Chapter 94

It was a breathtaking scenery. Under the moonlight, a small shadow danced as if it was praising the beautiful full moon in the dark night sky. But suddenly the person who dancing under the moonlight stopped and looked in the direction of the roof.

"Why are you hiding there in this late night?" Ludger said with a loud voice to the person on the roof.

"Hahaha, did I interrupt your training? I was just passing by when I saw someone who seemed to be dancing under the moonlight. I also want to ask you, why are you training in the middle of the night?" Darius said while jumping down from the roof.

When Ludger watched his movements, he could see that Darius made a thin ice layer in the air and used it as a stair till he reached the ground. It was the same as Ludger's observation these few weeks. Darius was the non-fighter type of person but more of an information-gathering type. But he might be someone with a high rank that makes even Hudson act polite to him.

"So, what is your true reason for spying on the roof? What are you going to do?" Ludger asks while observing his movement.

"Woah! I'm really hurt if you doubt me like that. I really just accidentally passed around here when I chasing some suspicious person that snooping around here but they suddenly disappeared and I saw you training under the moonlight. I never thought that you were hiding such talents." Darius said with a casual tone while acting exaggeratedly.

"What a coincidence, do you think that I will believe that kind of story? And I think I never hide my talents but I also think that I don't have to tell the other about it." Ludger said while trying to read Darius's intentions.

'I don't know why, but why do I feel like his appearance looks familiar? Is he the descendant of the people in Shia time?' Ludger suddenly feels strange but can't find out the reason.

"Do you think that I was the person who did that? I dare to swear on the Goddess Elyshian's name that I won't do anything that will cause you and your family harm." Darius said with a serious face.

"What is your reason for helping us?" Ludger asks with a suspicious gaze at Darius.

"Hmm, it might sound ridiculous or unbelievable but would you believe me if I said that your mother is my fate person? I have seen her in my dream from a long time ago but I couldn't find her even when I went to a few different territories after my coming age ceremony. That's also the reason why I haven't married yet." Darius explains with a serious face.

'Hmm, fate person!? Is he someone with a special ability like the people in Pendragon's group?' Ludger thought and knew that Darius was telling the truth.

"I will believe your words." Ludger nodded his head as he felt that he could believe in him.

"So, do you want to continue with your training? Can I watch it?" Darius asks with an interest face.

"Nope. I'm sleepy and want to go to sleep. You better don't cause any disturbance around here." Ludger coldly said as he went to the stairs leading to the living quarters

"What a shame. Then good night. I hope you have a good night's dream." Darius said with a slightly disappointed tone.

Ludger ignores him and gets back to the room. When Ludger carefully opened the door, he saw his mother was looking at him with a worried face.

"Did you unable to sleep? Are you having a nightmare? Why did you go out while bringing that sword?" Katarina kept questioning Ludger about what he was doing.

After that, Ludger slowly explained what he was doing but he didn't talk about the dream about Shia and his talk with Darius. Ludger didn't want his mother to be worried about something that he was not sure about. But the word 'fate' that Darius told him seems to make him remember about what Shia warned him before her death.

Ludger thought about it and felt sad when he thought that his acquaintance might be one of the God of Chaos's believers. Ludger or Renneshia realized that there is a flaw when the people in this world swear with the Goddess's name. What if the vow was ineffective if they were God of Chaos's believers? Then how could Ludger be able to see through them?

Ludger feels confused because of the problems that he should face to prevent the death flags that will happen to Renneshia. What makes Ludger uneasy is because, from Shia's memory, the follower of the God of Chaos could be anyone and at any time like what happened to Mordake.


Somewhere near the adventurer guild, a person jumps from the rooftop and lands on the ground and is greeted by someone who waiting for him.

"Did you find him? What taking you so long?" Hudson asks the person who just landed in front of him.

"I lost him midway and tried to look around for any clue. But what I find is someone who secretly trains under the moonlight. It was a really breath-taking view with the elegant movement under the moonlight that would make everyone mesmerized by it." Darius casually made a report before he started to praise the beautiful scene that he had just seen.

"Hmm, if you are coming from there then you must be talking about the Boy. I also have seen his training before and it certainly looked like he was doing a sword dance. But, under the moonlight, huh?! I don't think his movement before would fit with what you are saying. Is it a new move?" Hudson who tries to remember Ludger's movement frowns.

When he saw it before he felt that his previous movement was more like a refreshing dews rather than the calm and elegant moon. Although Ludger's movement is always beautiful, but usually every martial art has a fixed stance and movements that the disciple never dares to alter it. But Ludger easily altered it and changed it as he wished.

Hudson had asked Ludger before about his martial arts teacher but he was only surprised because Ludger said that he never learned it from the person in this world and he just casually swung his sword. Hudson thought that Ludger was a true genius but for some weird reason, he always looked down on his talents.

"What do you mean?! Does that mean that he just made it in such a short time? He really is a talented person. It makes me more interested in him." Darius said with an interested face as if someone who just found a new toy.

"Haa, I feel bad for the Boy. He was very talented as he was able to catch your interest in a short time. I thought you were only interested in his mother and that was your only reason for getting closer to him. But I never thought you would like this." Hudson said with a surprised face.

"What are you talking about?! I have been interested in that child from the first time I met him. I never thought that he had such charisma when he was still so young. And do you realize about how he could easily blend with the people in this city? It was not something that any person could easily do if they didn't have the skills to be a good leader. I say it because I know about it." Darius refutes Hudson's words and explains with a serious face.

"I caught his trace!" Elviira jumped down near them and made a report.

"He was a member of our guild. It was strange because we never feel suspicious of the strange coincidence that always happens when he does the quest with random party members. If not for your investigation about his weird movement lately as he often spies on the Red Dawn restaurant." Alvera said while looking at Darius.

"It was thanks to him who realized that person's gaze as he spied on them. From what I got, he might be someone related to the black robe group. He has been asking the people in the guild and asking the guild members about that Boy. Do you think he is aiming for the boy because he was a talented child?" Hudson said as he remembered the information that he had gathered.

"Haha, being talented really is troublesome. Even someone like Mr. Hudson has it hard because of his talents as an adventurer. But that child was talented in more than one job. So it will be really dangerous if someone captures him or uses his talents for evil deeds. This is our reason to secretly protect him so he will be able to choose his way. Because that child is wise." Darius said as they followed Elviira who led the way.

They were secretly looking for the person that has been spying at the Red Dawn restaurant these few days. After a few days of doing an investigation, they finally found a suspicious person who had been asking around about Ludger's identity. It was an adventurer who had actively worked as a veteran adventurer in this city.

After they searched for information about his background, they found out suspicious things from it. Every once in a while he would join a random party to the Labyrinth and strangely the party members would die because of an unfortunate accident. And he will be the only survivor of that accident.

When they read the report, they became certain that he was too suspicious. But when they wanted to capture him, he ran away and hid from them. They have looking for him for a few days and they finally get his trace.