look at the source.

"Why did you keep looking at my Mom with such a gaze?" Ludger asked with a smile on his face but everyone didn't dare to say anything because his smile never reached his eyes.

"I-I am not looking at her w-with rude or strange gaze..., right?" Although he denies it at first, he becomes unsure about it after being glared at by Ludger's sharp gaze.

"I won't prevent anyone if they like my Mom as long as you won't force your feelings on her or trouble her. But I also warn you to never play with women's feelings because I will always side with them if anyone does something that hurts them." Ludger said with a low tone.

Hearing his words, the surroundings become chaotic and noisy again like before.

"So I could try to get closer to her too, right Boy?" The adventurer asks with a hopeful gaze.

"I can't say no if my Mom loves someone. But I won't let someone who tries to use her or hurt her." Ludger warns the people in the Red Dawn restaurant.

Ludger know they will spread it quickly because there are a lot of people who fell in love with his mother like the dark blue hair customer in front of him. And Ludger didn't want to control his mother's love life.

Ludger's mother, Katarina is still young so she might get her happiness if she finds someone who will love her. Ludger wants Katarina to find someone who will protect her and care for her if both of them are able to avoid their death flags.

"As expected from the number one male in this city! I will only date someone who is at least half as good as Our Little Ludger!" One of the female customers.

"But I will be really sad if Our Ludger falls in love with another woman later...I don't want to imagine it!" Another female customer said.

"But what if Our Ludger fell in love with a man? Y-You in that book..." Another female customer said but her voice getting smaller and smaller.

"Do you mean the novel book that was sold by the 'Green Sea' merchant group? I heard they sell thousands copy of the book in two days. And it was sold at an expensive price if you compare it to the other novel." The customer beside her said.

"You have not read it, right? If you have read it, you will know that it was worth the price. It was unique and made you unable to stop reading it after you read the first page." Another customer who heard her words said.

"What kind of book you are talking about? Can you please tell me the title of the book?" A curious customer asks about the book.

"What! Have you never heard about 'The Tyrant Emperor and the Five Knights'?" Another customer said as if it was something obvious.

The topic in this restaurant changed once again. Ludger still working as usual but the smile on his face returned when the customers started talking about the new book. It was because the currently famous novel, 'The Tyrant Emperor and the Five Knights' that the customers talking about was actually the (Bromance) novel that Ludger wrote.

Ludger uses the story from his past life memories and changes them to fit this world's culture. When Ludger ask Hugo about his story, Hugo gives a positive response as it is a new and fresh story as no one has ever written such a story. And they decided to make thousands of copies when they released the book in the store.

But they never expect it will be sold out in two days. They forget that this world is lacking of entertainment to spend their free time, especially for the noble's children who didn't have to work or were concerned about earning money like commoners and merchants. The same for some merchant's daughters who couldn't inherit their parent's business.

The readers are mostly female and only have a few male readers. The interaction of the characters in the story is making them want to squeal. Some reader even add their imagination to the story and become someone that known as 'fujoshi' in Ludger's past life memories.

No one ever thought that Ludger was the writer of that book because he used a different pen name, Nero. And no one would believe a little boy like Ludger would write such a story. The end of the story was made to make the reader to feel interested or curious about the continuation.

The book was first released around two weeks ago and it was reprinted a week ago. The book is selling quickly because some merchants buy it in bulk and sell it in another territory or country.

If the book becomes more famous, Ludger would earn more money. Although Ludger still working in the Red Dawn restaurant, it is not because he wants to earn money but because he wants to help the owner and his mother. It was the normal life that Ludger always hoped for.

But the peace won't last forever. A few days later, another accident happened in the Labyrinth city. The city guards found a person's corpse in the alleyway. The victim is a young woman and her corpse is in strange condition as if something sucks her dry. But except for the small mark on her nape, the guards could not find any injury and it made them feel confused about the culprit.

The city guards and the adventurers do some investigation about it but they have not found any clue. Hudson comes to meet Ludger to ask him if he knows something about the culprit. He describes the case and Ludger was only listening to his story silently.

'I want to say that the culprit is a vampire but there are no vampires in this world. But aren't there similar animals that suck their prey's blood in my previous life? So it might be a monster with a similar ability.' Ludger thought as he remembered about knowledge from the previous world.

"Are there any monsters that suck their prey's blood? Could you let me see the victim remain?" Ludger decided to help because Hudson said it had two victims.

Ludger follows Hudson to the city guards' headquarters which is located in the centre of the city. As they got into the headquarters, Ludger could see that it was the place that had underground cells to detain dangerous individuals who might cause danger to the city.

The atmosphere is heavy as they just found the second victim's corpse this morning. They follow the guards who show them the way to the mortuary and they show them the victim's corpses.

"This is the first victim and this is the second one." The guard said with a disgusted expression.

"This is really horrible. Could you see it, Boy? Forget it. Let me help you." Hudson asked as he turned his head in Ludger's direction and carried him in his arm because Ludger was too short.

"Is it alright do that boy look at the corpse?" The guard asks while looking at Ludger with pity.

"It's alright. This boy might have some insight or give us some clue after he looks at it." Hudson replied with a light tone as if he was kidding.

Ludger who was being carried in Hudson's arm grumbled but his eyes were inspecting the corpse's conditions. Both of them are female in their twenties. There is a similar bite mark on their nape that reminds him of vampire stories. The body was sucked to dry as they look as if they were withered or drying from lack of water.

"Did the victims are virgins?" Ludger suddenly asks.

"What are you asking, Boy? Is there any relation if they were virgins or not?" Hudson asks with a curious tone as he wants to know what Ludger found out from it.

"I just ask to make sure that the culprit is targeting someone with some specific criteria or not." Ludger answers with a flat tone.

'Actually, it was because I remembered the vampire's story from my past life.' Ludger thought.

"Oh, did you find anything else?" Hudson asks as he keeps looking at Ludger.

"Right, can you tell me the place where do you find the corpses? And if possible, can you let us know about the guard routes and schedule for helping us in this investigation?" Ludger adds his question.

"That's...I need to ask the person who checked the corpse's condition and our leader for more details information about the victims. Should I ask them about it? If you agree, I will lead you to the waiting room while I go and ask them." The guard asks while looking at Hudson.

"Then we will follow you to the waiting room. Because we also hope we will be able to capture the culprit as soon as possible. And I also need to discuss a few things with your leader." Hudson said and followed the guard to the waiting room while carrying Ludger in his hands.