Chapter 92

Fate. It was something that decided the past and future of every person in this world. The Goddess in this world decided the fate of every creation in this world. But everything changes when the God of Chaos try to take this world and put it into chaos.

The first thing that the God of Chaos does is to influence the simple mind demon race. He praised the strength of the demon race and gave them his blessing when they became the God of Chaos's believers. But they didn't realize that it was part of the God of Chaos's plots.

The blessing that the demon race accepts makes them much stronger in a short time. But the blessings also have their side effect. The side effects of the blessings were to make them feel thirst for blood and they would become the God of Chaos's slaves that would follow whatever the God of Chaos wished without having their own free will. And that's the reason for them to start the war and how they try to capture Shia to be their offering to the God of Chaos.

From the discussion with Kadaklan, Shia knows that the believers of the God of Chaos who receive the blessing will be the God of Chaos's slaves even after die. Their soul will be captured by the God of Chaos and they are unable to reincarnate anymore. It was opposite from the seer race that followed the Goddess Elyshian because they still had their freedom and were able to reincarnate.

But because of that reason, the God of Chaos want to corner the seer race and put them into despair before offering them his blessing and corrupting them. If this thing happened, then this world would meet its end. That is what Shia thought and she wants to help the seer race to be able to survive and run from the God of Chaos's scheme.

After she saw Renneshia's memories, she saw a glimpse of her future and all of it resulted in her death. At first, she wanted to avoid it but she saw the more horrible future happen. And every time Shia tries to change her future, the future will become more horrible than before. Finally, she realized that she could not avoid her fate because it would cause the world to get destroyed by the God of Chaos quicker for some unknown reason.

That's why she accepts her fate. But she also saw something similar to Renneshia and felt emphatic about her. But later Shia sees something different and strange from Renneshia and she knows that Renneshia needs her help if she wants to avoid her terrible fate. Besides the current Renneshia have the knowledge from another world. That makes Shia more confident in her plans to save Renneshia and this world from the God of Chaos's clutch.

But everything has its own price. After Shia carefully thought about her plan, she tried to peek for the fate and there was something that she could not avoid. It was related to Albina's existence and there is only one way to save her as the last dragon in this world. And it was to separate her body and soul and fuse it again in the future with the holy magic. But Shia could only entrust it to Renneshia to finish everything that she started.

And all of it ends with the current situation. The people from the temple and the seer race are running to the island that was created from Albina's body. Shia, the temple warrior and Pendragon's group are protecting them from the attack from the undead horde and God of Chaos's believers. They have a hard time because they have fewer numbers than the enemy.

"Albina, I'm sorry. I will now seal you in a sword but I decided to use Pendragon's sword because it was the only the best-quality sword that we have right now and it was the only one that was able to contain the power of your soul for more than millennia. I only want to say that I love you and always hope for your happiness." Shia said to Albina's soul with a loving smile.

'Don't worry, I promise you that I will do my best so she could live happily if I could meet her in the future.' Renneshia promised Shia as she could feel Shia's feelings.

"I know Mama always love me and will never do anything that will cause harm to me. And I love you too, Mama!" Albina's soul smiles brilliantly as she believes in Shia.

"I pray to the Goddess Elyshian for her protection to the soul and give her protection to the soul as it was sealed in the sword and give it the power to banish the wicked and the evils that want to destroy this world. I give my magic power as an offering to the Goddess. Please listen to my prayer. Holy Seal – Sword Spirit Albina." Shia chants her magic and seals Albina's soul to Pendragon's sword.

When Albina's soul flies and enters Pendragon's sword, the sword shines brightly and its shape changes. The sword becomes blunt but strangely it was so sharp and able to cut the God of Chaos's believers' bodies easily into two parts. And if the sword touches the undead, the undead will be burned by a white fire and turn into ashes instantly.

'What a powerful holy sword! As expected from a dragon soul.' Renneshia admires the sword's power.

"Albina is my dear child, so of course she is powerful. But she was too young right now and I could not save her except for this one." Shia proudly muttered in a small voice before her tone became sadder.

'She won't hate or blame you because of it because she was a smart and good child, right? That's why you should believe her and feel proud because of it.' Renneshia said and remembered the time she took care of her niece.

"Thank you." Shia muttered in a small voice.

Shia watched how powerful Pendragon and Albina power as she saw Pendragon's beautiful sword dance. A beautiful and elegant movement that defeats the enemy in front of them. The gentle and warm fire that burnt the enemies and healed the allies.

After the people from the temple and the seer race reach the island that is created from Albina's body. Shia told the temple warriors to also go to the island.

"Temple warriors. I am grateful for your faith in the Goddess and me. I won't force you but you can choose if you want to fight or go to that island and protect the people on the island until the time when you are able to return and have a wonderful future where everyone will be able to live peacefully again. Please keep believing that the Goddess will save us." Shia said with a serious tone.

Some warriors decided to go to the island and the others chose to stay with Shia and Pendragon's group. The temple warriors who decided to stay looked at Shia and they felt something wrong with Shia's actions.

"Saintess, why didn't you leave with everyone else? Is there something wrong?" Mordake asks with a strange expression on his face.

"I can't leave this continent. If everyone who wants to leave has to go to the island, then Go!" As Shia said it, the island getting bigger and moved away from the shore until it disappeared from their sight.

'So that's the reason they couldn't find that continent. Because it was moving and changing its location like that. Is it because it was made from Albina's body?' Renneshia wondered as she saw what happened.

"Right. Can you feel it?" Shia nodded her head and asked.

At first, Renneshia feels confused about what Shia means.

Tick, tock.

But then she could hear the sound of the clock ticking in Shia's ears. The ticking sounds getting louder and louder as if the clock is getting closer to her ears but there is nothing around her.

'Huh?! What is this sound? Why you are the only ones who hear it?' Renneshia asked as she saw that the other people seemed to not hear the ticking sounds.

"My end seems to getting closer." Shia muttered as if she was explaining to Renneshia.

"Are you alright, Miss Shia?" Kadaklan suddenly comes closer to Shia and worriedly asks.

"I'm alright. Don't worry about it, I have known and accepted my fate. I only hope the future will be full of happiness and peace. Please let him know that I want all of you to forget about me and please remember to have your descendants to follow your teaching and inherit your will so the future will become brighter." Shia said with a calm expression while watching Pendragon who still fighting with the God of Chaos's believers.

But then Shia saw something that made her surprised and she suddenly ran in Pendragon's direction. Renneshia felt strange but then she suddenly sees a scene where Pendragon dies. It hasn't happened so Renneshia knows that it was what Shia and Kadaklan said as peeking at the fate. Renneshia could not see everything because Shia seemed to prevent her from looking at it.

"Please don't try to peek at the future like me. Every time you see the exact future, then the more you will be unable to change it. And please remember that the God of Chaos believers are really good at hiding themselves. Like how you hide your real identity, they are also able to do it with the power of the God of Chaos and they also might be able to exist from my time until your time. Please remember everyone here. I hope it will help you in the future." Shia said as she reached Pendragon and pushed his body.

A sword stabbed Shia's chest and it pierced her heart. Shia uses her remaining power to grab the sword. She was chanting a spell in her head and it sounded like a lullaby.

"Eternal Sealed." Shia finished her spell and a blinding bright light shone at the shore.