Chapter 84

Ludger and Hudson wait for a few minutes in the waiting room until the guard leader and the special guard that similar to forensic in his past life arrive. They quickly greet Hudson as the adventurer Guild Master and ignore Ludger. Of course, Ludger felt it was more convenient if they didn't know about him and stopped Hudson who was almost burst angrily at their rude behaviour.

Hudson quickly understands Ludger's intention and asks the thing that Ludger asked them before. After they got the information that they wanted, they left the guard headquarters and returned to the Red Dawn.

"Boy, I know that you want to act like a normal weak little boy. But would it be more beneficial if I said that you are my disciple or someone with special training as a guild worker?" Hudson asked as he couldn't understand Ludger's contradictory act.

Ludger always said that he didn't want to be known for his power or skills. But he always flirted with the females that he met even though he always said that he was acting as a gentleman. But what he is doing only causes envy and jealousy from the males.

But Ludger was not hated by every male in this city because he also helped some of them to find their fate person. At first, he helps Einar to finally able to find his fate person. It was unexpected because Ludger introduced him to the vegetable seller in the market. No one ever thought that both of them would have an interest in each other and they have started to date.

When they started to date, everyone said that it was just a coincidence. Then a brave woman suddenly asks for his help to introduce her to Favian. The woman was a pharmacist so she knew about the medicine components. Ludger took her to the lab and unexpectedly they quickly got intimate as they shared a similar interest.

Currently, Ludger is famous for his fame and influence on the females in this city and how he was called as a good matchmaker. Most people didn't dare to make trouble because they feared his influence or the people who would help him. And of course because of the warning given to them like how Hudson warns the adventurers in the guild.

"It was better if they didn't know who I was. I won't get angry if they do something like that because I often get such treatment before. And I think it would be more beneficial if they underestimated me than being overestimated. Getting the pressure from the other people's expectations is often more tiring and stressful. Especially for someone like me who doesn't want other people to hate me." Ludger said with a sad face.

What Ludger said was something he had from the past life memory. In the past, there was a time when she was being pressured by the expectations of the people around her like when she was treated as someone who had a lot of knowledge and everyone always asked her for answers. Ludger currently wonders about what caused her to act like that in the past life.

Looking at Ludger's melancholy expression, Hudson feels that his words might remind him of his dark and horrible past. Hudson feels panic as he feels bad for reminding the boy of his sad past. He wants to say something but they have arrived at the Red Dawn.

"Although you have your own reason, it doesn't mean they could treat you like you do not exist and ignore you. Maybe I should punch them to wake them up before." Hudson said with an irritated tone and did a fake punch to cheer Ludger.

"Pfft, hahaha. Don't worry about it. They were such people who treated others without respect. I think they lack the observational ability as guards of this city. As for how they treat me, you don't have to worry about it. I think that if the Duke hid his identity and went with you, he might get similar treatment as what I got today. Don't you think it sounds funny?" Ludger laughed happily and told him about what he was thinking as they entered the Red Dawn restaurant.

"Welcome home. Why do you look so happy? Does something good happen?" Katarina asked with a gentle smile as she greeted Ludger.

"I'm back. Hmm, you are eating here again Mister?" Ludger replies to the greeting and realises that a familiar person is sitting at the table beside his mother.

That person was the dark blue-haired customer that come to this restaurant a few days before. From that day forward, he always came and ate his lunch or dinner at Red Dawn restaurant. He introduces himself as Darius without a family name because he is not from an aristocratic family.

"I really like the food here and all of it is delicious. Besides, there are more menus now so I want to taste it all. And I feel more relaxed when I eat here because this place has a different atmosphere from the other places." Darius said while smiling happily.

'Hmm, did he have a good conversation with my Mom? I never thought he would seriously fall in love with my Mom.' Ludger thought as he observed Darius.

"So, what happens when you go with Mr. Hudson?" Katarina asks with a curious face.

"It's nothing interesting. Me. Hudson is angry with them because they were ignored me because I just a child. But I told him that they might act similarly to the Duke if the Duke hid his identity and went with Mr. Hudson. Don't you agree, Mom? After all, they were similar to those people." Ludger smiled brightly as it was funny to imagine it.

"T-That's... It wIt'll be a horrible experience for them, Boy. It would be better if you didn't say something like that. Besides, the Duke is always busy managing this city." Hudson suddenly said with a panicked expression.

"Well, the Adventurer Guild Master is right. The Duke is always busy so he will only order his servants to do it. But why are you going with Mister Hudson? Did you want to become an adventurer apprentice and work as an adventurer in the future?" Darius asks while taking a turn to look at Ludger and Hudson's direction.

"I still haven't decided about my future so they still need to wait for about two years before I make decisions. For now, I am just a helper in Red Dawn restaurant. But I don't mind helping our regular customers with their problems as long as it is not dangerous or my Mom will be worried again." Ludger said with a smile as he looked at his mother.

"Of course, I will be worried! I am your mother so it was something obvious for me to care and worry about my child." Katarina said with a stern tone.

"I know. That's why I help Mr. Hudson because I only need to help with the investigation. I only had to listen to the report and tell him my ideas about the case. I don't know if it will be helpful for their investigation but maybe my words will give them some clues." Ludger said with an easygoing tone

"Hmm, do you find something strange about this case? If he takes you with him, he must be thinking that you will find some clues." Darius asks with a curious face.

"...Do you know Mr. Hudson? Hmm, from your previous words, you seem to be also familiar with the Duke. Is it related to your job?" Ludger reply with another question

"Hahaha, as expected for someone who is invited by Mister Hudson. You are able to deduct about my job just from our short conversation!" Darius happily answers.

"But is it alright for you to come here every day? Didn't you say that the Duke is always busy with his work? Shouldn't you help him with his work?" Ludger asks with a confused look.

'Is it alright for you to leave your work and flirt with my mother here every day? Won't the Duke fire you if he knows about this?' Ludger thought as he saw Darius's relaxed expression.

"You don't have to worry about it. My job is to collect the information for the Duke. I came here because I could gather more information. After all, this place is always full of customers. Oh but please hide my identity from the other." Darius said in a small voice.

Currently, the restaurant has fewer customers because lunchtime has passed. Most people have gone back to their workplace except for some adventurers who have a break from their work and merchants who lobbying their customers. But it was also the time when a lot of information could be heard. Besides Darius seems to put a thin magic barrier to prevent other people from hearing their conversation.

"I never thought of such a job existed. Is that why Mr. Hudson acts awkward after he saw you?" Ludger asks while observing Hudson and Darius' reactions.

"What do you mean that I act awkwardly?" Hudson asks with a panicked reaction.

"He acted like that because he had met me before and I know about his secrets so he might be embarrassed if I told you about it." Darius answers with a teasing expression.

"Can you please tell me more about it?" Ludger asks while grinning.

"Both of you...!" Hudson seems speechless from their reactions.

"Alright, both of you should not tease him like that." Katarina stopped both of them from teasing the poor man.

"Thank you so much, Mam." Hudson quickly thanked her for her kind help.

"Then could you please tell me more about the investigation?" Darius asks with a serious expression.