Chapter 87

That night, Ludger or more precisely Renneshia, told her mother about the reward from the Duke and they would get a new identity as the citizens of the Labyrinth city.

"Umm..., but should I change your name? Isn't it the same as your identity in the East?" Renneshia asked with a confused expression.

"Don't worry about it. I did not use my real name when I made my identity in the East. I use 'Saeculum' as my name because it was our race attribute. I use it to remind me of our seer race and remind me of my fate." Katarina said with a gentle smile.

"Eh!? Why have I never heard about it before, Mom?" Renneshia was surprised because she had never known about it before.

"Because you never asked about it. Fufufu..." Katarina laughed as she saw her daughter make a cute gesture and wanted to tease her.

"But how could I never heard about it before?" Renneshia said as she thought about it.

"Because no one will call us by our name in that place." Katarina said with a sad smile on her face.

"Ah! You are right. But it must be hard for you, right? How could they do that to my Mom? One day I will make them beg for your forgiveness." Renneshia said while acting angry.

Renneshia knows her mother's gentle temperament when it comes to something like this. And she will never let him do something like that.

'But when I thought about it, I think I also experienced the same treatment even until now. I need to hide the fact that my name is Renneshia so no one will call my name except for my Mom.' Ludger thought.

"You don't need to take revenge on them. I just want you to be able to live peacefully." Katarina said while gently caring her head.

"I know. I also hope you will always live healthy and happily. So, do you like Mr. Darius?" Renneshia asked with a grin.

"You...this child, where do you learn such words? Tell me where did you learned it?" Katarina asked as she pinched Renneshia's cheek.

"Ouch, Ouch! I-I'm sorry, Mom. But I learned it from Mr. Darius before when he teased Mr. Hudson before." Renneshia said with a tear in her eyes.

"Haa... Why are you always learning bad things faster than good things?" Katarina sighed as she looked at Renneshia.

"Eh! Have you never heard about it before, Mom? Human beings are always making less effort to learn bad things and only idiot people who will always do good things because too good will make a person into an idiot." Renneshia explained what she remembered in her past life.

"Don't try to trick me with such a weird theory or words. And why are you acting more like a boy now?" Katarina look at Renneshia with a tired and sad face.

"What can I do about it? I need to hide my identity from everyone and I need to act as 'Ludger' for as long as possible. That's why no one will remember my name and no one will call my name except for you, Mom. That's why I hope you will be always keep healthy and live for a long time so I won't forget about my identity." Renneshia said as if she was pleading.

"What are you talking about? You don't have to worry about it because I will always protect you." Katarina said while hugging Renneshia's body.

Katarina did not know what made Renneshia act like this. And Renneshia didn't say anything as she hugged her back. Renneshia was afraid that the uncertain future that would happen to her might or might not happen. She wants to ask Shia or Kadaklan when she met them before but as if the God never wanted her to hear about it and prevented it multiple times.

Renneshia feels scared and uneasy about what will happen in a few months later. She felt that lately her heart was beating so fast and she kept feeling that someone seemed to watching her. But she was never able to find anything.

"Hoam..., I feel sleepy so I will sleep. Good night, Mom." Renneshia decided to go to sleep.

"Good night, Renne." Katarina said and gave her a good night kiss.


Another few months have passed peacefully and Ludger keeps himself busy every day. But lately, he could feel something seemed to be keep watching her from a distance. But every time he tries to look for it, it will always strangely disappear.

"What are you looking for, Boy? Are you looking for something?" Hudson asked as he met Ludger in front of the Red Dawn entrance as he looking around.

"I don't know why but I keep feeling someone is watching me lately. Maybe it was my imagination or because I feel too tired lately." Ludger answered with a tired face.

"Is it similar to that black robe group?" Hudson asks with a serious face.

"I don't know. I only saw them when I helped you with what happened in the cemetery before." Ludger said with a small voice.

"You are right. Maybe I need to ask Vera and Viira later about it." Hudson said in a small voice as if he knew what Ludger wanted him to say.

Both of them get into the restaurant in a heavy mood as after they act like what they have prepared after the cemetery case. It might indirectly tell him that it was related to them.

"What happened to you, Ludger?" Darius asked as he saw Ludger's unusual expression.

"It was nothing, Mr. Darius. Would you talk to Mr. Hudson or should we leave you alone to let you able to talk with my Mom more leisurely?" Ludger said as he grinned widely.

"You are right, Boy. We need to leave him alone and not disturb him." Hudson adds while grinning.

As they want to leave Darius alone, someone opens the door in a hurry and rushes in Ludger's direction. It was a pair of a man and a woman and behind them, there was a man following with a wide smile plastered on his face.

"I made it!" The man happily said and tried to hug Ludger but he fell down because Ludger avoided him as he moved to the side.

"Ouch! It hurt. Why do you always avoid me, Teacher?" Favian said with a dissatisfied expression.

"Hello, Master Ludger. I am always grateful for your help." A young woman with lake-blue hair and wearing glasses greets Ludger respectfully.

The glasses woman was the woman who asked Ludger to help her meet with Favian. Her name is Aqila and she was a pharmacist who loved to create new drugs. Her quirk is strangely compatible with Favian and when they meet each other, they quickly get close to each other. Ludger leaves them alone and only meets them when he wants to create something and needs their help.

For Aqila, Ludger was more like a saviour who always helped her without asking for anything in return. But for Ludger, she was someone important that might help him if his mother really got infected by the plague in the future.

Ludger feels relief that Aqila didn't act like Favian but in reality, both of them act similarly when they talk about Ludger when Ludger is not around. Both of them will act like fans who become some cult members as they keep praising and admiring Ludger. But Aqila didn't act like Favian in front of Ludger because she was too shy to do what Favian did. In her mind, she always envies how other people are able to interact intimately with the person that she admires the most.

"So, Boy. Do you think that the gaze was not related to your fan club?" Hudson asked as he remembered something after looking at Aqila.

"Hmm?! Is there something like that? It must be a small group, right?" Ludger asked with a wry smile.

"What are you talking about? Did you never hear about it?" Hudson said with a disbelief expression.

"What are you talking about, Sir Hudson?!" Aqila said with a panicked expression.

"I don't know about it and I don't care about it because it was their freedom to create such a club. But I think some people will also create a similar club for my mother, right? Then I need to look about I and find out if they don't do anything like a stalker to her." Ludger is angry as he thinks about rude people who will make his mother's fan club.

"Don't worry about it because I have investigated and forbid them from doing it." Darius said with a proud face as he told Ludger about it.

"Oh! Thank you for helping me, Mr. Darius. You are really a talented person." Ludger happily said as he shook Darius's hand.

"Both of you are too scary if it was related to her. I could only pity anyone who anger both of you." Hudson shook his head as he didn't want to imagine what happen if both of them joined hands.

"Oh right, Ludger. Did you really did not care about your fan club?" Darius suddenly remembers and asks with a curious expression.

"It's alright. I don't think it will be a big group. I'm someone who always tries my best to act with a low-profile behaviour. But maybe someone will appreciate my appearance because I inherited my mother's beauty." Ludger said as he was thinking about his good point as 'Ludger'.

Darius laughed when he heard Ludger's words. Hudson was speechless as he didn't know what he should say to Ludger. Favian looks at Ludger with a strange face and Aqila gives him a respectful gaze.

At that time, Ludger never thought that he would regret his decision in the future.